Incoming: Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package DLC Hits PSN Tomorrow

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Tomorrow, May 4th, will be an onslaught of Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer goodness on the PlayStation Network!

First and foremost, the first downloadable content for Modern Warfare 2 — The Stimulus Package — will hit the PSN Store for $14.99 and bring with it five new maps to the multiplayer of MW2. Included in those five new maps are two classic Call of Duty 4 maps that we all know and love, and three completely new locations that offer a variety of unique locations for your favorite gametypes. The Stimulus Package includes:

Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package for PS3

Bailout ā€“ An American apartment complex that is amazing for objective gametypes, especially Capture the Flag, but one of those maps that works well regardless of what type of game youā€™re playing it on. Its long sightlines — like sniping from a blown-out wall of a second-story apartment suite — give it some nice spots for long-range sniping but also has plenty of flanking routes through the bullet-riddled gym, hallways, lobbies, and interconnecting units.

Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package for PS3

Salvage ā€“ A snowy junkyard covered in debris, crushed cars, and my favorite aspect — no place to hide (well, maybe one, but hiding in the dog house isnā€™t going to win you the game). This aspect of beautiful but simplistic design is what makes Salvage my new favorite map for Hardcore Team Deathmatch; it forces you to rely on your speed, accuracy, and skill. Itā€™s all about offensive, sorry campers! This map is about getting in and STAYING in the fight.

Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package for PS3

Storm ā€“ A rainy warehouse district on the outskirts of a looming thunderstorm with booming lightning and rolling thunder. A massive interconnected warehouse with overhead walkways and plenty of machinery for cover makes this great for big team games. With plenty of surrounding outdoors areas for flanking or cutting through the connected buildings, this is a map that benefits from two teams working together to control their area and lock down domination points. This map has a great atmosphere and always results in some insane HQ games.

Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package for PS3

Crash ā€“ A war-torn urban environment with a crashed helicopter surrounded by several great vantage points. Whether youā€™re taking pop shots from the three-story building overlooking the map, or covering the center objective point from the second story of the appropriately named ā€œblue roomā€ windows, Crash is the first fan-favorite map to make a return from Call of Duty 4, and is one those multiplayer locations that is perfectly balanced regardless of the gametype you throw on it. Team Deathmatch is king on Crash for me personally and weā€™ve maintained every cover, sniper vantage, and perfect ‘nade spot youā€™ve grown to love, but have also filled the map out with even more detail.

Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package for PS3

Overgrown ā€“ A massive and open village divided down the center by a dried-up creekbed. Overgrown is a snipers paradise with its high grass, super-long sightlines, and earns its cred as one of our largest multiplayer maps. Itā€™s back by popular demand from the community, and was one of my personal favorite maps of all time from Call of Duty 4. Itā€™s been updated with some new lightning and atmospheric changes, yet maintains its trademark flow and appeal for big team games.

When you jump online to enjoy the new maps, youā€™re also going to be greeted with a few new additions to the playlists structure in multiplayer. Youā€™ll notice two new playlists added to the bottom of the list: Stimulus & Stimulus Hardcore. These two playlists will allow you to play your favorite gametypes on ONLY the new maps. That way you get to experience them as much as you like.

Stimulus ā€“ This playlist will include all gametypes for 8-12 players and rotating through ONLY the new Stimulus Maps.

Stimulus Hardcore ā€“ This playlist will include Hardcore Ricochet Team Deathmatch, Hardcore Ricochet HQ Pro, Hardcore Ricochet Search and Destroy for 8-12 players and rotating through ONLY the new Stimulus Maps.

While these two playlists are reserved for those who download The Stimulus Package, the same day weā€™ll also be introducing an all new playlist for ALL Modern Warfare 2 players.

Team Tactical ā€“ 6-8 Players playing small team based games with Team Deathmatch, Domination, Capture the Flag, and Demolition. (First Person viewpoint)

This playlist is being added by HUGE demand from the community on our forums, Twitter, and other messages youā€™ve sent in to us; in addition to another requested change of adding the Ranger maps (Terminal, Skidrow, Highrise, Invasion) to the HC HQ Pro playlist.

When I said onslaught, I MEANT onslaught!

Thatā€™s not even all. When all these updates hit tomorrow on May 4th, weā€™ll also be flipping the Double XP switch for the first time, ON ALL PLAYLISTS, FOR ALL PLAYERS! So when you jump online youā€™ll be earning twice as many XP for your kills and objectives to help you finish off that Prestige youā€™ve been working on or, for all you level 70s, the deciding factor to take the leap into the next Prestige.

Tomorrow is all about adding even more mileage to your Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer, giving you all new locations to play, new playlists to play them on, and Double XP to make it all that much sweeter. I look forward to seeing all of you online!

You can follow official Modern Warfare 2 updates and news on Twitter by following @fourzerotwo.

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72 Author Replies

  • I will definitely be buying the map pack cant wait. To the people who are saying $15 bucks is too much, you have to remind yourself, that those 5 map packs will extend your play time, and will easily give you hours upon hours of entertainment.

