No one wants to get tied down to a game purchase they can’t stand to live with. Right, PlayStation Blog friends? Of course not.
Even when you read up on what a potential game mate has to offer, even when you read previews or an early review or two, you’re still left wondering: is this the game for me? Will it satisfy my gamer needs? Will it leave me feeling complete?
That’s why we’re so excited to reveal that tomorrow (7/12), we’ll be releasing a demo for our upcoming game that explores of the psychology and horror of relationships, commitment, and love—Catherine. What exactly is the game’s story? What kind of play style can you look forward to? All such questions and likely many more will be answered with the demo. And all you have to do is download it and play!
The demo will take you through the opening hour or so of the game, learning about Vincent (the protagonist) and his life. Catherine is all about its story and characters; the fact that you’ll meet Vincent, his girlfriend, and his close circle of buddies in your short time with the demo should give you a great idea of what to expect in the full game. And then there are the nightmares… You’ll have to contend with a couple of those. The experience should give you an idea of just how much stress Vincent deals with throughout the game. And just how much fun you’re in store for if you opt to pick a copy up.
We’re also thrilled to start teasing glimpses of the finished goodies to be found inside the limited run “Love is Over” Deluxe Edition available at select retailers. You know, the one with the t-shirt, boxers, and pillowcase taken directly from or inspired by elements in the actual game? The one that even gets its packaging into the “straight from the game” act by bundling everything together, including the game, in a collectible pizza box emblazoned with the logo of the bar Vincent and his friends frequent in the game. Yes, that one.
Catherine lands in a store near you on July 26th, and of course, the aforementioned demo hits a couple weeks earlier on July 12th (tomorrow!). Be sure to pre-order (either the regular or deluxe version) from a participating retailer to guarantee you receive the free artbook and soundtrack CD combo.
Think the demo won’t answer every last question? Interested in seeing even more of Catherine? Have you ever pondered the meaning of life? Good news! ATLUS PR Manager Aram Jabbari (that would be me) will be visiting PlayStation Blog HQ this week, looking to address two of the three aforementioned outstanding items and also to answer as many of your questions as possible, so ask away in the comments section and be sure to check back soon for more Catherine awesomeness!
Cool, a lot of people in US has been waiting to try this game. Thanks for bringing this to US for US audience to try.
Downloaded the demo for Catherine from the Japanese store earlier in the year and really loved it, even if I couldn’t figure out the storyline. Seriously looking forward to trying this in English because it seemed to be the kind of offbeat title that I love. Hope it doesn’t lose too much of the appealing bizarreness in the translation to my mother tongue!
Amazon FTW!
lol at the couple
Gasp! Tomorrow cannot come soon enough!
I intended to buy this until I heard there is only English audio. Keeping Japanese audio in a game with a significant amount of spoken dialogue is a must for me, especially when the game is as character and story driven as this.
I’m sure you put a lot of work into voicing the characters, but when I watch foreign movies I want to hear the original actors, not someone else’s interpretation of them. Same goes for games like this.
While we certainly respect your preference and, as we’ve stated before, always explore options to include a toggle with the original Japanese voices, it should be noted that Catherine’s story and characters inhabit a generic AMERICAN city. Hence everything in Stray Sheep, their attire, etc. being in English.
And while we recognize the numerous comments from folks adamant that it’s Japanese or nothing for them, we can’t help but feel like those gamers are going to miss out on what is, in our view, one of our best localizations to date, and a fantastic English dub to boot.
Again, thanks for your thoughts. We’re certainly always open to feedback.