Details for PlayStation Network and Qriocity Customer Appreciation Program in North America

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Details for PlayStation Network and Qriocity Customer Appreciation Program in North America

Now that some PlayStation Network and Qriocity services have been restored and you’re once again enjoying online gaming and entertainment, we’re happy to provide details about the “Welcome Back” appreciation program for customers in North America. We developed the program as an expression of our gratitude for your patience, support and continued loyalty during the service outage. From all of us at PlayStation, thank you and welcome back!

This package will be made available to all existing registered PlayStation Network and Qriocity users in North America (US and Canada), and will be made available shortly after we have fully restored the service. More specific details about these offers and eligibility requirements will be posted as the services go live.

All PlayStation Network customers can select two PS3 games from the following list. The games will be available for 30 days shortly after PlayStation Store is restored and can be kept forever.

  • Dead Nation
  • inFAMOUS
  • LittleBigPlanet
  • Super Stardust HD
  • Wipeout HD + Fury

For PSP owners, you will be eligible to download two PSP games from the following list. The games will be available for 30 days shortly after PlayStation Store is restored and can be kept forever.

  • LittleBigPlanet (PSP)
  • ModNation Racers
  • Pursuit Force
  • Killzone Liberation
  • A selection of “On Us” rental movie titles will be available to PlayStation Network customers over one weekend, where Video Service is available. Those titles will be announced soon.
  • 30 days free PlayStation Plus membership for non PlayStation Plus subscribers.
  • Existing PlayStation Plus subscribers will receive an additional 60 days of free subscription.
  • Existing Music Unlimited Premium Trial subscription members will receive an additional 30 days of free premium subscription.
  • Additional 30 days + time lost for existing members of Music Unlimited Premium/Basic subscription free of charge for existing Premium/Basic members.
  • To welcome users Home, PlayStation Home will be offering 100 free virtual items. Additional free content will be released soon, including the next addition to the Home Mansion personal space, and Ooblag’s Alien Casino, an exclusive game.

We’d like to thank all of our publishing and development partners who’ve contributed to the Welcome Back program, including Bigbig Studios, Codeglue, Digital Leisure, Guerilla Games, Heavy Water, Housemarque, Lockwood, Loot, Mass Media, Media Molecule, SCE Cambridge Studios, SCE Studio Liverpool, SCE San Diego Studios, and Sucker Punch Productions. We couldn’t have created such a compelling package without them!

As a reminder, you will be able to access the above content shortly after services are fully restored. We are doing everything we can to make that happen as soon as possible. Please visit the following sites for more information about the Welcome Back program in Europe and Latin America.

Thank you again for your support!

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  • how exactly do you obtain the games?

  • @6594 DRALKEN. What PS1 title? If you’re talking about Wipeout…’s one of the best graphical achievements in gaming. for almost 2 years it was the only full HD title on any system. Don’t get it twisted. Wipeout HD is a redux for the PS3

  • Welcome back. I never realized how much I used the PlayStation Network® until it wasn’t there. However, …

    I have read “Details for PlayStation Network and Qriocity Customer Appreciation Program in North America” and am grateful that Sony and SECA wants to make ammends to its customers and ease the pain of this extended outage.

    Unfortunately, the list of games for free download is not very satisifying. If you are not into the genre of games provided, there is nothing for you to do but wish for more.

    Maybe the option of a $25.00 (or $50,00 for those with both a PS3 and PSP) credit at the Playstation Store® would be more appropriate. This would allow the customer to choose downloadable content that makes them happy.

    Just a thought.

  • I just read a statement from Nick Caplin. Basically it says the list is the list. Too bad if you dont like it. And even though PS+ games dissapear after a month, you will have a busy month.

  • 6602. I completely agree with you

  • Cant wait for the game downloads!!v thanks Sony, let’s not get hacked again shall we?? Lol =)

  • Sounds great

  • thanks sony

  • where……is……the……playstation………store? I……dont…….even………on…….here…….but…..this……matters…….to…….me.

