PS3 3.30 System Software Update

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Hi everyone, in our continued effort to provide the best, most comprehensive entertainment experience possible, we’ll be adding a few new features to PlayStation 3 (PS3) via the latest system software update, which is a mandatory update and will be available shortly. Most notably, you’ll see some new sorting options within Trophies that make it easier to claim bragging rights among your friends on PlayStation Network.

  • Trophy enhancements –- Now you can more easily sort trophies in the [Trophy Collection] and [Comparing Trophy] sections. Sorting can be done with [Trophy Collection] in the [Game Category] and also when comparing trophies with your friends in the [Friend Category]
    • Trophy Folder (Title List) can be sorted by game name/ by title according to the date in which you earned your last trophy (ascending/descending)
    • Add-on list (Group list) can be sorted by original/the date in which you earned your last trophy (ascending/descending)
    • Trophy list can be sorted by original/trophy name/grade/date of obtaining the trophy (ascending/descending)

In addition, this update preps the PS3 system for some upcoming new features, including 3D stereoscopic gaming, which is coming soon to PS3, in time for the launch of Sony’s 3D BRAVIA TVs.

Let us know your thoughts and as always, we look forward to your feedback.

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  • @juggalorider

    “really, you have a link for proof, because i don’t remenber reading these or hear about it, so im calling BS till you can put a link up to prove it”

    Here’s your proof, in 2 forms mind you:

    Phil Harrison
    “The PlayStation 3 is a computer. We do not need the PC”,1518,418642,00.html

    Phil Harrison
    “One of the most powerful things about the PS3 is the ‘Install Other OS’ option. It won’t be Vista. It’ll be linux.”

    During a LIVE INTERVIEW, 8 minutes in.

    “i don’t remenber reading these or hear about it”

    Doesn’t seem like you know much than does it?

  • @maninashed really only show part of what i wrote, an were did i ever spell wrong? i have way more intelligence than you have, BIG CRY BABY, ayyy boo whooo you can’t use the stupid OS any more, go some were else most people here don’t care an that goes for all you BABYS CRYING ABOUT THE OTHER OS, oh an heres proof that you stupid
    what i said-Why are people whining about the other os feature… like you even used it and besides it’s not their fault that people are trying to hack the PS3 blame them for causing it


    what he said-LMAO, So you’d be quite happy to have your doors and windows bricked up to stop burgulars?
    what a retarded thing to say or ask

  • what he said-Another USELESS update thast I won’t be updating too.

    At least you haven’t taken anything away this time.

    Trophies and 3D TV support, WOW!!!

    And for all those people telling the Other OS supoporters to ‘get over it’ If they took trophies away along with in game chat I’d be saying ‘get over it’

    really it was not a good update for me ether, no read better it says that it preps 3D not added the whole thing yet, an that trophies thing is even mor retarded, so that proves enough that you are the one that can’t make an intelligent response

  • Hey Juaggalo, I think you missed my post there genius.

    Here you go juggalo, since you were not smart enough to figure out how to use google when someone gives you a quote…

    http: //
    Remove spaces (if you can figure out how…)
    I sure see you here arguing a lot for someone who does not care.

  • @juggalorider

    “really, you have a link for proof, because i don’t remenber reading these or hear about it, so im calling BS till you can put a link up to prove it”

    Here’s your proof, in 2 forms mind you (remove the spaces):

    Phil Harrison
    “The PlayStation 3 is a computer. We do not need the PC”

    www. spiegel . de / netzwelt / web / 0,1518,418642,00 . html

    Phil Harrison
    “One of the most powerful things about the PS3 is the ‘Install Other OS’ option. It won’t be Vista. It’ll be linux.”

    www. gametrailers . com / video / dice-2007-sony / 17006

    During a LIVE INTERVIEW, 8 minutes in.

    “i don’t remenber reading these or hear about it”

    Doesn’t seem like you know much than does it?

  • Yeah and the lot of “y’all” that can’t seem to spell seem to be the ones fighting that Sony is within its rights… :P Just saying.

    LMAO, I’d noticed that too

  • we need a browser that works cause now I can’t view youtube it tells me to upgrade.

    Have Mozilla or Opera make one for you…

  • @WorstCompanyEver im not lazy, its just im not gonna waist my time looking for it, if the dude gonna qote someone, you better bring proof or i an’t gonna belive you, an about to check that page out

  • HEY!!!!!! Murder’s gotta legal in Japan.
    It’s like, the whole “honor code” thing, right?

