Burn your Dread: Persona 3 Portable Signed Soundtrack Drawing!

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Allow us to get your week on track, PlayStation.Blog readers. SOUNDtrack, that is. SIGNED soundtrack, even. That’s right, we’ve got 10 soundtracks graced by the pen/magic marker/writing instrument of one Shoji Meguro, master composer of games like Persona 3 and Persona 4, and we’re giving them away. Here. Just to you folks.

Persona 3 Portable for PSP -- original soundtrack

“How do I enter?” you inquire, leaning forward in excitement. Easy! Just tell us what you’re most excited about regarding the upcoming P3P as a comment under this post. Maybe it’s the fact that you can take one of the highest rated RPGs of all time on the road now? Or the cast of memorable characters you just can’t get enough of? Or the dating sim elements? The fantastic music? The great art? The addicting gameplay? The original story?

10 lucky winners will be randomly (or as close to randomly as possible) chosen and sent a SIGNED soundtrack CD. Only North American residents are eligible to win, however. It’s not that we don’t love you rest-of-the-world’ers; we just want to focus this giveaway on the region in which the game is actually releasing.

Why are we doing this? Well, we’d love to use this opportunity to remind you that:

    a) Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable, Atlus’s upcoming handheld RPG epic, is right around the corner, releasing in stores and via PlayStation Network on July 6th.
    b) It features one of the best soundtracks ever, and in order to further emphasize that point, we want to give a few of those soundtracks away. SIGNED.

In case you all are a bit unfamiliar with the P3P soundtrack, perhaps we should share a sample with you:

For more music samples, visit the official Persona 3 Portable website!

“The music seems awesome,” you say, pensively prodding your chin with your finger, “but I’m not guaranteed to win it. I just wish there was some cool bonus with Persona 3 Portable that I was guaranteed to receive.”

Funny you’d say that, because there’s still time to pre-order your copy of Persona 3 Portable at a participating retailer (GameStop and Amazon in the United States and Canada) and receive a collectible Junpei Baseball Cap. It’s modeled after the one he wears in the game!

Persona 3 Portable: Pre-order bonus (Junpei cap)

“Wow, they’re sure giving us a lot of physical awesome to celebrate the release of the game, but what about the game itself?” you muse aloud to no one in particular, gently tapping your pointer fingers together in front of your mouth.

We’ve already told you in previous posts about how Persona 3 Portable puts you in the shoes of a team of gifted high schoolers forced to use their developing supernatural abilities to save the world from destruction, and how the game cleverly mixes addicting RPG dungeon crawling with social sim elements. And how the PSP system release introduces a new female protagonist who experiences the events of the game from a new perspective, not to mention the addition of one-button menu shortcuts, a streamlined user interface, and more.

We’d say more about the game, but really, why not let others speak for us? Early reviews are in, Blog readers, and they’re glowing:

Gaming Nexus – A
“Atlus added enough new content to make this the first must-own PSP RPG of the year!”

Gamervision – 10 out of 10
“Persona 3 Portable is one of the strongest games in the PSP catalogue, and a shining example of a role-playing game done right.”

GamerTell – 99 out of 100
“Simply said, Persona 3 Portable is a system seller. If you own a PSP and can purchase “Mature” games, you should own it. If you don’t own a PSP, Persona 3 Portable is easily a game to inspire you to pick one up.”

PlayStation Illustrated – 95 out of 100
“It’s a fantastic RPG stuffed with things to do and interesting, yet unusual, ideas.”

1UP.com – A-
“I’d actually recommend Persona 3 Portable as the best introduction to the series — even ahead of the console versions of Persona 3 or Persona 4. But I’d also highly recommend P3P for longtime fans of the franchise…”

gamrReview by VGChartz – 9 out of 10
“PSP fans can rejoice that such a grand RPG has arrived on their system of choice…”

GameZone 8.5 out of 10
“…a solid version of a great RPG.”

Look for Persona 3 Portable on retail shelves and in PSN Store on July 6, 2010! For more info about P3P, visit the game’s official website.

Don’t forget: What about the upcoming Persona 3 Portable are you most looking forward to? Tell us below for a chance to win a SIGNED soundtrack CD! We’ll try and choose winners by the game’s release date (winners will be notified with a message sent to their PSN account).

Comments are closed.


24 Author Replies

  • being an artist.. i love persona for the art style in game and their cover art and marketing stuff .. its pure awesome.. and of course the music ^_^

  • One Thousand and First!

  • Not only the game, but FES, and now additional content?! Awesome. I think we can all say, thank you for taking the time to basically remake this absolutely amazing game. A portable version is a huge bonus. Might there be a Persona special edition psp released sometime? That would be great, not that I really need another psp. This is a huge statement: a game being re-released twice. Not many games have that under their belt. Not to mention a great pre-order.
    Thanks again, can’t wait to play it.