  • Hey Patrick. This is a little off topic, but I think the media is really taking this Psn outage too far: I do not personally believe this article, but I’d thought I’d get your opinion. Thanks!

  • I would love to do this :3

  • im still having trouble with lag and people still glitching

  • oh and im pretty mad because some of my stuff got reset… i worked hard on some games and it got mixed up with someone elses so now for zombies it doesnt say lvl 27 3 players it says lvl 22 2 players -_- it took me 3 hours to get that far now ANOTHER 3 HOURS OR LONGER!!!…….

  • lifedeathent2011


  • First glad the network is back up and I think its awesome what sony is doing for us gamers, again thank you sony keep up the good work !!

  • Ginga_Bred_Mann

    Those games are weak as he#!.

  • *6601* If u bothered to read my first statement u may understand 6538 is my com. And why do you contradict your self, Wipeout is like a 10yr old game, why not a list of new games not old games that dont sell well on the PSN Store.

  • This is cool. Zombie killing and some portable platforming for me.

  • Professionally handled in my view. I appreciate the updates and we who are worth noticing ignore the bad press your updates generated. Please continue to keep your clients updated and we will continue to understand the change in updates during these hard situations. I am going to purchase a 3rd PS3 this weekend and will continue to press other gaming system owners to switch.

    Oh yes, and thanks for this killer reward to the faithful who stay during this brief downtime. I look forward to the new upgraded network.

  • So i’m getting the feeling that you quite don’t understand what really needs to be happening here. As a twice now victim of identity theft I can tell you from personal experience that the lost of users personal information needs to be your primary concern.

    This compensation package is more than adequate for the 1 month inconvenience of free service downtime if you never personally purchase through PSN. To those that have put their CC’s into the PSN, i’d suggest going to your bank as soon as possible and cancelling your credit card.

    Trust me, “I’m sorry, here’s free junk you may already have” will not be adequate compensation if your bank account is cleaned out and you have to wait several weeks/months to maybe be reimbursed by your bank.

    Sony’s responsibility should be going after this hacker with the same fervor that it would against someone openly pirating Sony media. Throw some money behind the investigation and be proactive and not reactive about this situation, that’s a much better compensation package in my opinion.

  • this will definitly compensate for outage

  • THANK YOU SONY!!!! Thats awesome. I can’t wait until everything is restored. I have been trying to go to the Playstation Store for a while now!!! :) Gah Sony must be nice because thats a lot of free stuff! lol :D

  • Sweet!!! Can’t wait for the store to get back up. I got some NFS add-on’s to get for Shift 2 “Unleashed”!!! As “Whizkid105” stated “Us loyal fans will follow you through Hell and back.” :)

  • I just want to know when the playstation store will be back up. I want new games

  • Bah..the game selection is poor..i appreciate the gesture very much..but store credit would be better..gamestop wont give you anything for the disc based games because of this if you decide to trade the ones you already own

  • if you have a ps3 and a psp can i get 2 ps3 games and 2 psp games or 1 ps3 game and 1 psp game

  • and please open the pstore please

  • When will I be able to claim the free games? and how do i do it?

    does anyone know?

  • when the store is back up..rumored to be the 24th but unknown still i guess

  • Wipeout HD and LittleBigPlanet

  • IMPORTANT MUST READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  • oh yeah i want infamous and ratchet and clank

  • Lol Xboxers were laughing at us!!
    WHO’s laughing now ? hahahah

  • from what i hear even when the store comes up i’ll still have to wait like a week maybe 2 just to get the [DELETED] DLC for fallout new Vegas Honest Hearts bunch of [DELETED] if its true i would trade all that [DELETED] they promise tyo give us just for the [DELETED] DLC for fallout that way i can play it like it was ment to be played for ps3 user’s since may 17th.

