UPDATED: Upcoming Change to PlayStation 3 and PSP Game Content on PlayStation Network

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UPDATED: Upcoming Change to PlayStation 3 and PSP Game Content on PlayStation Network

UPDATE: On November 17th (Pacific Time), the PlayStation network will undergo maintenance. Once this maintenance window has completed, the new policy will apply. If you want to purchase content under the current rules, please do so before this maintenance begins on November 17th.

We’d like to inform you of some upcoming changes to the usage policies for PlayStation Network game content. As of November 18, 2011, the number of devices that can be activated on one PlayStation Network account for game content purchased from the PlayStation Store will be updated as follows:

For game content purchased after November 18, 2011, a new policy will apply and the number of devices that can be activated will be as follows:

  • PS3: Users will be able to play the game on up to 2 activated PS3 systems.
  • PSP: Users will be able to play the game on up to 2 activated PSP systems.

Please note that this update will not affect game content purchased before November 18. The PSP rights include PSP-1000/2000/3000 series as well as the PSPgo system.

PlayStation Network users are able to change the activation setting through each device, and Sony Computer Entertainment plans to provide a new PlayStation Network account management website where users will be able to deactivate particular devices attached to their PlayStation Network account via their PC.

For more details on how to activate/deactivate the devices, please visit here or contact consumer services.

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  • Stil a question is.

    Can i deactivate a system while its offline (that will make fraude easy), then people will activate accounts and download everything and go offline and deactivate the system, and still play everything offline.
    THat means unlimited number of ps3s can have the same games offline for free.

    Or you have a limit of ps3s you can activate, that means if you have enough dead ps3s you cant play anymore.

    Or you need to be online to deactivate and activate so your dead ps3s cant be deactivated.

    I got 4 active in 1 house and allready had 4 dead ps3s

  • @SoraNeroSerrah – You clearly dont understand why people are complaining .. you need to kiss sony’s ass in another thread !

    I myself have 4 systems a 1st gen 80 gig that works fine .. a 320 gig that i replaced the 80 gig with,, a 320 gig for my older son . a 250 gig for my younger son. Okay i dont play the 80 any more so 3 systems would work for me … but 2 is just ridiculous.

    Me and my sons like playing online @ once , i buy (3) copys of games like mw2, black-ops , bf3, uc3 … soon to be mw3.
    map packs for instance 5 , 15 dollars maps for black ops alone, i expect mw3 to be the same so i will have to
    buy all the map packs twice …. and create a new account to buy the other set of maps on. This does not only effect digital content this will end my psn store bought games all togther. Epic fail

  • Guys don’t you think that two is just not enough when you’ve got THREE literally different portable devices? PSP1/2/3k, PSPGo and upcoming PSV.

  • You guys realize that anything you buy from the date they listed to before will still work on any of your activated systems right? They aren’t taking anything away from you.

    You also realize if you have say 3 PS3’s in your household, once this change goes live…it doesn’t mean 1 of your Playstations will stop working. It will still work it just means content downloaded under ONE psn account will only work for two of the systems. All your disc based games will still work.

    Don’t blame Sony for this, this is a logical step. Blame the people who abused it and game shared all the time. There are websites and forums dedicated to game sharing…thats how bad it is. Yeah it sucks that it affects you for not doing anything wrong but thats how the world works. Is it fair that we have to deal with high security everytime we fly on a plane? No, its people who do harm on others. Is it our fault that we have to succumb to a credit check for almost everything you do in life? No, its the people who took advantage of credit and then decided never to pay back causing companies to lose money. We lose out on nice things because people abuse things. It sucks but thats just how it is.

  • @badbud40 First there’s no need for the language. Secondly I don’t misunderstand. People actually do your researcg please. I have multipile ps3s as well. What there telling you is u can go online deactivate ur account on a machine in a couple seconds. When ur ready to use the other one u do the same thing again. The only thing it changes is the ability to have 3 or more ps3s online at the same time with the same shared game. So yes i get it has a small effect but not as widespread as people are misunderstanding.

  • O.O this is terrible for me beacause i bought everything with 3 friends so i need 4 XC

  • @CynicalNerd

    A company called Valve and its service called Steam would disagree

  • @cynicalnerd

    I have to blame sony cause they do it.