  • WorstCompanyEver send real proof an not a google search on(phil harrison we don’t need pc) like i siad im not gonna waist my time looking to up, so try harder, because i look at 1 site an it look like BS to, because its just a comment bord not a blog on PS form a relyable source or website, just a bunch of people like you saying that

  • Trying to download this GD update so I can play Call of Duty and the b*tch is stuck at 10%. Been stuck there for about 30 minutes and its my 2nd attempt to download after the first one did the same thing.

    Sony, if you are going to MAKE me download an update in order to play games online, at least make sure it fugging works…


  • You’ve got a direct link from someone else… And the link I gave you the first, second, fourth, and fifth links were the quote you wanted. You’re beyond hope little guy, we have to hold your hand like mommy does, but you can argue and spew BS all you want… Be uneducated see if I care, people like you really make the whole “Sony is the greatest” argument look obscene. By the way, I wonder why the BBB gives Sony an “F” rating… Hmmm… Enjoy yourself here kid, this big person has to go make some money now.

  • So I understand there was an update to Flash. I am still not understanding why the Browser is not supported by

  • @bridgerbot well im not a comupter nerd, i only look at the PS BLOG an, an they never had that one the blog, an ya i wacth the vid, only thing it proves is sony is retarded for promoting a stupid OS, why can’t why get a game company that makes games an dosn’t f**k us, its seems there isn’t a company in the world that dosn’t do it

  • oh ya i mean the menory stick, wich i lost all my saved game data, my slim dosn’t have it an never does my computer, on my forth ps3, only because the first 3 were stolen, an the PS2 thing, an taking 2 USB ports off, an the fact on my fat PS3 i could hook up my USB memery stick an my psp at the same time, but i can’t on the slim, i can only use 1 at a time, the OS thing is still stupid

  • …only thing it proves is sony is retarded for promoting a stupid OS…

    That stupid OS runs on about 85% of the servers that make up the internet. It’s probably the OS that runs the PlayStation Network!! Oh, and it runs the PlayStation 3 software (XMB).

    why can’t why get a game company that makes games an dosn’t f**k us
    There’s hope for you, LOL

  • there is no point arguing w/ fools.. as they just promote their foolishness.

  • A trophy update ! Is that the best you can do after screwing everybody who was using the other OS feature that you arbitrarily removed with the last useless update ? How many people do you think your fooling? Here is how you opened up this blog “Hi everyone, in our continued effort to provide the best, most comprehensive entertainment experience possible” well Sony haven’t you been listening to you customers, or is it that you just don’t care. The overwhelming majority of your customers would like, and have been asking for a functional web browser, one that you can go on youtube, pandora, slacker, the list goes on and on. We need a browser capable of the latest java,flash, and whatever else the internet will throw at us. I got a question your Blue-Ray players can play can play slacker, and just recently with an update it plays pandora. Why can’t the PS3. Your pathetic, or incompetent, or both.

  • I hate the fact that I cant listen to music while browsing the internet. What up wit that?!!!! It did it on my 80g and it went down so i got the 120g and it dont. that sucks update that please.

  • There’s more options to keep OtherOS than by joining the hacking arms race and becoming dependent on custom firmware. Sony has shown a few signs that it’s nervous about attention from the Federal Trade Commission about this. Sony, as one of the three Cell developers, profits from the sale of all new Cell products including IBM Bladecenters and Sony’s upcoming BCU-100. These high-priced, high-end machines are now the only Cell products available for professional use, since both the new and used markets for OtherOS ps3’s has been eliminated. Sony’s statements about “security” are suspicious in light of the fact that the drop of OtherOS from the Slim was recent and for cost-cutting, not security. In other words, Sony’s manipulating the market – price-gouging, or whatever it’s called. Destroying an already-sold product to increase demand for a new one, using “security” as a cover story.

  • If that’s really what Sony is doing, and I suspect it is, it’s illegal. Since the Federal Government owns research ps3’s, it involves taxpayer money too. I’ve already filed a complaint with the FTC to bring it to their attention. It takes 10 minutes to file a complaint, and anyone can do it. The more complaints there are, the more attention the FTC will pay. Try the Better Business Bureau too. As of April 18, Sony has ignored all the BBB complaints and has an F rating (they’ve always had an F, but there’s more unanswered complaints now which looks worse)

  • I think it was a little more than that! Either there is stuff they are not telling us or they are changing some agreements around as a CYA. Probably because of the removal of the “other OS”. Just my opinion!! Never seen them send out agreement emails and stress the user agreement so much!
    Sony it probably won’t help!

  • the only thing i REALLY want you guys to add in this update is to PLEASE update the flash on the browser. Thank you.