  • I’m super excited about this game. Persona 3 has been my favorite game for the PS2, and the only gripe I had with the game was not being able to control the other characters in battle, because they sometimes did silly things in boss fights and got me into trouble. Now that’s changed, so I’m happy, and adding in the female character as an alternate means that many of the social links will be very different. And the music is sooooooo awesome! :D

  • I’m excited about playing as a female. I wonder what type of dialogue choices she’ll have.

    This is going to be the third time I buy Persona 3.

  • What about the upcoming Persona 3 Portable are you most looking forward to?

    I am most looking forward to a few things. My first experience with the persona series was actually the PSP version of Persona 1 that came out last year. I bought it because I had heard about the Persona series before and its high acclaim. I loved that game, but there were some reasons why some first time players of a JRPG would dislike it. I have also heard that the Persona series has changed way too much for that game to be a true welcome to the series, so I decided to pick up this game. I guess the biggest thing I’m looking forward to is the experience of a high class JRPG for the first time, but I’m also pretty excited for the social sim part of the game. Honestly, I’m really excited for the game in general. July 6th is coming way too slowly. Isn’t there a way we can accelerate the passing of time until then?

  • Woah! What happened, I got bumped from my 1001 spot. You saw it Aram, you can testify that I was 1001st for at least a couple of minutes. I should probably at least try to make a relevant post so, Persona 3 Portable is gonna be great, the sky is blue, the grass is green. What else is new.

  • I’m buying P3P because it was totally worth it the last two times I bought it (P3 and Fes), and now I’ll be able to take one of my favorite games of all time with me whereve I go. Also, awesome Junpei hat.

  • This is my favorite game since final fantasy 7 (i own both the vanilla and fes), and i’m most excited for the new voice acting re-dub and art for npc’s. It’s nice to not have to run your character everywhere and the female MC route is going to be seriously hazardous to my social life….as if I care. BRING IT ON, ATLUS!

  • Huge fan of the Shin Megami Tensei series as a whole, with the Persona games ranking as my favorites. Very excited to check out the new female protagonist, and that balla Junpei hat.

  • After sinking so many hours into the Journey and the Answer, I’m excited to see how the ending scene plays out with the female protagonist. Plus, the Junpei hat will rule.

  • I would love for a chance to get one of these signed soundtracks, Persona and the Shin Megami Tensai series have been one of the best jRPG series on the Playstation platforms. Simply fantastic!

  • I’m looking forward to having an excuse to spend 70 hours playing a single video game again. I’ve been meaning to jump back into P3 and try different S-Links, but whenever I consider it I’m scared away by the play time. By adding enough new content, I’ll be glad to re-experience the magic all over again.

  • Obviously looking forward to playing this on the toilet.

  • I am looking forward to two things:
    Playing as a girl, and playing P3 anywhere I want.

  • I played Persona 4 for the first time this year and loved it. So when I started trying to find Persona 3 and saw that it was coming out for the psp, I couldn’t have been happier.

  • I’m excited to finally play one of the best rpg’s ever made on a handheld. The music, art, characters, and plot are all superb. And most of all, we get a junpei hat xD

  • I’m looking forward to finally take one of my favorites with me and show it to friends that haven’t seen any SMT related games yet, that and the fact I can finally make sure my party doesn’t do anything dumb :)

  • The Persona series in general has been one of my favorite video games series to play and really enjoy. I currently own all of the Persona titles released here in the United States, and have completed them all. Such is the life of a gamer, right? Lol. Anyway, this would be a wonderful addition to my collection, and one that I know I will fully enjoy on the go.

    Thank you Atlus for this awesome contest, and to you, PlayStation Blog, for writing about it.

  • I’m hoping that with multiple re-releases of the same awesome game, companies will recognize the market for something other than FPS games.


    I doubt this is true so I’ll just have to keep sinking my time into P4, buy a PSP, replay P3, and hope Atlus sends me some SMT for PS3 soon.

    way too many acronyms in this post.

  • What I’m mainly looking forward to is being able to play as a girl. I’m looking forward to the new S.links, music, and convenient portability but I’ve wanted to play as a female MC ever since P3 first came out and now I finally get to~

  • What I’m mainly looking forward too is seeing how the Social Links differ with a female lead character! I’m really interested to see just how much of the game was modified to allow for the change. And the fact that it has become portable only sweetened the deal. Most of my game playing happens on the PSP and DS, and there just isn’t enough Shin Megami Tensei on either!

  • I’m excited to play as a new MC, and see some of the redesigned Persona models.

  • When I first played this game I was hooked. P3 is the freakin’ best RPG on PS2. Now that it’s coming out for PSP, I must have it. I love the music on this game, so, naturally, as soon as I found out about this drawing I had to enter.

    One of things I’m most excited about is being able to play as the female protagonist; to be able to see the game from another perspective. But, I am mostly just eager to play P3 again. It is truly a great game.

    I also found out that my cousin is moving in with us and he is super crazy about this game too. Maybe if I win a CD, I could give it to him as a gift… Nah… Well Maybe… IDK I want it too.

  • In for a sweet hat and hopefully win a soundtrack.