    I heard that jack tretton years ago made advertisement about that it was a good reason to pick sony for the 5 systems you can play on.

    But if i buy cod3 then i cant play the dlc on every ps3 except by deactivating one.
    And when i deactivate one i cant play other games online on it before i activate it.

    I bought a [DELETED] load of games and consoles under false pretenses from sony, and now when almost ps4 is comming they make a policy change.

    Well i guess i dont buy a vita, which i already planned to buy 2, and maybe even no ps4 for me.

  • Thank you SOO much Sony! I’ve had random activations that I have NOT approved on my account forever, and I have had NO way of clearing them. I’ve already had the slots cleared, but they filled up again! FINALLY now I can only have my own system there, and if for some reason there is a new one, I can instantly block it! THANKS!

    But on the day of the update will we have to re-activate all of our systems again? (Clear them all, and start fresh)

  • @Faria please who cares about other companies and services please go play on them and comment on there blogs.

  • @soraneroserrah

    Its better to learn from your opponent then to scare your customers away.

    I think we may be heard cause we pay over 10k a year for sony [DELETED].

  • @SoraNeroSerrah

    It doesn’t matter if it is a large or small effect. It is an effect none the less. I should be able to play my digital games on ANY console I want, without any added hassle, just I can with my disks.

    Perfect example, Steam, Direct 2 Drive, Good Old Games…. these are all digital distribution services that have no restrictions like this. If they can do it, Sony can too.

  • @SoraNeroSerrah,

    I care. Especially considering they pioneered the digital distribution model. Good job providing a thought out rebuttal.

  • Is “who cares” really the best you can do in terms of a thought out response?

  • This is not good news for my family. We have 4 minor children in our household. that means 6 users. We have 3 PSP’s, 2 PS3’s (a 3rd one planned in the next few months)

    I’m a PlayStation PLUS member, so this is really bad for my family. We can’t afford to buy stuff twice or thrice in the future, compared to how it has worked up to now.

    I have been “worried” about account changes for quite awhile now, waiting for the “activation” news as to how the PS Vita will work with our accounts.

    Now this is something so freaky bad that I’ll have to re-think being a PS Plus member, or even buying that PS Vita or that new PS3 soon. Hmph. Just when my family was all getting more into Playstation instead of Nintendo, everyone wants a PSP now… so only two of each for future gaming buys online, ugh.

    This smacks as super ugly since downloads can’t be moved from one to another device like a Blu-ray or a UMD can be used. PSN Store had won me over for lots of content.

    My family is all one unit, no game sharing ever with friends or siblings, other family members. It’s just me and my husband and our 4 children. Really, I am sorely disappointed at this move (and what it’ll mean in the future and with the Vita as well.)

  • this is sad, but carry on, i guess…

    just a question though,

    what if i’m gonna download stuff i bought before nov 18, after the said changes, – because i sporadically erase and download some of the games when I need them because I have limited space disk – will i have issues? ( i have 5 ps3’s, one on each of mine and my parent’s houses)

  • @SoraNeroSerrah – Fast for a response but you didn’t even understand what i said , Get a clue …

    I buy disc based content in (3)’s i totally realize that this will take effect after Nov 18th and not
    effect any of my digital content before the said date.

    That being said , Family’s that play together when they get a chance like myself (spending a min of 180+) for (3) games should not have to buy additional map packs and ect. And i do (did) buy alot of content off the store besides map packs , like full games and mini’s even was a ps+ user for two years.

    I personally thought 5 was a bit high. but like other are saying it should be subject to one ip if one uses more then
    (2) activations , but then again (3) seems to be the acceptable number by at least 75% of the users commenting.

    Besides trolls like SoraNeroSerrah this is my 2nd time even making a comment on this blog , and i have been a regular reader and visitor for the past two years. I will not be buying any games through the psn store after Nov 18th enless the magic # gets changed to (3) system activation limit

  • Message user 610 really needs to change there password before this goes into effect or the’re probibly going to find themselves unable to access there account when the change takes place. Password and probibly the e-mail that account uses. Make sure it’s a password you don’t use anywhere else. (That’s how the recent batch of hacks happened. Those hackers got a hold of a list of e-mails and the passwords from another not so secure site and tested them all over the web and found some to be the same e-mail password combinations.)
    It’s a very bad idea to use the same password e-mail combination on multiple web sites. Don’t wait for the change do it now. Make sure none of your friends know that password or where you keep it. use a password that doesn spell out words. use a password that include numbers and at least one symbol. (like these ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) and so on.) A password that you use to buy stuff should be made much more secure then normal.
    I don’t know if sony has a securety question for accounts these days but you should make sure that secure too.
    Your favorite pet or place should be more of a password too. Pet name should be ralph42% rather then just ralph.

