Ni Hao PlayStation Playas, this is John Diamonon, the Brand Manager for Resident Evil in North America, and it’s been a while my friends. Last time I was here, I announced MvC3 and you were all like, “Yeah!” This time, I have news that’s gonna make you say, “EFF yeah!”
It’s my pleasure to announce that the next installment of the canonical Resident Evil series, Resident Evil 6, returns on November 20, 2012. That gives you a whole month to enjoy the game (enjoy life really) before the end of the Mayan calendar when the real zombie apocalypse happens. We figure you might need some practice killing the infected to prepare yourself. Oops. Did I say zombies? Resident Evil 6 has zombies?
Watch the trailer and find out.

WHAAAAATTTTT??? Man, when I had hair in the 90’s, it looked exactly like Leon’s. I seriously think there’s No Hope Left for his doo. He needs a fade or something.
Anyway, comment below and tell me what you think. Oh. It might be a day before I get around to answering your questions. I’m at the Mezzanine San Francisco (444 Jesse St.) setting up for our Fright Club: The Resident Evil Experience where we’re showcasing Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City (available 3.20.12) and other RE titles.
If you’re in the area and over 21+, I invite you to come by tonight and celebrate with us. Our musical line-up includes Murs, David Banner, Del tha Funkee Homosapien with Dan the Automator, The Alchemist and Oh No, DJ Qbert and Domino. Doors open at 8:00pm, but you need to come real early since admission is free!
Sweet this game looks fun. I hope it blows Resident Evil 5 away.
Hell Yes!!!!!! This looks fantastic! My 2012 just keeps getting better and better! Day one for sure.
It’s funny how the name “Resident” Evil was a good fit only for the first or second game (both take place inside a location and not much outdoors). But the whole Resident part has been rather nonsensical pretty much in every title since. It would have been lots better if they had kept the Japanese title name “BioHazard” (also funny they use an English title in the first place and the rest of the world had to change it anyway).
Why does Capcom ask what fans want from the series, and why do they talk about going back to its roots ifit just turns out to be the same bang bang action shooter that continues to move further and further away from what the series was built on? Its been more about in your face over the top action than survival horror for the last handful of installments.
if it has Co-op please take it out i dont want to play with dumb AI partner like in last game thx
This is not “Resident” Evil. This is more like “All over the place” evil.
RE5 was supposed to be 10-11 years after the first game events (2009 as noted in-game). And according to this trailer RE6 is 10 years after the first game events, so this could be either late 2008 – late 2009.
Can you confirm? If this is to be set after the events of RE5, is it only a few months apart?
@ MarinoBrea
It was hard for CAPCOM to trademark the name Biohazard in America, there was already a game, a band and I dunno what else more.
This is an action game through and through. I long for Resident Evils like 1, 2, 3, or CVX. Don’t get me wrong, RE4 was a good action game, didn’t bother playing 5 because the demo sucked. I guess if we want a good survival horror game we’ll have to rely on ND to deliver that experience.
When is Capcom gonna learn that we don’t need action elements in Resident Evil. Characters jumping, dodging and punching zombies in the face? I’m so disappointed. Where are the survival horror elements that made Resident Evil one of the best franchises? I grew up playing Resident Evil 1,2 & 3 and it saddens me to look at Resident Evil 5 and 6 with such disgust. Capcom want to learn some basics of a Scary survival horror? Look at EA and Visceral Games Dead Space and learn.
I got a question for you John – Is it true that both Umbrella Chronicles and Darkside Chronicles is coming in HD with PS Move support? I got a PS Move w/ Sharpshooter collecting dust in my bedroom lol.
Pretty excited for this. Lovin having Leon and Chris in the same game. Not liking the third playable character. (The mercenary) Get rid of him and give us Claire!! Who is the blonde girl? She looks and sounds like Ashley.
Could you set the record straight and confirm whether the blonde girl is Ashley Graham or Sherry Birkin?
John, are you going to release Revelations on Vita since that RE game for PSP you announced awhile back never eventuated?
@ DoTheKiller91
That is very true. So is other House of the Dead games.
I hope the game play isn’t anything like RE 5… I liked the game but it was more based on having a second player with you… Im i life time long fan of the RE franchise and im really hoping RE 6 goes back to a true single player survival horror… plz tell me it is john xD
My next game for PS3
Looks good.
But as for Revelations, port it to the Vita or forget it for me.
I played the demo on my 3ds and it controlled terrible.
Is Paul Mercier going to voice Leon again? :)
Can’t wait.
2 RE games in one year….that’s just CRAZY talk.
Any benefits for having an ORC save when firing up RE6?
Eff Yea, thanks Capsule Computers!
Looks like a return to form, can’t friggin wait and hope the CE will be awesome so I can support you guys with more money.
could that mercenary be vector or hunk?
If you change the controls to style C, you can have a great time with it if you’ve ever played games like Peace Walker which uses face buttons to replace a second stick. But of course, the second stick also comes out with this new RE so you can play it that way too, just like RE5. Not trying to defend 3DS or anything lol, just helping you enjoy an awesome demo!
“Anyway, comment below and tell me what you think. Oh. It might be a day before I get around to answering your questions.”
day 5: Are you ready to answer questions?
Q: What happened to the Resident Evil PSP game??
Seven years of PSP life and no RE game to be had=sad gamers.
Not everyone here owns a PS3.
Just Saying.
P.S. This game looks cool. But I enjoy the classic Resident Evil games. You know the ones- 1 though 3 & Code Veronica. Real Survivor Horror.
Here’s to hoping the Portable Resident Evil, be it on VITA or PSP, plays the way many RE gamers have been dying for.
Thanks for reading.