David Jaffe Answers Your Twisted Metal PS3 Questions

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Hi ya’ll! We’re all crunching like mad on the game while also trying to get ready for the holidays! But I did want to stop by, say hey, and answer some of the more frequent questions we’ve been getting about the new Twisted Metal. Watch the video below to get some info on things like multiplayer balance, my all-time favorite Twisted Metal weapon, and the huuuuge bosses you’ll encounter in the game. Thanks again for your great questions, and happy holidays! Oh, and stay tuned to the end of the video for info on how you can win a brand new Sweet Tooth action figure signed by the whole Twisted Metal team! Have a great holiday ya’ll! Be safe, have fun! Later!

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  • Here is a suggestion… for multiplayer, have a team game mode made up of 16 players 8 on each side. Now I will try and just hit the high notes so thiss doesn’t get complicated.

    – there should be an oval or something. And each team will have to get a ball or something that a team is awarded at the start of the game round this oval like 5 times or something then go through a ring at the end of their rounds to score a point.

    – This oval can be passed from one team member to the next simply by getting your vehicle next to your team member for a few seconds.

    – The rest of the team will concentrate on protecting the team mate with the ball.

    I think this will make for a really interesting game mode.

    Keep up the good work. Can’t wait.

  • Car/Vehicle Combat: No one has done it better than the TM series on PlayStation.

    One of the best split-screen multiplayerā€”and soon to be best online multiplayerā€”game/series of all time!

    Just like most TM fans, I can recall the go-to game for me and my bro, back in the day, when we wanted to battle each other was TM1 and then of course, TM2. We were addicted! Our favorite map was Paris…man, how we would use the remote bomb to bring death to each other in so many clever ways, it was I think, what made the game so much fun for us. LOL. We would make up combos to end the other guy: HOMING MISSILE + HOMING MISSILE + FREEZE + REMOTE PLANT = TIMELESS FUN!!

    … Then of course TM: BLACK came out and took it to another level with the destruction and detail in the game. TM PS3 looks to take the series to unreachable heights… can.not.wait.

  • This is a great video. Unfortunately, unlike several other posters here, I have never played a Twisted Metal game before as I never had a playstation console prior to the PS3. After seeing the Sony E3 conference though, it is safe to say that I will buy the game day one.

    While others seem to dislike the fact that the developers are shooting for a teen rating, I on the other hand would prefer it to have a teen rating. I mean several posters stated that they started playing Twisted Metal when they were much younger (with the playstation one teen rated games). Perhaps it would have been a different story if TM 1, 2, 3, and/or 4 were rated M as they probably would have been unable to play the game themselves or with their brothers or sisters due to its mature rating. With a teen rating, perhaps more people will be able to enjoy the game with their children, brothers, sisters, wife, girlfriend, etc. and inevitably create even more diehard fans of the series. Maybe even more great memories will be made from playing this game because of this.

    Well, I certainly can’t wait for the game and I hope you guys (and girls) at Eat Sleep Play have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  • Aww man, I grew up playing the Twisted Metal series, i’ve been a fan ever since. I still have all the original Twisted Metals on my ps1, and i’m like emotionally attached to them so I like can’t give them away, I would love to have one of your Twisted Metal Action figures because it would incredibly epic and expand my love to the TM series! Peace and Merry X-Mas and good luck with the game :)

  • is the online gonna be a P2P system? or there will be Dedicated Servers?

    please Sony put Dedicated Servers we all have seen what happened to black ops with their [DELETED] P2P

  • I have a perfect way to appeal to Europeans, Jaffe!

    Have Sony make a special Kevin Butler European spot where he introduces the concept of car combat and demolition derbies to Europeans using lots of stereotypes and Nascar references. Localize it with various languages as necessary.

    I hope I win an action figure and Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone at Eat Sleep Play!

  • Hey David, Just wanted to ask what can someone who hasn’t ever played any of the Twisted Metal games expect? It looks like a very awesome game so far, the gameplay at E3 looked amazing, but for the life of me I’ve never played a Twisted Metal game. Is this game a game I can pick up and have a blast, without missing much in terms of storyline,etc…from the original games? Thank you for your time!

  • Instead of writing a novel with this comment like others have done, I will keep it short and simple.

    Twisted metal kicks massive amounts of a**!

    That is all.

