Split/Second Demo Crashes Into PSN Tomorrow

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We’re excited to announce that the Split/Second demo is coming to PSN for PlayStation 3 tomorrow! To prepare you for the action you’ll be experiencing, I wanted to provide you with a bit more information about the demo which takes place in our “Airport” location. After we had such a great response from fans who played this level at E3 2009 and both Penny Arcade Expo events in Seattle and Boston, we thought it would make a great demo to release to everyone in advance of the game.

Split/Second Aircraft Control Tower

In Split/Second, you build up your power meter through skilled driving techniques and then trigger what we call “Power Plays” to take out opponents and alter the track. All this takes place in the premise of a huge global broadcast event where you play as a contestant trying to win the season championship. The airport track features some incredible moments that YOU can trigger – including a navigational radar dish that explodes off its base and a tram that slams into a parking structure creating some real shock waves on the track. There are also some other really huge Power Plays you can activate like taking down the airport control tower to clear a path onto the runway which provides access to a huge remote-controlled jumbo jet you can use to take out your competitors. Overall, there are three major route changers on the course. Can you find all of them?

Split/Second Multiplayer Airport

Airport_Environment_Shot_01 Split/Second Airport

Download the demo and then go to our official Facebook page to let us know what you think of it. We also challenge you to take a photo of your times in the demo and post your score so we can determine who is the fastest on the PS3 demo. We hope you’ll be as addicted as we are to try new things and attempting to shave down your time.

We were proud to have Split/Second selected for the Game Critics Awards last year for Best Racing Game of E3 and we have already started receiving some great reviews from the press. The game was developed by the incredibly talented team at Black Rock Studio, creators of 2008’s extremely fun off-road racing game, PURE (which also won the Best Racing Game of E3 2008).

We look forward to hearing your thoughts on the demo and hope you enjoy Split/Second when it hits retail shelves on May 18th.

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