Final Casting Call: The Tester Season 3 Offering a Production Position

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Final Casting Call: The Tester Season 3 Offering a Production Position

Would you like a chance to work with the world-famous Sony Santa Monica Studios team?Then sign up now to audition to become a member of the cast of The Tester: Season 3! This is the last week to enter and the last week to vote for your Round 1 favorites before we narrow the search to the Top 100.

While weā€™ve already received thousands of entries on our site, we still need your help. Remember, the community votes one lucky gamer onto the cast of Season 3. So, head over to the site and vote for your favorite potential cast member, or make a contestant profile of your own. If you want to have your say (or get a chance to be on the show), youā€™ll need to act fast! Open casting and Round 1 voting conclude next Friday, September 16. So to all you procrastinators: time to get it done.

Weā€™ve enjoyed watching the tons of great videos and reading the thousands of profiles created, and with your help, this season of The Tester will be the greatest yet. Here are some highlights of just some of the casting hopefuls:

Thanks to everybody whoā€™s taking part by voting, commenting, and meeting the folks who are taking a shot at being part of PlayStation Network history. See you guys in the next round…

Comments are closed.


3 Author Replies

  • Does anybody know of a website where I can see professional sports for free????PLZ reply thanx. :) !!!

  • @BuchNasty You shouldn’t. Most of us are having fun, meeting fellow playstation gamers, trying something new, and most of all Supporting an awesome Gaming Console; Playstation. No one is a Poser, everyone games, some are Casual and others Hardcore. Just cause you are going to school for Gaming doesn’t mean we are any less of a gamer than you. (No sarcasm) Congrats on going to school, keep it up and I am sure you’ll do a Hell of a great job in the industry. As for being an actual Tester, yeah, its a repetitive Job and they pay may not be a Game Designer’s salary, but, some of us don’t have the experience like you do, this is a fun alternative. . . It’s the Passion of Gaming that drives us for a Chance at “Getting in” to the industry. Like you stated You Need experience to do art design, team leading, coding, or PR. No one here is Taking Your Personal Chance at getting into the industry. Beside, Sony takes their employment Seriously, maybe you should read the Fine print on the Official Rules (

    . . .continues. . .

  • Part 2 XD


    Jersey Shore? Really? 0.o Have you seen any of the The Tester episodes, they are Fun, Cheesy and Entertaining. . . and that’s it’s purpose, Entertain. If you don’t like it, don’t watch it. Aside from being Absolutely FREE, Sony is not Forcing You to watch.

    “This is insulting to actual gamers and game industry people. ” Really? Where are your sources, who in the gaming industry have you physically heard to complain about a Show? Also, Define Actual Gamers. Personally, I believe The Gaming Industry’s goal is to outreach All Types of “Gamers” Casual and Hardcore. Do you not realize the Industry does support their Hardcore Gamers yet, wants to expand and attract those who have little to no experience with Gaming?

    Don’t be Mad Bro, You Win nothing. Like I said, Seriously, Congratulation on you path in the Gaming Industry. Hope to one Day hear of you working for Sony or for that matter any Gaming Company. Enjoy your Weekend.

  • @BuchNasty your comments defines irony, your ragging on people who wanna be game testers. But your going to school for gaming, and if you ever do make a game your going to need these very tester to find bugs in your game.

  • What else can I say? I’m 33 and going to college right now studying graphic arts just so I have a future at Sony Santa Monica Studios as it’s my dream job! I will apply my video to you guys and see if I can make that dream job come true, even if it’s not making the graphics in the games I would still love that job! If not, I will be working there within the next 4 or 5 years anyhow. :) Thank you for giving us the opportunity to show how much we want to work for Sony! This contest is really special.

  • ignore butch nasty guys, I know exactly who she is, she USED to be a member on our trophy site but she got banned because she’s a total bi— anyways, she has over 100 platinum and about 80 of them are in easy games like Hanna Montana.

    I hope people who hate this show realize that 1. you you don’t have to watch it. and 2. it’s gaining Sony employees so just like PlayStation Home (which people also complain about) it’s not gonna end anytime soon. lol.