  • I can’t wait for this game. The fact that you’re putting in as much effort into the single and multiplayer is telling me that this is going to be incredibly sick. God, I can’t wait. TM2 and TMB are some of my favorite games ever made.

    Twisted Metal is also as Illum1nova said, the reason (not the only by any chance, but the first and biggest) I’m a Playstation fan and have been since 1998 when I first played TM2. I was just blown away by it. Got a PS1 for TM2, PS2 for TMB and a PS3 for this game a couple of years ago when it was first rumored.

    The series is incredibly special to me, and I’m so glad you guys are making this game and bringing your A game to it. I honestly can’t wait.

    Is there any news of when you guys get to Beta if you will have a Beta trial for PS+ members? Reason I signed up for that, too.

    Have a great break Jaffe! You and your team’s work is a continuing inspiration in my own filmmaking and game design work! Thank you for this game all at ESP and Sony!!!!

  • First of all I can’t freakin wait for this game!

    Team up with the Motorstorm team and make the Twisted Metal Characters/Vehicles appear in Motorstorm, as Downloadable content! Weapons and all!!!!

    “Sign it” I need your guys autographs!

  • Will there be more classic characters in the game besides the ones you’ve announced? Like Warthog or yellow jacket, grass hopper, crimson fury, spector it wouldn’t feel like a TM game without them

  • My questions/view for Twisted Metal PS3
    ā€¢Will Online have Party and voice chat support? if so how far will it go, Killzone 2 party support was fairly weak and made joining friends pretty frustrating and voice is standard, but will it also be adjustable in choosing a Party or Public environment
    ā€¢Will there be a theater mode so that you can show off your best (or worst) moments?
    ā€¢Are there any co-op specific vehicles? (one drives the other mans the guns)
    ā€¢Any chance of it going back to the colorful Twisted Metal 2 style? At least even for a single map/level, the juxtaposition of the two was pretty great.
    ā€¢Map editor?

    The only bit I hope you guys can build on is the online/multiplayer experience with parties, friend lists, host migration, theater modes, I’m hoping you have something extra as well along the lines of Killzone 2 or Halo stat tracking and heat maps because everyone likes to brag sometimes, they just need the proof.

  • Gah, one more thing, I think i’ve mentioned it on your Twitter. Is there any way to have an option for the old school TMB control scheme? Playing TM with joysticks would be such a mind fu** for me, although I’m sure I’d get used to it.

  • It was with Twisted Metal 2 that I got my first taste of what 3D gaming and the Sony PlayStation had to offer. I can remember my first time picking up a PSOne controller and making the “Big Leap” with Sweet Tooth along the rooftops of New York. Like another popular franchise of the time, Mortal Kombat, Twisted Metal 2 had a good deal of hype surrounding it due in no small part by the easter eggs and small secrets hidden deep within the game. My brother and his friends had already unlocked Needles through a special sequence discovered after countless suicide dives into the cityscape below. My favorite memory then came at their request almost as an initiation when I fired a Power missile headed straight for the Statue of Liberty. I think watched as Lady Liberty was stripped of her robe wearing only a tini red bikini. I was in love.

    It’s after viewing the initial trailer and footage that I know, once again the Twisted franchise is in the right hands. Giant bowling balls and film canisters rolling through suburbia, once again I am at home. Good luck guys and thank you for making Twisted Metal!

  • I have a question about Special Weapons for each character. Since it’s a car combat game, I remember the Special Weapon being the same throughout the game… will it be changeable with a Secondary Choice before a match in campaign or online in the upcoming TM game?… either way you guys are one of the best game franchises ever for PlayStation. been a fan since TM 2, and TM 4 and Black are my most played TM games until this one drops

  • Hello David Jaffe,

    First of all I want to thank you for being the great developer that you are, and for miraculously being able to think and make an insane car combat game with these amazing ridiculous characters to boost!

    My fav in the series is Def. TM2 it has the best soundtrack/levels/gameplay.

    I’m an Arab fan from this country you probably never heard of called “Bahrain”. I made this class assignment I wrote in College that got me a very good grade! The teacher asked us to write about any story that happened and he wanted us to give a proper title name to the story. I wrote about a car accident that happened to someone I know.. and I decided to call it “Twisted Metal”. The next day he says I wrote the best story and told the whole class that I called my story that name! I was so proud and happy! I thanked you for creating the awesome series and scoring me some good marks in college!

