Greetings all, hopefully you’ve been getting to spend some quality time with UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception these past few weeks. We are grateful for all the positive fan feedback and thank you for the support! I’m not here today to talk about U3, though. We’ve been getting many, many requests asking about Jak and Daxter coming to PS3, and I’m happy to announce that the series will make its PS3 debut this February with the launch of the Jak and Daxter Collection.
The Jak and Daxter Collection features three of our favorite Jak and Daxter titles – Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy, Jak II, and Jak 3 – all remastered by Mass Media, working closely with our team at Naughty Dog. With the launch of Jak and Daxter Collection, you’ll be able to experience the adventures of Jak and his Daxter in 720p high definition with crisper visuals, smoother gameplay animation, and in full stereoscopic 3D. And, I’m sure all of you hardcore collectors will be happy to hear that each game in the trilogy features full PS3 trophy support.
The Jak and Daxter franchise set a benchmark for the platformer genre with its huge environments and gaming freedom. In fact, it holds seven world records in the Guinness World Records: Gamer’s Edition 2008 including the First Seamless 3D World in a Console Game. As you can imagine, there’s a lot of love for the franchise here at Naughty Dog, and it has a very special place in our hearts. If you can believe it, the Jak and Daxter franchise will be celebrating its 10th anniversary this year on December 4th and we’ll be checking in with you via the PlayStation.Blog to help us celebrate. In the meantime, let me know your favorite Jak and Daxter memories in the comments and be sure to stay tuned to the blog to for the latest Jak and Daxter Collection news.
missed these the first time around, definitely gonna pick these up.
My favourite part is when Jak 4 is announced by Naughty Dog. Because that IS happening, right???
Awesome! Going to be picking this one up for sure! :D
awesome XD
Okay Sony wheres my damn Kingdom Hearts series at? This is great news indeed but I want my KH now -_-
Yes! I own the 3 jak and daxter games on the ps2. Can’t wait for this!
This is really awesome. Any chance of putting Jak X for download?
It’s the only game in your discography I don’t own and I wanted to get a chance to try it out.
it would of been nice to have Jak and daxter racing game, daxter on the PSP and the jak and daxter game that came out for the PSP/PS2 on this
share(dot)blog(dot)us(dot)playstation(dot)com(right dash)ideas(right dash)2011(right dash)11(right dash)10(right dash)jak-and-daxter-guide-mapposter
link to idea to put the poster that came with the original jak and daxter into every new copy of the collection! If you’re a jak and daxter fan or if you just want to help fellow playstation fans out please thumb up this idea so naughty dog will listen!
Jak HD Collection it’s very good.. definitively i’ll buy!
BTW, why not the lost frontier?
Please, RATCHET AND CLANK HD COLLECTION! Everyone want’s this… how about a OFFICIAL POLL? and Sony sends to INSOMNIAC GAMES? x)
Yay! Never owned a PS2, but always wanted to play this series! Always looked like fun to me. Definitely day one purchase fore me as well. :)
I love you for this. This franchise is by far the best platformer games I’ve ever played, so original, creative and fun!
I understand if you cannot answear me this but, well you know when you completed all three games in The Sly Collection you got a Sly 4 teaser… As I said I understand fully if you cannot comment on that but if you can say anything at all about it, do you get anything after completing all three games?
Once again! I love you, so sick of shooters and “realistic” games. Games are meant to be fun, they are meant to make you feel good, Jak and Daxter for me did alot of things… It’s actually one of the main reasons I’m still into gaming.
Beautiful colours, beautiful worlds. Simply put, they are golden gems!
Also it would be great to see the badass Jak X Combat Racing and Daxter.
NO LOST FRONTIER! It wasn’t worthy the title “Jak and Daxter” it was an abomination. It wasn’t even Jaks voice (Mike/Michael Erwin) He’s Jak. No one else.
HEY Eric Monacelli
What Happen to Jak X: Combat Racing????
MY BODY IS READY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
YES!!!!!!!!! Finally!!! Thank you Naughty Dog, Sony, and Mass Media you’ve brought back my child hood!!!
About effing time they make a HD Collection of these wonderful games. (:
Why not 1080p? The God of War Collection was 1080p, you’re becoming a little slack guys.
I’m glad they got the login issues corrected for the blog. Just wanted to pop in and say, like the other Sony collections, this will be a day 1 buy for me. Can’t wait to get my 3 Jak platinum trophies.
Cool, 2 and 3 were amazing. Didn’t get far in 1
Only the first game is any good.