  • @42, I think someone forgot to read the position on the line this year for Season 3. It helps to understand the subject you are talking about before complaining.

  • All my friends keep telling me to be on the Tester, I don’t know if it’s really my thing, I love videogames, but my creativity would be destroyed in an entry level position, I’ll take carpentry for 500 Alex.

  • we got alot of sexy nerds on ps3

  • Thank you guys and gals for the support; also thank you Sony for deeming one of my audition videos worthy enough to be in this montage. I’ve enjoyed meeting so many cool people who share the same passion for Sony that I do. I can’t wait to see who gets chosen to be on season 3’s cast. Here’s the link to my audition page.

    Game On, Game Hard

  • Am I the only one seeing now inane this is? I’ve seen better tv no let me rephrase that more real tv cancelled after three episodes. Why on earth is this entering a third season? Lets not delude ourselves these shenanigans for a job thats beneath the mailroom job won’t make the games we play any better. The effort spent on this would be better spent on producing some real tv commercials at least. That would get the name of a few more playstation games out there. Imitating Big Brother outtakes or Jerry Springer is amateurish and it shows.

  • Voting for homeboy79, one of the most enthusiastic Home and PlayStation supporters I have ever met. He is not just applying for this position, but he has been an active member with Home for a long time. Vote for him.


  • Good Luck & God Bless to all my fellow gamers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love Y’all my PSN ID: LoveDoctor2007 need Resistance 3 Multi-Player buddies!

  • Vote for my boy, barrin87. He’s at the 1:16 mark in the video.

  • The site bugged out and added another day.

  • Score.. i was on this twice… and I was on pulse 9/6. I read a lot of peoples comments some are valid some are just retarded no offence…Egoroapters videos where not that good, that’s why he is not on here. jk . Video game testing is a lot of repeat work and finding bugs and recording them, not the most fun job in the game industry. One guy is wrong you can start out as a tester and move up (education helps) but if you show the right stuff you will move up form tester. I read about a log of lead game designers and directors starting at game testing. Im in college for game art and design, I am going to be a modeler. I still did a video still because I have to get my foot in the door. I can’t just start as a lead modeler (well I could if things happened just right) but realistically I have to start somewhere. I think I would have done good on the tester casting calls if my page let people vote LOL oh well there is always…finish college for me.
    I do not thing playstation wants just someone who wants to be a tester.. If I know this industry a little (and I do) they want highly creative, ambitious, passionate, people.

  • The little silly games show team work and abilities to do the tester jobs. They more or less show the judges how someone is going to act in a high pressure situation and it touches on some of the main jobs of testing.. Does someones trophy count matter.. not to much. Someone with no system can do better then someone that has 1000 plats. All the trophies show is how much time you have been using to not draw and work on other skills for the job. For example I love games but i spend my time doing my school work and drawing (so I can be in the game industry.) I wish I had more time to play and watch movies.. those things help but not as much as the drawing and other stuff… but to be a tester you don’t need to draw.. but why would play station hire someone that can do one job good, over someone that can do more jobs good.

  • PlayStation has a whole team I assume to just doing the tester.. they are not taking away form making great games lol. If the tester stops Im sure some people get fired. Sony is a big company and always expanding as is there goal in there annual reports. They have new markets to tap into, my point is them doing this show only helps PlayStation and it gives real people that want a game industry positions a different way to get it. Oh yea and the people that play games all day long can experience the real world too.

  • Ps did anyone think Big Physic (season 2) <–however you spell it was a little fake.. like he was a mole put there by playstation? I mean who can't solute? It just seemed a little actorish to me. IDK I'm just saying controversy and sex sells, and little kids watch this so play station can't capitalize on the whole sex things lol.

    Tyler Sorg

  • UltraRazpacho on September 9th, 2011 at 9:14 am said:

    None of the people are nearly as cool as Egoraptor.

    Except For THEBIGGEST his style is soo good…lol sry Ego…lol

    So just want to say whats up to everyone and i hope to see you guys on The tester 3….

    “hopefully round 3 video will show me some luv and include me in it. thx”…..(eye cry) lol

  • Dear Kevin Furuichi

    Dont forget me on the wildcard..What would The Tester 3 be without PS3’S…

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