    Thanks for listening to your fans Jaffe.. I’m one of the guys who wrote on your channel begging you to make another TM for ps3.

    P.S. I’d love to have that sweet tooth figure. I know I said I’m from Bahrain, I have a US address you can ship it to ^^

  • Can’t wait for it to finally come out. TM1, TM2 & TM Black were great(won’t mention 3 and 4 the whole if nothing nice to say that mom drilled into my head. Whoops just mentioned them by not mentioning them). I actually still play them from time to time. Still as fun as they were years ago. Just proof that a good game doesn’t need awesome graphics(it does help though ha ha) as long as it has entertaining gameplay, a catch, a hook, just something that grabs you and makes you “waste” hours of your life playing. Actually liked the Axle character so much I convinced my uncle to dress up as him for Halloween one year. Gosh I miss him sometimes. At least with the tractor tires we were able to chalk it up as a farming accident and it was never really looked into. (It’s a joke, honest. Please don’t look any further into it.) Well this is getting way too long so just wrap up by saying again can’t wait (kinda have to though) and I agree with one of the other posters (sorry didn’t write the name down) that a limited

  • edition with a Sweet Tooth mask would be awesome. Thanks for the hard work and twisted minds you all have. Happy Holidays. Oh and it prob doesn’t sell in Europe because of the poor dental hygiene stereotype they have and the whole sweet tooth thing scaring them into thinking they might get a cavity (joking and taking a page from Jaffe and blurting ha ha)

  • T: total Mayhem!
    W: war machines!
    I: insane action!
    S: spectacular storyline!
    T: thanks!
    E: embarking on an epic journey of KILLING STUFF!
    D: destroy, destroying, DESTROYED!

    M: met my standards! =D
    E: exclusive to the almighty PL/\Ā„ST/\TIƘN!
    T: takeover the WORLD!
    A: action!
    L: list took me half an hour!

    If this meets your guys standards, then I want the quickest way to get my Sweet Tooth, either signed or not.

  • I had a few things I wanted to say:1. Glad to see more updates on TM I have been playing since TM1 and am very excited to see the game come back. In fact I bought a year subscription to the Playstation the Magazine just to read the article about TM in it.2. You said in your video that there has not been a TM released on console since 2001, did you mean current generation consoles? I had thought that TM head on was released in Feb. 2008 for the ps2 or am I mistaken. If that is so I would not want you guys to sell yourself short since I believe that was the first TM that Eat Sleep Play worked on. (Its around 3:20 in the video I believe.)
    3. It will be nice to have an online game besides a FPS that might be able to keep enough interest to stay alive online. As I am sure many people have realized, there are a lot of games that have a very fun and active online experience around launch, but after a few months will become almost dead. My question to you is what will keep TM players active online, and keep the game alive for years to come? Will it be DLC? Will the game alone have enough replayability? (I hope) Or is there something else to keep the series fresh and exciting? 4. I have more to say but have used my 1250 with spaces up :/

  • I had to take out some spaces to make my comment above fit

  • I will admit that I’m a new fan of twisted metal. But, you know what, I don’t really care because as soon as I saw that ice cream car with a psychotic clown holding a machete out the window drive onto the E3 stage I knew I wanted this. Plus, any game that involves smashing cars is awesome in my book. Throw in machetes, guns, and flaming chainsaws, you’ve got an epic deal.
    p.s. thank you David Jaffe and the rest of the team at Santa Monica for making an amazing game that most core ps3 fans will love and have a merry christmas and a happy new year!

  • edit that: a merry deadly christmas

  • After Twisted Metal drops the world will start saying “TM is the reason you get a PS3” not GOW or Uncharted. Never been a TM fan but now I cant wait for this, goodbye to my vigilante 8 memories because sometimes you have to get rid of your old memories to make room for the new memories.V8 your F****** OUT,TM your F****** IN. Merry Christmas to all.

  • What is up ESP!? Let me just say, the Dualshock is a classic and it will never be replaced. Fightsticks are cool and wheels may do a better job, but I prefer to have one controller to rule them all! Even though the Move is precise and totally awesome, I prefer chillin on my couch when I play and I dont care to move too much, thats what the little characters on the screen are supposed to do. I love the feeling of pressing a single button and watching the result play out in a game and that feeling ill never forget.

