Flying through the vector digital utopia of Rez was a defining moment for me when I played it on the PS2. And when Q Entertainment released Lumines for the PSP soon after, Tetsuya Mizuguchi and his team easily became one of my favorite developers.
Now the team comes full circle with Lumines: Electronic Symphony, a launch window title for PS Vita. Producer James Mielke joins me on camera and introduces the next generation of Lumines, an addictive musical puzzle journey. Lumines: Electronic Symphony was built from the ground up to take advantage of the PS Vita’s potent graphical capabilities and unique touch mechanics on both the rear and front OLED screen, giving you immersive control on over three dozen tracks with every quantized musical note at your finger tips.
Have questions about Lumines: Electronic Symphony? Hit me up in the comments and I’ll do my best to shed some light.
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