A New Era for PlayStation Network Begins With Journey

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A New Era for PlayStation Network Begins With Journey

It is an incredibly exciting time for PlayStation Network and PlayStation Plus. This week we not only saw a midnight launch of Mass Effect 3 on PlayStation Network, day and date with the retail release, but we offered access to one of the best games of the year and one of the best downloadable games everā€”Journeyā€”a whole week early to PlayStation Plus subscribers. Every month PlayStation Plus subscribers are getting more and more great content out of their subscriptions, and this weekā€™s early access marked a new milestone.

A New Era for PlayStation Network Begins With Journey

PlayStation Plus now not only offers gamers early access to demos and betas but also to full downloadable games, in addition to the tons of free and discounted content and extra exclusive features like online storage for game saves and automatic updates. Thatā€™s why we are so excited to be able to deliver Journey, one of the most highly-anticipated games of the year, to our most die-hard fans, our PS Plus subscribers, a whole week early so they can experience it before everyone else.

Journey is blowing everyone away, journalists and the PlayStation Plus subscribers alike. With an average score of 92 and 12 perfect scores so far, Journey is the crowning achievement of thatgamecompany, one of our top-tier studios. Their games have grown in scale, quality, ambition and emotion, expanding from the relaxing, experimental flOw, to the accessible and award-winning ode to nature that was Flower, and now to Journey, a metaphorical representation of life, the people we meet and the connections we make during the courses of our lives.

A New Era for PlayStation Network Begins With Journey

Our fans know that PlayStation is about bringing authentic, innovative, and unique experiences to gamers that they canā€™t find anywhere else. Journey is exactly that, and represents what PSN is all about. With other exclusive games like Dead Nation, the PixelJunk series, Rochard and games like Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack and Escape Plan for PS Vita, PlayStation Network is the ultimate online game platform and premier content destination for gamers looking for the most unique gaming experiences available.

We are just getting warmed up! PS Plus subscribers ā€“ youā€™ve still got a few more days to download Journey before everyone else, and I know youā€™re going to love it and remember your experience with it for years to come. So check it out today with your PlayStation Plus exclusive early access, or starting next Tuesday when it is released to the entire PlayStation Nation. And donā€™t forget to watch for more early, exclusive, free and discounted content coming to PS Plus month in and month out.

One last Journey note: later this morning, thatgamecompany will be chatting live with fans on PlayStation.com. Come armed with your questions; we begin at 10am Pacific right here.

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  • I have so many games waiting, but this one has happily been added to the queue.

  • Can’t wait to play it. Just release it already!!

  • For any PS+ members who haven’t picked it up yet, you really should. I played through it the night it released, and it’s honestly one of the most engaging experiences I’ve had on the PS3. It’s one of those few games that will stick with you in the years the come.

  • I’m wondering what makes a game a PSN exclusive. Is Rochard and the PixelJunk series considered exclusive? I ask because I’ve also seen these games on Steam. How does PSN exclusivity work?

  • Dear PlayStation:

    DO NOT lose these small indie studios! I’m hearing rumors thatgamecompany’s exclusivity deal has ended with Journey. Do whatever it takes to keep them! We need more exclusive and inexpensive downloadable games like Dead Nation, Escape Plan, and Rocketbirds. But we need even better ones! We need the next Limbo or Braid to be a PlayStation exclusive!

  • This game was one of the reasons why I chose Sony. This and Last Guardian, that now IĀ“ve heard is getting help from my all time favorite compnay: Square!

  • Played it last night start to finish and had the most friendly, fun and enriching multiplayer experience ever in a game!
    The game itself is what it is, and what it is, is different for each person probably, so, go play it!

  • Joining PS Plus was one of the best things I ever did.
    But I didn’t get this post.
    “New era”, “new milestone” and the post itself passed the idea that something epic is coming up to PSN, something new. But you didnt mentioned what….

  • The game looks amazing (graphically) I really like the style and all butā€¦$14.99 for a 2 hour game?
    Thatā€™s just a bit too much, for me anyway. Sorry guys >_<ā€™

    I hope it does really well and that a Vita version is in the works. Good luck to you guys over at ThatGameCompany.

  • I just finished my first play through a half hour ago. This game is a masterpiece. The visuals are stunning, the game play is intuitive, the joining of other players is intuitive.

    Oh, and Austin is a musical genius.

    Everyone, just buy it. Pre-order it or buy it right now if you have Plus.


  • I just want to ask everyone who wants more exclusive games for PS. Why does it matter? I honestly couldnt think of any reason. As long as its for the ps3 what difference does it make to you? Plus games developers or who ever is affected by this would make more money by selling it on different platforms.