  • Dave will the new Twisted Metal bring add-ons like playing as Kratos from God of War or Drake from Uncharted?

  • Thank you everybody working on this game and have a Merry Christmas.

    The reason I am even a playstation fan is because of Twisted Metal. If this game did not launch with the original PSone then I might not even have a PS3 today.

    Twisted Metal 2 is by far my favorite out of the series becuase it is the one I have played the most. TM 2 also is also held near and dear to my heart becasue back when I first got this game it was me and me friends goal for the summer to beat the co op campaign without dying. One whole summer break later the co op campaign was completed without any deaths by either player ( this includes Minion and Dark Tooth). Definetly in my top ten gaming moments in my life.

    Thanks again David for bringing back one of Sony’s greatest game series. Merry Christmas.

  • Dang it, this is the same thing I have to do every year in order to receive gifts from my family. Well I loved TM2, and I played a bit of black. Aslo I played the psp one. Sorry I can’t think of anything awesome to say, please consider me anyways.

  • Never played a Twisted Metal game in my life but jesus do I want this game.

  • I’ve never really played Twisted Metal, though I remember watching family play the PS1 games way back in the day. But the E3 demo just looked like a lot of fun, and I know that’s really hard to do. So I’ll definitely be getting this when it comes out.

    Here’s some advice, though. Since this will obviously be TM’s first forray into the world of trophies, please make the online trophies (if there are any) reasonable. No one likes to try and compile a ridiculously high kill count or become the highest ranked player that week. Just try to make them reasonable. And the more single player trophies, the better.

  • Twisted Metal will have a bit of a hard time selling in Asian territory’s I’m sure. Unless they include a character in the game that’s an androgynous teenager with pink, spiky hair riding a decked out baby stroller with chicken legs instead of wheels, then no cigar…

    On a lighter note, this game’s gonna be dope, and hopefully it’ll sell like hotcakes in all other regions!!

  • Sorry my comment is so long. It might take a couple of posts.

    It all started when I was 5 years old. My parents got me a Playstation for my 5th birthday and they took me to the store to pick out a game. I chose Twisted Metal because the cars on the front looked so awesome. I played that game to death and I felt like the happiest kid on earth every time a new TM came out. Some people think Twisted Metal 3 and 4 are bad games but as a kid I didn’t really care.

    I played every Twisted Metal game for countless hours. My favorites are Twisted Metal 2 then the original then Black. Some of my favorite cars are Sweet Tooth, Axel, Hammerhead, Mr. Grimm, Darkside, Shadow, Twister, Mr. Slam and Minion. I used to annihilate my friends in multiplayer and the co-op was a blast too. Twisted Metal Black was my first PS2 game and Twisted Metal: Head On was my first PSP game and my first online multiplayer experience.

  • (continued)

    Twisted Metal on PS3 has been my most anticipated game ever since you hinted at it in Head On: Extra Twisted Edition. Iā€™ve never wanted any game more than I want the new Twisted Metal. I really hope you guys are planning on making some collectors editions. Twisted Metal means so much to me. Itā€™s been a huge part of my gaming life. I have so much Twisted Metal nostalgia. If someone was talking bad about Twisted Metal, I would have to whoop their ass. Iā€™m thinking about getting a Twisted Metal tattoo.

    Twisted Metal is the biggest reason why my favorite game developer is David Jaffe. I also love God of War. I have all 5 GoW games and the original is still my favorite. Iā€™ve decided I want to become a game designer too. It would be a dream come true to make games that make people as happy as your games have made me.

  • I concider myself one of the biggest Twisted Metal fans there is. I HAVE to be in the Twisted Metal beta. I will do whatever it takes to be in the beta and give all the feedback I can. Iā€™ll even sign up for PS+ if I have too. Iā€™m just too big of a TM fan to not be in the beta. I hope Iā€™m not too late to win one of those figures. I was going to write this earlier but I had to do some last minute Christmas shopping. If I win, of course I want Eat Sleep Play to sign it. Merry Christmas you guys.

  • That Sweet Tooth figure would be awesome as a room guard. It would scare the s%!# out of my little cousin lol. Hopefully I can get one.

    Can’t wait for this game. Thanks for posting this video David. It’s people like you that make me proud to be a Playstation Member.

    P.S: A possible release date? (Hopefully soon)

  • Thanks!

