If you’re eagerly anticipating picking up a PlayStation Vita at launch, February 22nd probably feels distressingly far away. “But I want to play NOW,” you may be thinking, feeling, and/or shouting. We understand.
That’s why we’re going to be fanning out across the country to give loyal PlayStation fans the the opportunity to go hands on with the PS Vita months before launch, through a series of Vita Social Clubs. And for people in the San Francisco Bay Area, that opportunity comes knocking this Thursday with the grand opening of the Vita Hill Social Club. We’ll be bringing the food and the beverages, but most importantly, we’ll be bringing the Vitas. Dozens and dozens of them. Bring extra hands!
The Vita Hill Social Club will give you the opportunity to play tons of PS Vita games, including UNCHARTED: Golden Abyss, LittleBigPlanet, Little Deviants, WipEout 2048, ModNation Racers, Reality Fighters, and Hot Shots Golf in a relaxing setting. We’ll also be raffling off a few things… maybe even a PS Vita (correction: yes, we will).
Here’s what you need to know:
Thursday, Dec 1st, 2011 from 5:00 – 9:00pm Pacific TimeLocation
Vita Hill Social Club
1694 Union Street (at Gough)
San Francisco, CA 94123RSVP Here
Not in San Francisco? Don’t worry, we’ll be opening up PS Vita Social Clubs all around the US in the near future. We’re also set up in several malls across the country right now. We’re planning more meet-ups in January – many in cities we haven’t been to before – so stay tuned.
In the meantime, see you Thursday, San Francisco!
I don’t understand why you guys are complaining about the prices for the ps vita memory cards. The vita cards are about $5 cheaper than the memory sticks for the psp.
Jeff , don’t you think the psvita’s memory cards are too expensive ? and do you think the memory card prices will ever drop ?
what is the class of the PS Vita Memory Card?
Will the psvita world tour come to Miami, or Jacksonville, or anywhere in the Florida area? I really want to play a ps vita!!!
come to canada please…especially saskatchewan…sony has stores in saskatoon…don’t they?
for the ps vita when it comes out with the 3g can it be availabe for the phone company virgin mobile?
Look out for the Portland, Or area, too
I’m in the Air Force and stationed in Anchorage Alaska. It would be real cool if Vita Hill Social Club can make it up here. Can’t wait until February 22nd to get here!
the more i wait, the better
Come to New York City!!!
Come to Atlantic City, NJ
@51 2 wrongs dont make a right… Vita will flop with those prices. Launching without any internal memory = another terrible sony decision.
Dam. I Hate Major Cites.
This is cool, too bad the memory cards are wayyyyyyy overprice. If they stuck with the M2 format, PSPgo users might not feel as cheated (since the PSPgo pretty much failed).
I was there today and i was 1 number away to win a vita. but i won a cup holder from sony wich is great. ill be there on saturyday with people so i can get more prizes. i hope TED PRICE go so i can finally meet the greatest president in all gaming.
yuo should really come to maine! There are a lot of people in maine who would really like to see the vita!
come to Cali …… to Indio, Palm Springs, Palm Desert, or Cochella…….760
With the PS Vita, can it be available for more phone companies like virgin mobile, teleus, and more? Then that would make it super epic for everybody if it was available for every phone company and would increase the profit for you guys and make more people happy too. It would be super great because where I live A & T isn’t available and I need a cellphone, and this would make a perfect cellphone.
please!!! COME TO NEW YORK; i wanna take the ps vita in my hands, i’ve been waiting for it since summer was starting… mm and another thing is : why you guys gonna release the ps vita on feb 22??!! that’s so freaking far away,, i think it should be released on december 31 or something..
It would be nice if you guys game to Detroit Michigan. I know several people along with myself who’d attend. But as with all other things that seems so close, yet so far away.. we’re gamers too
From, where I live, it’s a 56 minute drive. I don’t want to take an hour just to play video games. Could you put one a PS Vita event in Oakland, CA? Or maybe one in Berkely, CA?
Oh, and could you also set up an event at the Westfield Valley Fair Mall? Or at the Westfield San Fransisco Centre?
does anybody know if monster hunter portable 3rd will be coming out later on for the vita?