  • OPPS-why can’t WE* get a game company that makes games an dosn’t f**k us, an whats so funny maninashed, an i highly dought that the sony uses that OS for online or the XMB, they made the XMB them selves an the online to, that sounds more ture than then useing that stupid OS

  • Dear Sony,

    Removing a feature (Other OS) that was a deciding factor in my purchase of a PS3 and replacing it with one that I’ll never use (3D Gaming) tells me that you really just aren’t getting it.

    Still not buying any more Sony products until you return the features that I and others legitimately purchased,

    – casm23.

  • @digital_anthrax how is sony losing money on a OS system thats you can get for free, they arn’t

  • New ways of viewing trophies? Isn’t that a bit unnecessary? I’ve never had difficulty viewing trophies or comparing them with my friends, and every trophy is time stamped. This just feels like pointless window dressing.

    Can you please work on making the music player a little more comprehensive? Shuffle between folders and playback automatically moving on to the next folder would be really appreciated. And if you could please pass the shuffle option along to the PSP firmware team, you’d be a friend for life.


  • Enable “Other OS” option. I really consider sell my unit, if you don’t bring it back. I hope you pay giant compensation for this after lawsuits.

  • @casm23 sony knows there arn’t enough people like that to make a major inpact, so stop buying sony products, the only game system 4 your know is the nintendo or microsoft, nintendo is waist of time an they cheap out just ot make it cheap(wich it is an old sh**y graphics, xbox just plan sucks, so have fun with one of those, LOL

  • P.S. A copy multiple option in the Game Save Data utility would also be awesome. Thanks.

  • vote for adobe flash player update, java update

  • Wow… Pathetic

  • Please Please Please!!! Make it possible to play music while gaming. Your biggest competitor, Microsoft’s Xbox 360, allows you to play music while gaming, so why doesn’t Playstation?

  • Bad update is crappy

    Should give early adopters something in return for the stealing of OtherOS and the broken Promises of continued support.

  • @juggalorider.. I suppose in your case ignorance is bliss..

  • I dont like that sony can now update when ever i am online.

  • Dear Sony:

    Listen to us!!! We are experts on entertaining ourselves not you!!! We love your games, we love your system. So why do your customers constantly feel like we are not being heard?

  • y de que sirve el 3d en la consola si tengo el kdl-40w5500 de hace 9 meses y ya q se ha quedado viejo lo que hat que tener en cuenta son los firm de lass teles

  • Top improvements I would like to see would be:

    1. Improved web browser
    2. support for .ogg or .flac and .mkv

    That’s all.

  • My Play Station 3 has crashed since downloading your update and I can’t even turn it on now. How can I resolve this?

  • I thought so. To all those that claim to be armchair lawyers and believe just because you press the O button on your controller Sony can enforce a contract that takes away legal rights that by law in many countries can’t be taken away check this link written by a well respected law firm.


    Granted it is the retailers that are exposing themselves to significant fit for purpose risks but lets see how Sony does without a retail channel. In addition, the TOS on the newest update is so draconian as to be unprecedented. You would think after the rootkit fiasco Sony would have learned that breaking the law to control your customers behavior just doesn’t make good business sense.

  • Sweet update are you people serious!.. No hell in way! Where is Cross Game Chat! as well as a longer Friends and Ban list! And still hardly very games support this feature IN GAME MUSIC!!!!!
    Sony’s updates are a joke! So SCEA you get an F for to providing the updates we want CROSS GAME CHAT WITH MORE SUPPORT FOR IN GAME MUSIC AS WELL AS A LONGER FRIENDS & BAN LIST! DAMN IT ALREADY!

  • Sweet, over an hour of wasted time for features ill never see nor use!

  • bunch of BS we need the backwards compatibility!!!!!

  • Stuck at 99%..

    Anyone else having this problem?

  • I love how everyone screams and begs to Sony to add or fix stuff. Nobody from Playstation even looks at this.

  • who cares about trophies and 3D??? how about being able to access the media player while im rockin duty?? XBOX figured out it, whats the hold up sony!

  • I’d really like to see Sony add trophy support for our PSN gamer cards and allow auto sync. I played around with this new update and like what they with the trophy information.

  • Remember once you install this update Sony is claiming to reserve the right to delete or change any software on your PS3 without consent or any notice. This includes the firmware as well as anything on your memory sticks and hard drives. Sony you stupid control freak you are acting like Nintendo did in the middle 90s when you burst their bubble. I guess that is why they are cleaning your clock this generation. Payback is a b_tch. Ask former console makers Magnavox, Atari and Sega what happens when you get arrogant and stop listening to your customers.

  • @RonMexico4Ever

    What are you talking about dude? Have I missed something? Where did you hear that?

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