The second was trying too hard to totally wreck the charm of the first game with time travel and future weapons and an overblown overworld. I mean, a goatee? :/
The third at least had neat cars, the whole Dark Eco/Light Eco thing just … man, that series totally sucked after the first game was so good. I have no idea what you guys were thinking.
Yes! I was hoping that they would do this for a long time! Can’t wait. I’m sooooo glad that they didn’t include the “Lost Frontier” game in there; That one doesn’t deserve to be in the Jack and Daxter series!
So what about some combat racing with online play,remastered with trophies and btw ratchet’s overdue with a collection but i have word there’s a new single player ratchet for fall 12 and a possible GOW 4 also fall 12.
Let me know.
Finally!!! :D I have been waiting a long time for it! Thank you!!! :)
The PlayStation blog is my home page and when I opened my browser and saw Jak looking back at me… A very large smile came across my face ^_______________^
I’ve been saying this was going to happen ever since the Sly Cooper collection came out. I am so very very very glad I was right thank you so much Naughty Dog.collection Platformers feel like a dead genre at this point (Ratchet and Clank being an exception) and I’m glad to see some of the best coming back for me to replay!
I never played this games… But I will start with this collection for sure!
Yes!! I’m so excited! :) One of my favorite games of all time!
Jak 4?!!
This game on ps2, used to give me the biggest headaches, like the one when u gotta get 24 balls or sumthin, then u gotta get another 48 LOL
I love and still have the first one.
Never got a chance to play the others. I would buy this if it was just the first. Getting the other two in the collection is like free games!
Hopefully you guys make another Jak game and let Uncharted rest for a while. U3 you can feel the staleness creeping up on it. Timing is good, make it happen!
Oh yea! Day 1! Now Make a Ratchet & Clank Collection and a Socom Collection!
@Geist226: You mean Jak 5, right? Jak 4 exists – you can buy it right now: http://ps2.ign.com/articles/104/1042848p1.html
I just shat myself.
will you guys also release them individually? i have 1 and 2 but i’d still like to play the third
make a R&C collection!
Looking forward to this! I sold my PS2 copies of the games years ago when I was in need of some money, and have been hoping for something like this to get me playing them again, especially since I’m always up for earning more trophies. And yes, I agree with everyone saying that now that both Jak and Sly are getting this treatment, Ratchet deserves the same.
Can’t bloody wait, the 1st three J&D on PS3 including Trophies!Bloody brilliant, with 3months away they might reconsider and put in Jak X also. Who knows this collection could be a teaser for a Jak 4 like the Sly Trilogy. When the PS Vita is released will Daxter be purhase able on the PS Store with changed controls for the PS Vita?I know im forgetting the Lost Frontier but honestly who wants to remember that?played the demo and never thought or wanted to know about it again, u cant even call it a J&D. Hope to hear more about the Collection soon.
Great I can’t wait to try these out. I totally missed out on them back on the ps2 and after naughty dog winning me over with uncharted I would love to play their earlier games. And in HD! Yeah!
Has already been pe-ordered. One of the BEST series to grace the PlayStation 2 console. I missed out the first time around. I could easily pick up the originals and play them on my PS3 console (which I will probably do), but I’m definitely getting the remaster adventures coming this February.
Thanks Sony. Thanks Naughty Dog…
Missed the games on the ps2 due to money, i am very happy to get a second chance on what i heard to be one of the best series in sony’s library.
Finally! Thank you Naughty Dog, I’ve been waiting for this forever! I figured since the Sly Collection was released it was only a certain amount of time before Jak and Daxter got released! :) I still have all 3 games still on PS2! Now what’s next is a Ratchet & Clank Collection!
I don’t think I’ve felt this anticipation for video games in a long, long time, almost not since the colorful bunch Crash Bandicoot PS1 days.
OMG, so soon?! /fansqueel
Please say you’re only going to be doing cosmetic changes to the games, I want them to play just how they did on PS2 (crazy glitches and all!) :D
cool i guess. i own all three games and that is exactly why i won’t be getting this. its getting annoying how many of these “hd collections” we’re seeing. if there wasn’t a market for ps2 emulation on the ps3 then why the hell are we getting these collections? i know this is probably not the place to say all this but yeah, i loved the games but i won’t pay for something i already own.
YEAHHH! When I get money I will definitely want to buy this!
those Jak and Daxter games were some of my favorites back in the day, I’d say if they made a new one a lot of people would pick it up, those games were great, hell I know I’d pre-order a copy.
Should come out for Vita too
Are their any plans for a Vita release?
Tell Sony port Capcom vs. SNK 2 in HD to the PS3