After many, many months of hard work we are happy to announce that the Starhawk Private Beta will be live on PSN beginning Tuesday, November 22nd! As you may have read in Dylan’s last PlayStation.Blog post, a selected a number of loyal Warhawk players who have opted-in to receive PlayStation emails will receive Private Beta keys, so if you played Warhawk there’s a chance that you’ll have a voucher invitation in your email in the upcoming weeks! If you don’t get on day one, don’t get discouraged: our Private Beta will be “slow rolled.” That means that we’ll slowly add more fans and features as the Private Beta progresses.
Making a game is hard work, but it’s also a lot of fun! To show you what I mean, check out this new Behind the Scenes video to give you an inside look at the SCEA Santa Monica/LightBox Interactive working life! We really, really appreciate the Warhawk faithful joining us in our Beta efforts. Hopefully this video will give you all some insight into our day to day lives. You Warheads are always at the forefront of our thoughts, as you will see.
Be sure to visit www.StarhawkTheGame.com for the extended version!
For those of you that get Private Beta access very early, you can expect to play Capture the Flag on a couple of maps to your heart’s content.
You’ll be able to find games via our Matchmaker system or choose your own game server via our Game Lists. We’ve kept the initial roll out pretty tight as we exercise the systems, but we’ll open the kimono inch by inch so keep playing to see what we have in store for you.
We Want Your Feedback!
Please bang on the Private Beta and help us make Starhawk the greatest possible game. We’ll do our best to avoid hiccups, but you may see some bugs or other unintended gremlins — it’s all part of the process. We ask those of you that play in the Private Beta to participate in the Starhawk Private Beta Forum located here(note: If you’re accepted into the Private Beta, you’ll notice a “Beta Central” section here). This forum is set up to help us collect feedback, bugs, feature requests, etc. Keep it clean, respectful, and specific so that we can try to address your issues. You’ll need to log in with your PSN account and choose the “PSN Beta” tab under your log-in name. If you aren’t in the Beta, you won’t be allowed access to this forum so please be patient.
How to Gain Access to the Starhawk Private Beta
We’ll be looking to unlock the door for registered players later on in the Private Beta. Fans that want to get in but may not get an invite can increase their chances by registering on the official site. Remember, we can’t send you Private Beta keys unless you have opted-in to receive them. Check out this Beta FAQ page for more info. We’ll also be working with great partners like G4, IGN, GameSpot, GameTrailers, 1UP, Kotaku, WIRED, USA Today, CNET, Maxim, and TIME (just to name a few) to make sure there are even more chances for you to get into the Private Beta. Even our community manager, HawkStar Jay, has a handful he’s itching to give away, so stay tuned for more details!
Finally, if you have a Starhawk Public Beta voucher from UNCHARTED 3, you are guaranteed access in early 2012. We’ll have even more features, game modes, guns, weapons, and general goodness to show during that next Beta phase.
Congratulations to those of you fans that got (or will get) an invite, we love your enthusiasm and loyalty. We don’t think of a Private Beta as a privilege for you. You’re doing us a favor and helping to create Starhawk…and we thank you.
Warheads….have fun! Everyone else, stay tuned! We’ve got a lot more in our bag o’ tricks!
Dude i just got my code THANKS i have to wait 65 mins before i can play im thinking of calling in sick for work LOL
Oh man I hope I get the beta I’ve been playing Warhawk for years religiously almost daily and I have been a general for almost 2 years and have had platnum for awhile now!
I’ve played a ton of Warhawk Split Screen, but not much Single Screen. Will this lower my chances?
If I could get into the beta, I’d love it. I’d get back to you ASAP about any bugs etc.
I play about 8 hours every day, and have spent around £3000 on the PS Store.
I hope you’ll consider me as a candidate!
Any love for the UK peeps? I also have Plus. :)
I really loved warhawk and I am so excited by starhawk!!!Can anyone give me a beta code?
the private blog not working
man im a warhawk head even won a champios blade and i didnt get a code
Pretty bummed this “WARHAWK” faithful got absolutely nothing in any of the 5 accounts created, just to house my WH clan. :(
Can’t Wait For The Public One! A Friend On PSN realized it was my Bday (Which Is Today Of This Post) So he gave me a Early Public Voucher! Can’t wait till January To Use it!!!
Just dropping by to say Thank you Lightbox for sending me a Beta Invite, I was honestly not expecting that. Makes me appreciate my time spent in Warhawk all the more.
Can’t wait to hop online and test the game out.
I only have 155ish hours logged but my PS3 broke and I had to make a new profile. On the previous profile I logged about 900 hours and was a general… would i be considered for the beta? I really want to play it. And by the way I play Warhawk about 3 times every week for maybe 2 hours or so
please choose me..
i have 47 percent on the warhawk trophies-its hard to level up-sorry i didnt post any sooner
je pense que c est une belle blague , le choix qu il font pour donner les clef ,
-ex des mecs qui ont cheater a tous va, l obtienne !!!