    Only if you could keep us posted more often.

  • The way is set to enjoy driving, mayhem, even twisted antic laughter.

  • also if I do win one i would also like it signed by everybody there

  • This game reinforces the idea why i am scared of clowns so much.

  • My friend and I have played Twisted Metal every year, at Christmas, since it came out. Our favorite match up is me in Specter and him rocking Axle. I don’t think he’ll ever give up trying to beat me.

  • First off, let me say that I’m excited to see what the team has done with Twisted Metal. The faith you guys have in the single player gives me great confidence that it will be an awesome experience. I hope that the multiplayer will be just as great and include some emphasis on teamwork and tactics (clan support, ladders, etc) to give it a competitive atmosphere.

    I really would like to see this game be successful and hope you consider releasing a special edition with some nice goodies (Sweet Tooth mask maybe?). I’m sure it will give new players even more reason to buy the game. As a longtime TM fan, I have no doubt that this latest installment will meet expectations for the loyal fans and new players alike.

    Happy Holidays!

  • Hi David and everyone on working on TM,

    I just wanted to say thanks for continuing the series on PS3. The original Twisted Metal was my first experience with the original PlayStation. My cousin had just got out of boot camp from the Navy and he had a few weeks to relax before returning. He bought a brand new PlayStation with his first paycheck and we rented a few games, including Twisted Metal. I am not even exaggerating when I tell you we didn’t even touch the other games because Twisted Metal was so addictive! We stayed up for 48 hours straight playing nothing but TM. I’ll never forget discovering that you could hang from the edge of buildings with your front tires and unleashing a surprise “stealth attack” on your enemies. The worst part came when we had to attend a family wedding after 2 straight days of gaming with no sleep!

    When Twisted Metal 2 was released, things only got better. The Hong Kong and Paris levels from TM2 are by far my favorite levels in any TM game. I hope that you guys will consider remaking some of the classic levels for Twisted Metal PS3. If not at launch, then even as DLC would be great!

    Happy holidays and good luck with the new game–I can’t wait to finally play it!

  • I’d love that action figure(signed of course) and here’s why I love T.M.: Reminds me of the good ol days when things were simpler and I had more time to game and less time worrying about bills and things, good friends and good times and good memories basically !

  • Twisted Metal is classic but Sweet Tooth always scared the hell out of me! i remember playing TM2 multiplayer with my cousin and always closed my eyes while he picked sweet tooth! i was absolutley terrified of him! now my brother is scared of Sweet Tooth just like i was. Its always fun to mess with him and pull up Sweet Tooth out of no where.
    Jaffe i think you guys should add incentive to co-op just like competitive. Give use power ups and exclusive 2 player weapons if we do something crazy in co-op. something thats exclusive to co-op!
    that would be awesome! Keep up the good work!

  • I still worry if Twisted Metal has staying power this gen. I don’t see a car combat game being something the masses will flock to anymore. It probably will sell ok for a PS3 game, but the online has to do something special for it to last more than a month.

    I have played all the Twisted Metal games and even I am on the fence if I really want a new Twisted Metal. So till the game releases I will be listening and hoping something gets me really hype for it’s PS3 debut.

  • I swear every night when I go to bed I’m scared of hearing an Ice cream truck in fear of Sweet Tooth.

  • To Jaffe:

    The charismatic simplistic manner of your speech is paralleled only by the awkward and fidgety nature of Mark Zuckerberg.

  • Very good to hear Online 2 player campaign COOP is in! That’s really good stuff!

    Little sad that you only got to answer a few questions, but my guess is Corp has you locked down under a tight release schedule. Boo them! I was really hoping for Dedicated Server confirmation!

    Anyways, Merry Christmas! I’m going to pop in some TM1 on my Phat PS3 and run over Santa in River Park Rumble. I’ll leave the dog alone.

    Make sure to put Santa in the new one!

  • Hey Bro, I’ve gotta say I’m really excited for Twisted Metal, I remember playing various Twisted Metal games when I was younger,
    And I’ve always remembered how those games where just pure fun.

    I know you guy’s make good games, And I’m confident Twisted Metal will be a great comeback, and most likely be a game most Playstation fans are going to want.

    Anyways im excited for Twisted Metal in 2011, I cant wait to destroy my friend’s :) and maybe even some Dev’s hey ;)

    Merry Christmas everyone


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