  • Who cares anymore… All we know is SONY screwed us again and will continue doing so unless we all get together and STOP buying DLC. SONY will start losing money and the devs only then, will SONY finally start listening to its consumers so they can start making money again. No $$ for dev’s = no dev support, no dev support = no $$ for SONY

  • Definately not buying a PSvita

  • This is nice so if some people take advantage of some people like my friend had to him where he was game sharing but didn’t know anything about it and the people used all his 4 last spots and his ps3 broke so he got a new 1 and cant activate his ps3 on his new 1 P.S. his old one does not have serial # or warranty so we already tried 2 see if we could sent it in but they said no well I can always tell him of the 1 time jester of good will sony have to deactiviat on all Sony products I like this part the most though (PlayStation Network users are able to change the activation setting through each device, and Sony Computer Entertainment plans to provide a new PlayStation Network account management website where users will be able to deactivate particular devices attached to their PlayStation Network account via their PC.)

  • this sucks. i dont have that many friends that own ps3’s in town but like + yazter 5 is a lot but 2 is crazy you gotta be reasonable 3 would be meeting in the middle this is like the issue with movies and music

  • And the Singstar Songs? I have a broken PS3 I had a lot of songs!! i started to buy some but i cant buy them back! will this help me! and since my Older PS3 is broke how can i deactivade my otter content??

  • Well this is where your crossed over the line Sony. I was going to get another PS3. Now I won’t because I love simplicity and deactivating and reactivating consoles is going to be bothersome. I will finally get a 360 again. I sold my old one in 2008 when I felt that PS3 was getting better games. Now I’m forced to buy a 360 to play Grand Theft Auto 5 on it with friends that DON’T want to get a PS3 because it doesn’t have party chat. When I use to have a 360 I loved party chat it was a fun feature. It made setting up to head into a game with friends MUCH MUCH easier than messaging all of your friends. I just hope the 360 gets better games now because the only reason I haven’t got a 360 again is because the PS3 is smoking it right now with exclusives. I love Sony and I’m a big fan but I love socializing as much as I love competition. This really sucks. I hope you guys pay Rockstar 200 Million to make Grand Theft Auto 5 exclusive to Sony. Therefore, all my 360 friends will be forced to buy a PS3! :)

  • I’d just like to know how the website is gonna work… Because, if there was like a list of all the devices that you’ve previously had rather than what is currently active and can remotely activate/deactivate like that, it’d be slightly less annoying for those with crazy amounts of ps3s (I think some guy mentioned having one in each room or something? Like, really? 5 or so games worth of money just because you don’t wanna move your gaming system around like the olden days?) or a family like me and my brothers who have different systems, but still like to play together. Or move the number up to 3, which seems to be the sweet spot for most people. I mean, I understand you gotta cut down on the same sharing so that devs wanna put more games up and see profits, but you may wanna compromise some with your consumers, too.

  • @endingCadence

    PS3 is very popular amongst cord-cutters, which I happen to be. We use PS3s an other devices as cable replacements, Hulu+, Netflix, VuDu, PlayOn, etc. Putting a PS3 in each room isn’t as expensive as you think, when you don’t have a cable bill. Consider each PS3 a replacement for your cable box. It’s not much more expensive then buying Direct TV boxes for each room.

  • PS+ users should have benefits from this, at least activating 3 systems.

  • Got another question that I haven’t seen brought up. If you have more than 2 PS3 what about the online pass that every game is using now. Will I have to activate/deactivate a system for those as well?

  • @jemin2009

    Judging from what It was on MK9, it’s linked to your PSN account rather than your PS3, so depends on how you use your account, I suppose.

