Mass Effect 2 for the PlayStation 3 goes on sale in stores on January 18th in North America, and will also be available in downloadable form through the PlayStation Network in North America on January 18th.
Mass Effect 2 is an amazing game. It has all of the benchmarks of a truly great science-fiction epic: a heroic main character, memorable companions each with their own personalities and abilities, terror-inducing villains, vast galaxies to explore, exotic alien races, strange worlds and locations, high-technology weapons and vehicles, and a story that will have fans talking about it and replaying it for ages.
In Mass Effect 2, you play as Commander Shepard who has to lead a crack team of mercenaries, scientists and soldiers on a mission to investigate the disappearances of human colonies throughout the galaxy. Who lives, who dies and the ultimate success or failure of the mission, is up to you. Now BioWare and the Mass Effect team are proud to bring Mass Effect 2 to the PlayStation community.
PlayStation fans have been asking for Mass Effect for years and we are very pleased to finally be bringing it to a new branch of Mass Effect fans. However, what I think Mass Effect fans on the PS3 will be most appreciative of is that this is not a simple port. The Mass Effect team has taken the time to utilize the PS3 hardware to the fullest in order to maximize your gameplay experience. It was also extremely important for the team to make sure playing with the PS3 controller worked and felt good. You will also see that the in-game graphics and cinematics are clearer and more vibrant on the PS3. As an added bonus, the PS3 version includes previously released DLC missions: Overlord, Lair of the Shadow Broker and Kasumi.
Mass Effect 2 takes place after Mass Effect 1 and some fans were concerned they would miss out on some of the important story choices available in the first game. The Mass Effect team, working with the fine folks at Dark Horse Comics, has created an interactive in-game comic that allows players new to the franchise to experience Mass Effect 1 while making the story choices that have repercussions in Mass Effect 2.
There is a demo of Mass Effect now available on the PlayStation Network. You can learn more about the demo here. This demo lets you play the start of Mass Effect 2 as well as introducing you to one of your potential party members, Dr Mordin Solus. Dr Solus, or Mordin to his friends, is a salarian scientist who can not only heal the sick; he can create new exotic weapons to use in battle. Finding Mordin and recruiting him to join you and your suicide mission will not be easy.
Look for Mass Effect 3 to come to the PS3 in Holiday 2011.
I’m happy it’s finally on PS3, but I already have it on Xbox, I only have enough money for one game right now, and that’s Killzone 3. But great to see it, should work great with the Playstation Hardware.
Mass Effect 2 on 360 was 12GB, I’d say it is probably about 15GB including all the DLC and the comic.
Still…$60 for a DL seems too much. Only way to stop DL high prices is not buy them.
Nice to see more disk based games come to psn. Hey EA can you guys bring NBA JAMS to psn?…..
Re: 40
All the ME2 DLC comes to a total of $32. And that includes a lot of crap I’d never buy. 32+15=47
And this post only mentions the mission packs. They come to $24 for all three. 24+15=39. That sounds like a good price to me. ;)
Quick Question: Does the PSN version cut load times? This could influence my decision. Thanks :)
Digital? How big?
Any discount for PlayStation Plus subscribers?
I’m surprised it’ll be in download for too, but how will that be pulled off? Won’t it be a huge file considering how much content it has and will have?
Question: Are the cutscene videos compressed on the PSN download? The demo was great but some of the video didn’t look that smooth.
I’m wondering if the video cutscenes will look better on the Bluray than they did on the demo
Day one buy, dont care about the price point really. Played the demo over and over. Love the anti gravity. You got that part right!!! Kudos!!! and generally anyone that complains about the price should just get it if they want it. pffft
i’d rather have my rpg taste like rpg rather than tps (me 1 is better rpg)
hey SCEA why don’t speed up the WKC 2 or talk with namco to localize PS3 tales game instead
I wish more developers would do this. Maximize their game for PS3. It’s nonsense that we get crappier versions of games because we get ported from the “other” system. From what I’ve seen some people say on the internet (not very reliable, but a lot of people said it), a lot of developers make their games for the other system and then port it over to PS3, and release both to the public, but in the process, the PS3 version becomes a lesser version. A prime example would be the Black Ops incident. The petition for a refund of the PS3 version already has thousands of signatures!
Well, judging from the demo it didnt look like a leap in graphical quality really. In fact, demo comparison seem to show that its not really a improvement, more that its different. I hope that wasnt final code. Also, surprised by the day 1 PSN release
The demo was, for certification and testing reasons, about a 2 month older build than the final “what you will play when you get it home” version. I think you’ll see that the game is noticeably better at launch. =)