  • The fact that Atlus is bringing so many games to the PSP is the deciding factor for me to finally buy one. I preordered it and can’t wait. My PS2 copy can go into a well deserved retirement.

  • Hi Aram! P3 is becoming like a Street Fighter 2 for you guys, eh? lol Do I dare buy again for the third time? Of course I do! but only because it has the pretty little Atlus logo in the corner…love it! and it seems all signs are pointing toward a yes for the same PSP treatment for the elusive P2…say yes!!! (pick me!!!)

  • Im excited for a deep and engaging story also I hope it can surpass my fav game ever persona 4

  • I love Persona 3! I just pre-ordered it a few months ago
    and I am really excited about this game coming out! I am
    a HUGE fan of the series and I must say that the PSP version
    is gonna be even better! The music, battles, and gameplay make
    this game worth buying! Thank you Atlus! I want to see another
    Persona game being made for the PS3 as well! I’m so excited!!
    Keep up the good work, Atlus!!!

  • I’m looking forward to playing Persona 3 again. Tried playing through it again after Persona 4, but it was like taking a big step backwards. Can’t wait to see what the female protagonist brings to the table story-wise and hope to put another 100+ hours into it.

  • I’m most excited to hook up with elizabeth. lol!

  • The artwork is amazing and the hat is pretty fantastic.
    Having the soundtrack would be so epic, I would probably cry!
    Portable makes it all the better.

  • Persona 3 is tied with Persona 4 for my favorite game. Its unique style, well-rounded and fleshed-out characters, deep story, fast-paced turn-based combat, and awesome music (emphasis on AWESOME) makes it a god among games.

    Though I don’t own a PSP, I look forward to the release of this game because it will get it out to more people to enjoy and spread the word about the game’s awesomeness and the series it comes from. :)

  • Persona 3 was a game I bought on a whim one day. I wasn’t expecting much from it, I just needed an RPG to kill some time with.
    I was awake and playing for 2 solid days.
    To this day I recommend it to everyone, and refuse to lend it to anyone. And now you’re letting me bring it around with me everywhere?
    With added content?
    The feature I’m most looking forward to is the massive rush of joy I’ll get every time I turn it on.

  • I excited to play persona 3 again and now I can play it anytime or anyplace. Now to carry the PSP with me wherever I go and get strange looks when I sing the Burn My Dread song crap it’s stuck in my head again damn you Atlus !!

  • I look forward to seeing how playing as a girl will change the story/character interactions.

  • ResidentZoidberg

    I’d love that soundtrack – that’d actually be what I’m most excited for! I absolutely love a finely crafted game soundtrack and own many a’ OSTs.

    The mark of a great game is excelling in a particular (or several) category. The mark of an unforgettable/perfect/other positive adjective game is one that excels in every single category; graphics, gameplay, story, sound, music, and so on.

    Plus, I’ll actually have to dust off the old PSP now!

  • I cant wait to play as a female character :D

  • I’m looking forward to playing as the female protagonist. I have over 600+ hours on persona 3, but with all the new game play and the new character, I can’t wait for the game to come out. I pre-ordered it the day that i could. Can’t wait!

  • I’m most excited to be able to bring one of my favorite RPGs ever around where ever I go, as well as the fact that I can play it with a new main character.

  • I’m most looking forward to not being ostracized by my fellow gamer friends!!! I played through Persona 4 and LOVED it, but I missed out on Persona 3 somehow, and a lot of my buddies claim it’s even better. Now I’ll finally be able to talk to them about it without sssshing spoilers! The fact that it’ll be on my PSP, which never leaves my side, is icing on the cake! (Also hopefully looking forward to a wonderful soundtrack to complement my preorder of the game—thanks for the promo stuff guys!)

  • I only preordered it just yesterday, I almost forgot it was coming out in July!
    I had so much fun with P3 and FES, I’m looking forward to playing through again w/ female protag & new social links, and can’t wait to see the Boss Rush/Vision Quest mode!

  • I’m most excited about the fact that it’s a re-release. I missed out on the other Persona’s because they were so under the radar. Hopefully more people will get there hands on it this time.

  • I love the series as a whole and have been playing since Persona 2 came out on Ps1. Also the Junpei hat is pretty sweet.

  • As a female gamer, I’m excited to finally play a game released in NA with a dating sim element where you can build romantic relationships with guys instead of girls! Games that cater to women is something that I feel has been sorely missing in the NA gaming scene.

  • Wait, a give away comment contest with over 1000 comments? It’s like John Diamon must have opened the post 15 minutes ago!

  • I am most excited regarding the upcoming P3P.

  • Bought Persona 3 and the FES version, but was never able to really finish it due to the fact that I rarely had time to just sit down and play on my console. Now I can bring it everywhere with me. Thats probably the thing that makes me most excited about it.

    Plus, I get to pick it up around my birthday, which is added bonus.

  • I can’t wait to play with the new character!

  • I like the video update, but did your really have to puke it into 640×480? eh 720i/p would have been a better choice, at least allow us the option to spit the video out into a better resolution.

    But, I am very pleased all in all

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