PSN FAQ – Restoration Questions Answered

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PSN FAQ – Restoration Questions Answered

Now that PlayStation Network is once again operational, a great many of you are once again enjoying playing games online. Of course, that’s only part of the Network’s offerings – and you’ve got some questions about how the downtime affected planned releases and online events. Here are answers to some of the more pressing queries:

Q: So what exactly is working right now?
A: Sign-in for PlayStation Network and Qriocity (including the resetting of passwords), online gameplay for PS3 and PSP, playback of rental video content on PS3 (if within rental period), Music Unlimited powered by Qriocity on PS3 (for current subscribers), access to services such as Netflix, Hulu, Vudu, and, “Friends” category on PS3 (including Friends List, Chat Functionality, Trophy Comparison, etc), in-game leaderboards, and PlayStation Home.

Q: I’m having trouble changing my password/I forgot which email I used on my account/I used a fake email to set up my account.
A: Click here for a set of tips on resetting your password. If you’ve gone through the process and are waiting for an email from us, please note that the very large number of requests has caused certain ISPs to slow the rate at which recipients get emails from us. Please be patient as the systems work through the backlog.

Q: The PlayStation Store hasn’t updated since April 19th. When can I download digital games that were planned to be released since then?
A: To date, three Tuesday publishes were missed, which included items like Under Siege and the MotorStorm Apocalypse demo. Rest assured that you won’t miss any of this great content. To catch up on the large amount of material, we’ll be publishing to the PlayStation Store multiple times per week once commerce functionality is restored.  We will update the PlayStation.Blog with information on timing of the Store restoration, as well as the full list of new content as each publish occurs.

Q: How will PlayStation Plus members be affected by the PSN downtime? A number of games/items were slated to go live or come down on April 26th.
A: We will be picking back up with the PlayStation Plus content calendar where we left off to ensure that you won’t miss out on anything.

Q: Sucker Punch has indicated that they will extend the inFAMOUS 2 beta. Any details?
A: Sucker Punch is evaluating extending the inFAMOUS 2 beta, as well as expanding its scope. Stay tuned for more details here in the coming days.

Q: Is anything special planned for the SOCOM 4 multiplayer community?
A: Zipper will announce details on activities to re-engage fans of SOCOM 4 who have patiently waited to play online.

Q: What about the Call of Duty: Black Ops Double XP weekend that was missed while PSN was down?
A: We have been in discussions with our friends at Treyarch, and they have ensured that all Call of Duty: Black Ops fans will get an extra Double XP event as soon as PSN comes back online. We don’t have details on timing just yet, but look forward to an announcement as soon as we have news.

Q: How can I redeem the Welcome Back offer that was mentioned by Kazuo Hirai? What’s in it?
A: Hang tight – we’ll be announcing all the details soon.

Q: How can I sign up for the Debix AllClear ID Plus protection announced last week?
A: More details are coming soon.

Q: When will the PlayStation.Blog start talking about games again?
A: Tomorrow! Thank you for bearing with us as our role changed over the past few weeks. We’ll be once again talking games every day leading up to E3, which is just a few short weeks away.

If you’ve got a PSN-related question that remains to be answered, please ask below, and we’ll do our best to answer.

Comments are closed.


12 Author Replies

  • Don’t worry about all the pathetic morons Sony, us true fans of yours are here to stay.

  • Also,I really hope you guys could give us the welcome back package first instead of the store.Because i dont want to buy anything that will be free with the ps plus.Just dont want to get cheated ^_^

  • I’m not interested in free games or the Welcome Back free PS+ program, I just want the store up, so I can download Back to the Future: Episode 3, which I have ALREADY PAID FOR. It was due out May 3rd, and I want it NOW! I’m tired of waiting for it so put the store up immediately. Also Fallout New Vegas DLC comes out tomorrow, but it looks like once again the Xpaper Weight 360 will get it before us, lame.

  • i’m glad things are getting back to normal but i have a question jeff…….. why cant anyone link and connect with the social club online for rockstar games? L.A. Noir drops at midnight and this could be an issue.. ? keep up the goodwork. please let me know if you have any info on this matter as a ot of us are curious..