    To Robert Bowling, if you can say anything to the people here who are bashing you and/or the game what would you want to say? Tell em STFU.. lol.

  • Quote: fourzertwo
    “and enjoy some double XP with us!”
    Are some IW members going (you?) to play on the ps3 ?:D
    Pleas Respond

    • Yeah – I’ll be jumping on PSN to play some games this week / weekend. We’ll post up some official times too.

  • U people need to stop complaining.. In my opinion i believe da maps are very well designed an made. Its worth da $15. U either like it or you dont. Plus, i am buying them if u wanted to know.

  • Bowling since i know you lot like to make money and want to make a better game how about this to ponder on for an idea..
    Call of Duty subscribe – you will get pure servers – so no lag. You will get lots of new maps and allow general public to create maps much like LBP/Modnation or a mass of PC games. For a small subscription fee which could be monthly – yearly basis. This will keep the game alive, fresh and descent. Think World of Duty sort of thing

  • Will you guys move on from Call of Duty? Maybe a new IP or franchise that’s different. It’s been a decade already, maybe something new? I’m talking specifically to Activision, especially since they love to repeat titles because of a large fanbase. Sooner or later people will get over repeated games over and over. Don’t let Call of Duty be like Guitar Hero/other music games!!

  • Been looking forward to this for a long time!!!

  • Damn, fourzerotwoIW’s friend list is full. you should free up some friends that haven’t played in a while and add me =]

  • @Silen7in
    There is some rumors going about that they may be considering that but that would suck for 360. 2 subscription fees? Ahhhh!!

  • Thanks for answering my question 402 – and very best wishes towards your birthday!

    Side-note.. free up some space and add me! :-)

  • A laughably ridiculous price, by any standard.

  • Let me be a dissenting voice from the trend here:

    Dump out 2 more $15 DLC’s in 2010, and I’ll buy all three.

    Would I prefer that the DLC was $5 or $10 instead of $15? Sure.

    $3 per map isn’t much though. I’ll play each of these a hundred times on PSN. That’s 3 cents per play. Well worth it.

    I love MW2, and I’m bored with the current maps. Rather than just waiting 18 months for MW3, I’ll gladly pay the $15 now to keep the game fun.

  • maps better b gd 15euro for 3 new mapsand 2 old ones
    where as 5 new maps only cost 10euro?
    gd maths to whoever worked that 1 out

  • wow guys get a grip…stop bashing 402 for activisions mock up.
    I’ll probably end up buying it anyway, I want my Crash <3

  • YEsS at last how much is it in the UK cus im confused!! =)

  • I’ve read alot of the comments and people are just straight stingy. Not that i’m the richest but damn. I can’t wait. Now Robert Bowling, the only question i have, Can you call the PSN network and tell them to run the title update sooner than later, releasing it to 360 first and having us wait for a month is i think enough :) …….

  • I already own this for 360 so I now that the maps are good. what will the uk price be? 1200MS points is exactly Ā£10.10, so we won’t surely be expected to pay more,

  • im looking forward to buying them, you guys are complaining about $15 cmon how more cheap can you get if your not gonna buy the maps then keep quiet and dont say nothing .

  • BF:BC2 FTW!

  • awesome!!!! happy b-day man! hey did u run out of PS3 codes? =) If u still have I wish I could have 1 …

  • Turbocharged420

    Will you or any of the devs be on this week? What time is PSN gonna shoot the Title Updates?

  • VehicleDestroyr

    Yeah I am not paying 15 bucks for overpriced and LATE dlc. Thanks but no thanks I will stick with the maps I have.

  • I will not be supporting MW2 or their DLC. Haven’t played the game in months. What Activision is doing is just greedy and wrong. IW will probably shut down after Activision gets their DLC#2 and milks that. The future COD games will be made by Treyarch and the Sledgehammer group their talking about. COD is over. Better things are coming from the group that LEFT IW. Can’t wait. Activision ruined a great series. I’ll pass on all DLC and will be reselling my copy of the game.

  • There is another Modern Warfare?

  • Wow. Bunch of cheap @$$es around here.

    For those of you complaining about the $15 price tag – think about how many HOURS of gameplay you’re going to log on these maps, for a paltry $15.

    People always want something for nothing. You know how pathetic it sounds to be crying over Fifteen bucks? Get and enjoy it for what it is, or don’t – and shut your yap about it.

  • at least they arent on the disk xD

  • Great game…but…Why is it 5.99 for the Uncharted 2 DLC which includes 2 maps, 6+ skins, new mode….etc. I think it’s fair to say that 5.99 is a good price point. I’ve always felt that Call of Duty prices were too high. IMHO 10 is still too high for DLC

  • Who is fourzerotwo? Why do I want to be on his friend’s list? I’m lost

  • I don’t see why $15 is a lot for DLC.