    This is a great game but im just happy i can play it, honestly if i couldnt play it on ps3 …there are a million other choices on the PSN and disc

  • @wcoastsands
    Hmmm.. nice point. I guess they see as exclusive everything that is not on other console

  • I finally got a chance to play Journey yesterday, and all I can say is WoW! The game is so simple yet so breathtaking! Journey has to be one of my favorites of all time if you ask me. And I only played it once! The 1-3 hours I spent on the game really blew me away! I beat the game in one sitting. I think the length of the game was perfect, and I hope to see more great games like Journey on the PSN, and only on the PSN! I don’t care what you say, I live, breath SONY!

  • Time to ink thatgamecompany to another round of great games just for PS3.

  • I’m firing up my ps3 right now to buy this game. I would of bought it Tuesday but I went with sly cooper , figured I’d play the free one first >< That said however I've since finished with the ring tail and am now ready to experience Journey. Here goes!

  • I echo all those who say this game is a masterpiece. If your gaming standards are 99 cents phone games, then maybe this masterpiece isn’t for you. If you have the sensitivity of a mountain troll, maybe this masterpiece isn’t for you.

    I originally intended to play this game offline for my first run through, but I accidentally hit start & played online. Wow, what an incredible experience. If it’s only 2 hours for you, you rushed & didn’t find everything. Play it again, & slow down & savor the journey.

  • @5 I agree.
    If anyone who publishes with Playstation truly puts out the Playstation image, it would be thatgamecompany. Playstation should SERIOUSLY consider purchasing them. They represent the Playstation ideals, don’t let them go.

  • It’s a good game, but I do have two complaints. It’s too short, and it’s overpriced. $14.99 for a game you can finish in two hours is a bit pricey. I would have liked a longer adventure, and priced at $9.99. Still, looking forward to more games from thatgamecompany.

    I have found everything in the game, I played through twice. I just need one trophy for finding all the cloth creatures in the desert.

  • I love Journey! It’s an incredible experience. It’s pretty short if you rush through it but in a way it works because you can complete the game multiple times with different people have have a different experience each time. I really love it. It’s almost like a multiplayer version of ICO.

  • Hey, I’m not getting squat in the chat window. Is it because I’m on an iPadd using AT&T?

  • After I finished Journey I just sat there staring at the screen. A few moments later I started a new game and finished it again; played it back to back as if it were one of my favorite songs. I’ve never done that with a game before.

  • I have no doubt that I would like the game, but after watching some videos I just cannot for the life of me figure out what is so awesome and groundbreaking about it. If it is as short as everyone is saying then it’s way overpriced as well. I honestly don’t buy into all the hype for this game.

  • Journey is just an incredible feat for gaming. It truly shattered all of my expectations and was the best $15 I’ve ever spent.

    For the people who don’t have PS Plus and are buying it next Tuesday, you’re in for a magnificent experience.

  • I’m a PS Plus subscriber but I preordered it at retail and now I have to wait like everyone else! :(

  • Still not sold on Journey. And Vita needs a good Bundle before I will buy one. And Remote Play that works. most Vita games can be found on PS3 and there cheaper.

  • Played this game last night and completed it, and let me say this is one of the best games I have ever played. I ended up meeting 7 different people, but I finished my journey by myself. This game could bring a emotional person to tears with its beauty.

  • So in other words you DELAYED it a week for everyone else, which is why I won’t be touching it.

  • I remember a couple years ago when Sony reps said full game downloads were just too large to be on the network due to hard drive sizes and network speed concerns.

    Times have sure changed, a shame my internet connection is still stuck in the mesozoic era!

  • Was in the beta, bought the game, it’s a Masterpiece! 8)

  • Sony, I highly recommend not losing Thatgamecompany. Do everything you can to keep these glorious Gods of video game development. My money will forever follow where they go in the future. After playing Journey, I can’t not support these devs.

  • @26, you may not realize it, but you just slipped a spoiler. Please don’t do that anymore. Let every first timer discover all those surprises for themselves, like I did for that spoiler on my first play through.

    And, alert, something funny is up with the server. People’s avatars just reverted to old ones, like mine just did, after I was booted off & had to relog in.

  • @ jack

    dear jack,

    when are we going to see content for ps plus for vita? also any word on a weather/news app for vita? thnx

  • Oh, never mind, my avatar is back

  • Sounded more like a Journey promo than anything about a new era for PSN.

  • @4 wcoastsands
    They were first released on PlaySation, so they were exclusives for a while. Also I think there is only one Pixeljunk game on Steam.

  • This is why you guys (Sony) need to sign Thatgamecompany up for more exclusive games. DON’T let them go multiplatform.