-j ai 3ans et demi de jeux et je n ai rien recu , je ne suis pas decu , mais je voulais tester la beta etant decu des videos vu par le game week
reveil toi dylan warhawk is good
starhawk =bide=floap
man i was seriously in 2 warhawk wish i had a code T.T that and i wish i would stop having sign in issues on the site lol
My promotion code from Uncharted 3 for the private Beta won’t be accepted on the PS store. I entered it correctly 3 times but it still won[t work what do i do? or what can i do so i can try Starhawk?
I’ve been on Warhawk ranking up since 2007, check my stats!! I even work for Advantage sales and marketing whom Sony hired to market the PS3 and Games at retail stores. So I would really be able to promote this game if I had a beta code to play pleasseeee!
Just got a private beta invite w000t! I LOVED WARHAWK!!!!!!!! SUGA and AIR RAIDERS!! Starhawk here I come!
I just received my beta code! By reading many of your post, I am not near as good as the majority of you, but I will “die” trying! Good luck and half fun to all! :)
Can people who haven’t played the game (cause the place is too far) still have a chance to get the beta?
Public beta soon?
am i the only person in the world not to get in on the beta ? my warhawk wr is 513 thought i would be in on this by now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plz plz send me 1
Bought WH on day one and have played it ever since (I suck but I am loyal :)
Received my beta code and now ready to launch into the new universe and get my a$$ handed to me as usual !
Thanks for the opportunity and for the years of fun I have had with WH .. hope this one is as good!
They “Started rolling Slowly” Cause I’m ‘Slow’ and I got mine! Woot!
Warhawk was the first PS3 game I ever played, and it has been probably my favorite game since. I stopped playing about a year ago, but have been following the progress of Starhawk with gusto.
Didn’t think I was going to get in the Beta, but you guys have made my [DELETED] day! Can’t wait to get home and get my Starhawk on!
Yay i got into the Beta. Got my key yesterday. I have tried it and i have to say its brilliant. Loving the new combat, much more refined than Warhawk’s. Also i am really liking the building system. I love staying at base to get some defences up to stop pesky enemies barging in and stealing our flags :P
Overall, a brilliant Beta and i am thrilled to have gotten into it. I can’t wait to see what else is in store for this game, so far… I am very impressed!
Just checked my email and I have a key :D, Warhawk is by far my favorite game so I am uber excited to see this, I just nerded in my chair, it’s pretty messy right now. My props to the devs, I love you guys.
I have been playing the private beta and the only concern I have is the whole melee attack its a little sluggish but other than that its simply Amazing and excellent work…
How do i get this beta??
Well I was top 100 of Warhawk on my other count do I get a beta key for that or what… I haven’t got anything on my email…
I would love to get access to the private BETA. I have my code for the public beta but I would love to be in sooner. I have hundreds of hours in Warhawk, registered on the starhawk page and set my ps3 to opt in to sony messages/marketing. Just waiting and hoping…
Got my beta code thanx guys the game is sweet u guys are doing and have done a great job with this
oh and on the skill leaderboard are those stats gonna be kept because as u already know the levels arent ?
Harvard Bonin
I have been huge Warhawk fan along while, prob is i want to do beta, but I cant afford to buy games so i never get get beta codes in games,I have to get games on Gamefly Rentals Its not a choice, Its a necesity if i wanna play games,I am a disabled 44 yr old how do i get involved in beta’s,I been trying to get beta invites for yrs and never ever get a chance, when most of my PSN friends and RL friends do, please help,TY harry
Harvard Bonin
Been a fan of movies since I was a kid, Sci-Fi, Horror, Westerns, War, Comedy, etc. Games R my nxt addiction. If I wsn’t a wrkr bee I would’ve been a game artist. Action, RPG’s, Shooters, & Racing games R my faves so far. Anything U can throw at me usually sticks 1st time. StarHawk is off the chain just from what I’ve seen, (mouth hanging open), can’t wait till it drops. See ya in the future. Just off the record Mr. Bonin, you would’nt have an opening 4 a freelance artist? JDM
I just got my code :)
I also just got a code but mine doesnt work
Just got my code. Might be the best gift I get this x-mas (don’t tell my fiance, please). Warhawk might just have been my favorite game of all time, so this is huge. Thanks again!
And if you see a ZomB clanner, say hey!
I just got a code but it doesn’t work. Will it not work on UK accounts?
Just got the invite, but my code doesn’t work. Also in the UK.
My code isn’t working wither. I’m in Ireland, if that makes the difference.
It says the code may be incorrect (it isn’t), or no longer valid.
Just got a code but its invalid….?
I received my code just now, but it says that it’s not valid, I re-entered it 3 times, I’m 100% it’s correct. I’m from South Africa.
Please help :(
I also just got a code and it won’t be accepted. United Kingdom.
Have received my code and carefully typed it into the ps3 and it says the code is wrong or has run out:( Don’t tease me.
i’m from Norway. my code dosen’t work niether
Hi, i received my code today (thank you!!) but it says it’s invalid. can someone help?
got my code today also and its not working, please help us all
He! Guess we all gotta be patient ( or patients) any one wanna play Space Marine?
I just got the code, and it will not be accepted.