  • why wont you at least let us download what we’ve already paid for….i need to re-download some things and all i get everytime i try a big middle finger.

  • Yesterday I was in the middle of a huge kill streak I had my gunship, chopper gunner, and century gun, ugh:( but I’m glad it’s not going to be down for another 3 weeks!! thank you playstation, And Jeff I can’t wait for the double xp do you thing you could manage maybe a quad xp?!?

  • Thank you sony

  • How did you all comment on posts when the PSN was down, When I tried it just said that it was down due to maintenance?

  • i want to know more about the NGP im really looking forward to buying it
    when will it be released in the U.S ?
    im very interested


    Wow you guys…get a freakin’ life.

  • when will the ea servers be back up??

  • RecklessCracka69

    I’m sorry but PS+ is overrated.
    All I want is a Cross Game Chat/Party Chat feature.

  • Thank you SONY for everything, i was frustrated at first but i cool down. Playstation Fan for life, i have all the 3 systems :D

  • >just_in09 How would they give the welcome back package without the store? all the extra games and services they offer are run through the store.

  • Q: How can I sign up for the Debix AllClear ID Plus protection announced last week?
    A: More details are coming soon.

    Will this still be useful to me when my CC info was used in an unauthorized way? $2300 was taken from my bank account leaving me negative $1700. I woud like to have an answer please. Even considering that all I still love you Sony.

  • i want to know so i dont have to waste my time trying to get it to work someone tell me please

  • @Patrick – FWIW, the PSN->Steam sync seems to be working as well. Finally able to redeem my Portal 2 code to play on my Mac while at work (easily one of the best PS3-exclusive bonuses ever, btw). =D

  • Err, sorry… @Jeff, not @Patrick.

  • What’s gonna be the deal with all of our DLC?

  • Eh one thing a at time , :(

  • I know this will probably get lost in the shuffle, but I would REALLY like to know when the “Redeem Code” Function is coming back. I have 6 unused content codes a few of which expire in Mid June.

  • when will the ea servers work>??????????????????????

  • @StingrayX Not everyone plays Black Ops all day everyday.

    Anything planned for Gran Turismo 5? Maybe an awesome Seasonal event rather then the same one over and over?

  • Oh, Yeah by the way PS3 best console ever made. Also, you should make a video on how to chnage your password because some of my friends don’t know yet that the PSN is back (I know its kind off weird they do not know) So PLEASE make a video how to change your password. By they way I did and I’m playing Call of Duty modern warfare 2 finally i get to level up!!!!! By the way THX again for bringing the PSN back! It LIVES!!! :D :D GREAT JOB! EVERYBODY WHO MADE THIS POSSIBLE! ^_^!

  • Thanks for the faq update … I can’t wait to see what new content the store has to offer,,, hopefully the store gets restored tonight i have codes i bin waitn 3 weeks to redeem

  • I received the email and link to reset my son’s password but when I enter the numbers and letters twice I end up getting this message “There is a problem resetting your password. Please click the link again or copy and paste the link into an Internet browser.” I copy paste the link again and I’ve gotten the same message 20 times. Needless to say I’m pretty ticked off! This is the only account I’ve had any trouble resetting and I want an answer NOW! For weeks I’ve been “patient” I haven’t had any choice. I just want to log in under his name, change the password and delete his information which you’re not suppose to store in the first place because he’s a minor. An answer would be much appreciated. And yes I did read the FAQ and tips.

  • thank you sony always been a fan and always will be!!

  • I just wanted to thank sony for all there hard work to get us back online i do find it funny that i have been reading these posts for weeks now and i think all should be happy that we are back online and quit worrying about everything else just remember all great things come with time playstation for instance may have been down for several weeks but we now have the greatest online experiance anywhere for freeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So thanks sony and keep up the good work!

  • ea servers?????????? when will that work???????????????????

  • I hope they bring something good for SOCOM 4. Keep up the good work Sony, I got some money to give ya in the psn store. Glad to see u Jeff.

  • Thank you very much Sony. My brand loyalty paid off. Now let’s get this Welcome back kit going so we can take advantage of it. Good job!