  • Has anyone had trouble with the audio for this game? I just downloaded it this morning and there is no audio when I play the game. I have tried to navigate the PS menu items while the game is loaded and I don’t hear any bleep (or click) noises when I hover over a menu item (I have this feature enabled in the sound settings). However, when I quit the game and hover over the menu items the bleep noise is audible. Also, when I hover over the Journey selection under the game menu, I can hear the music that plays when you hover over any game (I believe it’s audio that is featured in each game). I know that the issue can’t be with my PS3 (old “fat” model). Has anyone else experienced this? Any suggestions?

    Thank you for your time.

  • SIGN UP! ! ! ‘Thatgamecompany’ & ‘Quantic Dream’ SONY! ! ! :P
    It will make you stronger for next Gen to having those guys being PS4 Exclusive & it will make Evil Micro$oft weaker next Gen to! LoL:D

  • Really looking forward to it because PS Plus needs a stronger push and aside from Journey there hasn’t been that many great PSN exclusives.

  • PS3 actually has exclusives, but if these are on computer that is not exclusive.

    its like the xbox where all their exclusives are actually on the computer and so none of them are exclusive obviously.

    We have games that are true exclusives, meaning only on Playstation! Not computer!!!!

    I cant really think of any xbox true exclusives, can you?

  • Im telling you this game is a classic . I really enjoyed playing it.. i think sony has a knack for finding great gaming dev. 1st they found rockstar games , then they found naughty dawgs as well as many others. Ill say thiis sony you need to aquire these guys thatgamecompany, tinki/crete.. also the team that made linger of the shadows as well as many other psn dev teams ..

    I would hate to say it but these studio pants are just to big for psn games only and minis, they need to be making retail games for the sony brand as well as digital.. Also if you havent play the jounery do your self a favor dl it. Its a instant classic.

    Also mr bauer is right the whipping of sony to these other gaming console has only just begun..So pick up your whipping stick and let loose. DL the journey today with psn plus :)

    vp psn legioniarrre group

  • ok, I hear all you guys saying about purchasing thatgamecompany, exclusives, not letting them go multiplataform, and all those stuff so I gotta give my opinion.

    I’m absoluttely AGAINST exclusives.
    I hate the fact that I need to buy 3 different consoles in order to play all the fantastic games out there.
    IF by a small chance, exclusive games didn’t exist anymore, guess what will happen? Industries would have to ‘win’ customers by offering a better service, a better console, lower prices, smarter promotions…. and WE gamers will have the benefit.

    Thatgamecompany is unique and Sony did a great job in making that 3 game deal contract,
    But I really don’t get why someone would hope for an exlusive other than to brag themselfs about having this console and not the other. This is fanboy stupid.

    Gamers are the one who lose with exclusives, when you guys will realize that?

  • For those that say this game is too short/too expensive etc… it is one of the best PSN games ever. You can play through it on one sitting but as soon as youre finished youre going to want to play it again. Honestly, it is amazing.. dont pass this game up

  • Thanks so much for this game . I can’t say enough good things about it so I won’t even try . Other than to say it’s something I’ll always remember . I’ve been playing games since the Atari days and have never played anything like this .

  • Absolutely love this game and is easily now one of my all time favorites. No other game has provided me the sort of experience that Journey has. Never before have I felt emotions like this while playing a game and I’m truly thankful for having gotten to experience this. Everyone needs to play this!

  • journey is an absolute masterpiece.. finished the game 4 times and it keeps getting better.. the bond you form with some of the other travelers is pure magic. very deep and emotional.. hope a ton of people play this game, for the experience and to support TGC, a great studio, who put 3 years of their lives into this amazing journey

  • Please stop calling games that are on PC ‘exclusives’. xP You’re losing the PixelJunk series in some ways it seems.

    You have enough actual exclusives to pick from without lying, or misusing the term ‘exclusive’ to apply where it shouldn’t.

  • Guys, seriously.


    I simply can’t stop playing it!

    For everyone who’s saying that it is too short / expensive: Just wait for some discount. Flow and Flower had their expensive launch prices as well. Also, they are also “short”, but were just as impressive as Journey.
    But thatgamecompany’s games are all alike in this aspect, so this game is recommended to whoever liked the other two or is curious / interested in them.
    These games are kinda “zen” and aren’t meant to be finished quickly. Remember that there is no time limit for anything. Explore everything! Enjoy what the game has to offer! Wander around a bit and lose your way! That is what’s going to make the game last longer. Don’t use guides for the secrets because they are easy enough to find and there will be tons of glorious sightseeing and BGM to compensate for the time spent.

  • @46: You should relax a bit before insulting people,and call anyone a liar. Nobody is lying, is a CONSOLE EXCLUSIVE.
    @5: Unfortunately it is true, next game for thatgamecompany is going to be multiplatform, really sad that Sony didn’t react faster with this studio.

  • Since Flow is already on the PSP, you guys could make some kind of bundle with Flower for Vita and then eventually launch Journey for it.
    Can’t see why it wouldn’t work, just saying.

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