  • Yeah, I’ll admit I was really excited about the feature cause I got a PS3 for each of my family members (5) for like birthdays and stuff and then when I got stuff off the PlayStation Store they could use it too. But admittedly I’m pretty much the only one that uses them that much, everyone else just uses it for Netflix and Blu-rays occasionally and every once in awhile for playing a game or two. But yeah, I would think 3 would be a little more reasonable, but at least it’s not going to be retroactive and I can understand why they are doing it.

  • @Faria1st

    I guess I never saw it that way. :p I’m very old school gamer, so I don’t really understand getting more than 1 system per gen unless you have siblings. :p 3 PS2s in my family. Just had to worry about discs then. Not all this other stuff. It yes, I understand if that method legitimately saves you money in the long run. I have read around about some people using it for games. (One in the living room, one in the bedroom, etc. etc.) Seems rather unhealthy doesn’t it? :p

  • @wizardpsx You have to call the Sony infoline to activate those songs on the new PS3.

    But that’s a good question. Will this (de)activation work also on Singstar songs? It’s a little complicated right now.

  • I have 3 playstations. one for myself one for my son and one for my daughter. what this means for me is that i will not be buying anymore DLC from the playstation store. It seems that the way they treat their consumers is almost criminal. Sony has no regaard for the people that own these systems. I fully understand that they are trying to protect their interests but there should be a little more consideration on their part i think.

  • Question:

    After 18/11, we can still download the game content bought before this date in 5 ps3?

  • Sony is removing one of their largest advantages over XBL with this move. I had thought of Sony as a company in opposite to Microsoft for the ability to game share within your household. This new arrangement seems to indicate otherwise. At the very least, there should be 3 activations. While 2 is more than the average consumer (may) need, it is not enough for people like me who are hardcore gamers, and exclusively buy downloadable games from PSN.

    I oppose this decision fully and this will affect how I recommend games to others.

  • This better not include online passes, im fine with dlc games and that except cod packs but im fine with that i guess, however if online passes take place ill be annoyed, i have 2 ps3`s at my dads and 1 at my mums yes funnily enough families break up often leaving this happening, now how can i play uncharted 3 both at my mums and dads when i get it in about 3 weeks and my dad play it on his ps3 that he uses saves on

  • What’s the reason for this? Sony doesn’t want us to share anymore?

  • Drop the prices!!!!!

  • remote active or desactive account system will be good for me…im so stupid i give my account for everybory i meet to download the add-ons

  • No more buying games from Gamestop used then? lol

  • Seeing as how I already own two PSPs, one for myself and one for my girlfriend, looks like I’ll have to hold off on the PS Vita, since it will take one of my “portable activation slots.”

    Good job, Sony. You just lost a launch-date sale :\ Guess I’ll wait until a policy is changed or the price drops.

  • This Is horriable! Sony why are you doing this i have numerous ps3 activations i like the idea on the website but to lower the limit this is trash!!!

  • Make it 3. 2 is not enough.

  • How soon can we be looking forward to this website? It will help me out so that i can deactivate my friends who stole my account info.

  • What?! ONLY 2 PS3 CONSOLES CAN DOWNLOAD ON 1 CONTENT?! This sucks man :(
    What’s with all that sudden change? >:(

  • Come on Sony. It is our content that we purchased so we should be able to do as we please with it. I know it is wrong to game share, but this is not the right way to do it. The Playstation is starting to be exactly the same as Xbox in terms of there online service. What is next you want to charge people to play online because households have more than one Playstation console. Very disappointed.

  • I have a question that I haven’t seen asked yet.

    For those that own only 1 PS3 system but have more then 2 accounts on that system. Say you have 1 PS3 system but 4 accounts on that that system, will this affect the 4 accounts? Or is this strictly a hardware situation only?

  • One other question, when will we be given the link to this website that let’s us change activation on systems? When this site goes live, how will the notification of this be delivered to us? Through our PSN mail, email, or some other means?

  • The first message I wrote here has been posted twice and it has not appeared either time. I am trying to ask a question about having one machine but more then 2 accounts on it. Why isn’t this message posting when I hit submit?

  • May it be known that we the users don’t like these draconian changes, since the limit is too short, this isn’t even “sharing with your friends” anymore but only with “one friend”. This is very shameful and draconian from you Sony. Shame, SHAME.

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