    You probably paid $399 or $249 (maybe even launch price) for your PS3 and you either paid $59, $79 or $149 for Modern Warfare 2!

    Why can’t you pay $15 dollars for new maps? This is just like people who buy iPhones and say that $1.99 apps are to much even though they don’t go on your bill.

    ++ Happy Birthday Robert!

  • Mr four two zero, three comments/questions.

    1. Nuke leaderboard possible?

    2. Is new team tactical 6-8 players per teams?

    3. will stimulus be available at midnight?

    • 1. No Nuke leaderboards planned. Would just encourage (more) boosting imo. We do plan on cleaning up the existing leaderboards however.

      2. Team Tactical is small team games, so 8 player max, not per team.

      3. Stimulus will go up later than Midnight, but will still be early on the 4th.

  • I’ve just bought a PSN Card for it, can’t wait!

  • Can anybody tell me exactly when we can purchase the maps?
    Is it available immediately at midnight?

  • Gees I can believe all you cry babies about how much it is. I have been waiting forever and would spend $20 bucks for the stimulus. You guys are doing a great job over there. While all my friends and I are playing on the new maps all the babies can be playing the old ones.

  • Well it just weeds out the playing fields for those of us that are getting it!

  • how long is the double xp going to last and when does it start?

  • Hey Robert, will there be a fix for OMA/Danger Close and Commando any time soon?

    I know, everyone knows, and I bet you know that they are both game-breaking and overpowered. Your studio fixed the Model 1887’s, Javelin Glitch, and the Care Package glitch swiftly in the past. But now IW has done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to fix OMA/Danger Close and Commando. Noob tubes wouldn’t have been a problem if you stuck with the COD4 formula with grenade launchers taking the the place of the first perk if equipped and Commando is just plain overpowered.

    Until these obvious problems are fixed I’m saving my $15 for Treyarch’s Black Ops, at least they listen.

  • Turbocharged420


  • What are the plans for future DLC ?

  • You know what really don’t make any sense at all is how X box had the maps for a month and ps3 is just now getting the maps then wanna charge 15$ for 3 new maps and 2 old maps like there doing mw2 fans a favor by giving 2 old maps when it should be really 9.99$ They should at least have had tried to get an exclusive with the so called “stimulus package”. last but least I’m more then sure there will be a map pack 2 coming soon very and x box will have it 1st and ps3 will get it a month later….

  • Wow, sure is a lot of hate in this post. Seriously, if you’re hardcore into MW2, the $15 is will definitely be worth it for the amount of stuff you can get enjoyment out of. If you’re not like me, it probably wouldn’t be worth it at $5.

    I do have one question, how come there’s no stat-tracking website hub thing like so many of the other games have? A HUGE revenue opportunity missed there.

    • A stat site is something we aimed for pre-launch but fell through far too late in the project.

  • honestly.. to everyone.. if you cant muster up $15 bux for a game thats well known played around the world then you really shouldnt be playing..

    i mean unless your a 13 year old kid that has no source of income.. then yea, but even that.. you got a ps3 for like 3 bills, 15 bux for 5 maps is ok, not expensive.

  • Thanks for the updates Robert, I’m getting my vacation time scheduled so I can take full advantage of as much double XP time as I can!

    $15 seems steep compared to a lot of the $9.99 and cheaper DLC you see, but considering the amount of play time the new maps will see, I think it will be well worth it.

    Oh, and for DLC pack #2 — SHIPMENT FTW!

  • Maybe someone will get it for my birthday tomorrow.

  • YourWifeLovesMe

    Tired of All the Whining and Crying About The Price Of The Maps.I Would Pay $30 Bucks For New Maps.Happy Birthday Robert!!! Look foward to playing with you this week.When Will PSN LEADERBOARDS BE FIXED?

    • Thanks! Working on getting a solution in place now that will hopefully let me manually edit illegitimate leaderboard entries so I can start cleaning them up.

  • Man everybody quit your b*tching, It’s the guys birthday, give him a break, it’s not all that easy being a developer and it’s not his fault Activision made the price $15. For me all the map’s will be new seeing as I only played Call of Duty 4 a few times. Happy Birthday Mr. Bowling, see you online tomorrow! :D

  • @poisonfang27 he’s not a developer, he’s the community manager.

  • Does double xp start tomorrow? If so, how long will it last? If not, what are the dates for it? So stoked for the new maps!

  • Im not gonna pay 15$ to play some 9vs9 match and im not gonna pay for copied/pasted maps for cod4.
    its a scam!

  • 15$ is too much money, on Call of Duty 4, 4 NEW maps cost 10$ and now on Modern Warfare 2 3 NEW Maps with two OLD maps cost 15$?? naww.. i may wait for this to get cheaper.. or.. may just wait for Call of Duty Black Ops to come out instead..

  • $15 is not too much for 5 maps. Stop whining. What I dislike is that this took so long to come to PS3.

  • im so excited about the map packs but why you give it soo long

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