  • I wish we were given the freedom to choose which ever games we wanted. I’d rather choose PS2 games than these lame choices to be honest…

  • Open to everyone, but don’t be a jerk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • sorry for the randomness i just want pstore to be up

  • @KrysteI littlebigplanet is not lame

  • You people that keep asking for $20 or $50 in you’re wallet are stupid. Seriously if Sony gave all 77 million users $20 it would cost Sony $1,540,000,000. That’s 1 BILLION dollars. If you want $50 in your wallet that would cost Sony $3,850,000,000 that’s 3 BILLION dollars. You’re willing to bankrupt Sony for money in your wallet, when the Welcome Back Program is fair enough. 4 free games if you have both PS3 and PSP, 30 days of PS+, free movie rentals, and 100 free items on Home. That is above and beyond what they should be giving to you crying brats. I’ve said it multiple times now, you people who want money in your wallet are just as greedy if not greedier, than you claim Sony is.

  • Until now I have been a supporter of my 360 and my PS3. But Sony has handled this whole affair terribly. Sure, some free games are nice. I have most of them, but can still appreciate the gesture. It is the lack of communication to their customers that I find very blameworthy!

    Many games require download content which players can’t get because the Store is still down. If Sony could address the many many many comments about the Store being down, that would at least quell many people’s complaints. We live in the Age of Information, but Sony has demonstrated that giving its customers the courtesy of a timeline for restoring full service is something they will not do.

    Finally, since Sony does not own most of the content in the Store, I understand the lack of store credit as a compensation for the down time. That would cost a Sony a fortune. However, their Appreciation package is kinda meager in options. I would call their gestures the least that they could do.

    I’ll keep using my PS3, but in the future, if there is a choice between buying game content between my PS3 and 360, I’ll probably lean toward the 360 except for multi-disc games–blu-ray beats disc-swapping–and 3D game which PS3 does better.

  • can i get 2 psp and 2ps3 games if they r on the same account?

  • @RichieAppel 6636 i aggree with what you said. i dont have much games but theres r good

  • When I pay $400 for a system $60 every month or two for a game $50 for controllers and $20 for plus, now multiply that by 77 million, I think they can spare some store credit.

  • First off I’d like to thank sony for the hard work at bringing back psn online, secondly I’d love to know when the playstation store should be back online. Keep up the good work Sony

  • What?! How come the Europeans get Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty and we get stuck with Super Stardust? That’s just… really not fair. R&C was the only available game that I had an interest in…. 8(

    I think I would’ve been happier if you stuck a PsOne Crash Bandicoot game in that list instead….

  • quest for booty sucked anyways and I’m a big R&C fan.

  • dead nation and infamous :D

  • why dont you also add 1 free add on of any choose that would make it vary cool

  • Thank you Richie. There is so much complaining about game selection in the “Welcome Back” appreciation package, but what those of you who are complaining don’t understand is that Sony is already down hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars. They have every right to give you a free game that they know is one of the most owned games on the platform. In fact, I applaud them for giving us anything at all. This is an economic crisis for a company we all own a piece of. Whether you like it or not, free is free and Sony doesn’t need to lose millions of dollars more. Wouldn’t you be really mad if Sony bankrupt and your ps3 was simply a piece of plastic with no more games being produced? I’m certain everyone would.

    Thanks Sony. This package means something to the majority of us. I’m happy to have spent my hard earned dollars on a PS3 and its developer’s games.

  • They get points for trying. They could do better not everyone (and that number could be in the thousands) likes those games listed or already have them me included and I use both PS3 and PSP. They could let us choose 2 games within a set price range (close to the ones they are offering). I would be very unsatisfied with this because I put a lot of money into the PSN. I have no use for Playstation Plus, Music Unlimited Premium, or Playstation Home, and inFAMOUS is the only game that sparks my interest from either list. To my knowledge Sony has always been good on Customer Service and they’re just as much of a victim to this as the rest of us so regardless of the end result I will still be loyal customer and wish them luck in successfully resolving the issue at hand.

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