  • How can i download Hulu Plus if the Playstation Store is down?!?! I thought you all had restored Netflix, Hulu Plus, MLB.TV and Vudu……

  • I have been a sony fan since day one,but during the psn down time i was not playing my ps3 as much as normal,and I got in a jam for cash so I sold it.Now I do not own any other game console , and I am not a 15 year old fan boy either lol.I am worried that these hackers are not done yet.How much safer is psn now then before and how confident are you this wont happen again right away.I want to feel safe so I can buy another ps3 and do what I love the most.This is my first post here and I hope you answer sony thanks and sorry this happened to you very sorry,but I need some piece of mind

  • i just hope it does no happen again please add me intombedlemon55

  • we should get our own double xp for black ops but only for ps3 users only! =]

  • I have not received any emails about the idenity theft protection that has been offered or the welcome back offer. Is it too soon? I just want to make sure that I did not miss them. If I did is there anyway that I can access them or have them resent?

  • First of all thanks to all that have made this a safer environment for us as consumers. Just a couple of questions.

    A. Are we currently up and running in Canada?

    B. Can we currently play Socom 4 online?

    C. Should we expect more outages during your rollout period?

    Thanks very much once again.

  • yeah about time…
    if was working for you this wouldnt have happened.

  • Jeff tell ‘Ol Patty Seybold that hes my hero. All i could do durring outage was read “Ol Patty’s posts, thanx Patty !!!!!!

  • Hi Sony, my main PSN account is set in Cyprus (all my friends and trophies are on it) and now I am not able to change my password. I get as an answer that the PSN doesn’t exist in my country (aka Cyprus).
    Before I did not have this problem, I could collect trophies and chat with my friends, whithout having access the Playstation store but that wasn’t a problem on this account as I was using a UK account with a PSN card.
    Could you please let me know if this problem is only temporary or if this will be permanent?

  • So this “Welcome Back” program. We get a free PlayStaion Plus for 30 days? What’s the point the stuff that’s for free will be revoked from us if we don’t buy the actual service, I see it as a marketing tool to get people to buy it. A really dumb idea. I say they should have compensated for people that were members of other services on PSN. Not non-member people that aren’t signed up for anything. Why should I get compensated for a free service that was hacked by criminals? I understand for games like Black Ops and that double XP and other games that are doing that but, come on.

  • btw i have been saying this alot since yesterday i am glad that psn is back up

  • Keep up with the good work sony. TY 4 the updates….

  • Unbelievable how many of you are bowing to Sony, offering praise and job-well-dones after the company left all your sensitive information behind an unlocked door and shut the PSN network down for a month. The people you should thank are those that filed lawsuits and the Congressman who publicly bashed Sony. Their efforts have forced Sony into offering reparations to its PS consumers.

    Oh, and the FAQ regarding the Store gives no indication or timeline as to when the it will be restored. Great job, Sony, for failing to answer that question.

  • nice job sony, sure its true that you are part to blame for what happened but not completely, its the hacker or hackers who made all the loyal sony/ playstation fans like myself very upset for whats happened to you…im glad that you have taken steps to make the fans feel safe again to play on the ps3 system/ as well as the psp. Its not fair how people have been very mad at sony for how they handled things, this could have happened to anyone, and to hear that people are trading in the greatest gaming console for 360 is really sad, but if people want a down grade to their gaming experience thats their choice i guess, and i know that you guys have been working hard to find these idiots who did this to you and the the fans. keep up the great work and im looking forward to seeing more great things in the future from you guys, thanks sony =]

    loyal fan since 95′

  • when will the ea servers work???????????

  • So jeff what about playstation home there are spaces such as Aurora and many others that were said to “evolve”as time progressed was the downtime of playstation network used wisely and will they be updated soon with new features and free items?The last update for Home came with new developer tools will there be more games and spaces rolling out now that psn has returned?

  • We are going to have free PlayStation Plus for a month? What we’d do and what we won’t do with that?

  • Great stuff!!!!!

    Looking forward to playing UC2 as a 3X cash was planned on that weekend the PSN went down.

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