PS3 Firmware (v3.21) Update

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The next system software update for the PlayStation 3 (PS3) system will be released on April 1, 2010 (JST), and will disable the “Install Other OS” feature that was available on the PS3 systems prior to the current slimmer models, launched in September 2009. This feature enabled users to install an operating system, but due to security concerns, Sony Computer Entertainment will remove the functionality through the 3.21 system software update.

In addition, disabling the “Other OS” feature will help ensure that PS3 owners will continue to have access to the broad range of gaming and entertainment content from SCE and its content partners on a more secure system.

Consumers and organizations that currently use the “Other OS” feature can choose not to upgrade their PS3 systems, although the following features will no longer be available;

  • Ability to sign in to PlayStation Network and use network features that require signing in to PlayStation Network, such as online features of PS3 games and chat
  • Playback of PS3 software titles or Blu-ray Disc videos that require PS3 system software version 3.21 or later
  • Playback of copyright-protected videos that are stored on a media server (when DTCP-IP is enabled under Settings)
  • Use of new features and improvements that are available on PS3 system software 3.21 or later

For those PS3 users who are currently using the “Other OS” feature but choose to install the system software update, to avoid data loss they first need to back-up any data stored within the hard drive partition used by the “Other OS,” as they will not be able to access that data following the update.

Additional information about PS3 firmware updates, including v3.21 (once it becomes available), can be found here:

PS3 owners who have further questions should contact Consumer Services:
800-345-7669 (800-345-SONY)

Comments are closed.


  • EpicNotion, are you trolling trolling, or do you REALLY not know how the law works? You can not grant permission to a company or individual to break the law. No EULA allows a company to break the law. Now it is not clear if Sony will be found as breaking the law or not now that they have taken this feature away, only court can decide that. But at the moment we DO have legal recourse and CAN file a class action.

  • Totally online with FW 3.15 :).

  • They could have at least warned us when we accepted the download… There was absolutely no description of what the download detailed and the adverse or positive effects it would have. That was just really bad on their part. My Linux OS worked just perfect and my PS3 is all I use for computing and gaming and now I am screwed out of computing? I hope this is a serious joke imo… I retained my Motostorm and Uncharted editions just because the slims are stripped down pieces of [DELETED] and were not capable of install other OS. Sony you will never get a dime from me any more for anything that’s SEOA.

  • Holy Crap Epic, you are right…Nobody uses the OtherOS feature!

    All of us are upset over nothing!

    Running Linux on the PS3 is really worthless!

    Looks like the AirForce and Stanford wasted their money!

    http: // www .computerworld. com/s/article /345642/Air_Force_Taps_PlayStation_3_for_Research

    http: // folding. stanford. edu/


  • I’m still waiting for our esteemed Sony white knights to explain why the company should disable Other OS. Not that I’m expecting an explanation, but the lack is somewhat amusing.

  • @ Team Cro

    Nope, the PS3 OS isn’t Linux based and you’re giving that kid too much credit. Not to mention his media exposure with the simple hack that did nothing is what caused this preemptive strike from Sony.

  • I thought seriously this new update would get rid of that [DELETED][DELETED] glitter crap that your new head person thought was so cute… Just to show you another [DELETED][DELETED] update by him approved!

  • Can’t believe they actually released it. Maybe it has more than just OtherOS removed, I’ll wait until I see a changelog before I update.

  • also people, just ignore this EpicNotion, probably just another user of a retard that has been talking like this since the announcement came out, FlatulentLight or something like that, don’t remember the alias.

    Or if its not him maybe it’s a brother of his inbreed family or something, because it’s always the same talk

    “Durrr, I don’t need linux, so I don’t care about this, because I only care about myself, also you agreed to the ToS so stfu duuurrr”

    anyway just ignore it and eventually it’ll go away.

  • some people act as if sony did this to make a profit or something. think about it, what benefit is it to them to disable this feature?

    they probably learned their lessons with the psp. that device was [DELETED][DELETED] by hackers and pirates leaving nothing but a [DELETED][DELETED]. i don’t blame sony for wanting to maintain the ps3s wall of [DELETED]. if you want some, you gotta work harder pirates! lol


  • Verdugo04: It is unix based same thing a linux. It can be hacked. You will see.

  • I just realized that this is the best sentence of the whole article from Sony…

    “PS3 owners who have further questions should contact Consumer Services:”

    We really don’t “own” ANYTHING from you… do we Sony?

  • @ thepatcat

    I think the blog post itself contains the reason behind it. What else should you expect?

  • “Regardless of any progress made with the simple hack thus far, surely you’ve heard of mod chips. They were common in previous generations of consoles and involved soldering.”

    And this generation too; the only current generation system without a mod chip, to my knowledge is the PS3. That’s largely because of it’s built in support for Linux. Fewer people felt the need to even try that route. At any rate, MS figured out how to run a check on XBL connected systems to determine if the system is modded, and if so, ban the offending systems. If MS could do it, surely Sony should have been able to figure it out.

  • some people act as if sony did this to make a profit or something.

    think about it, what benefit is it to them to disable this feature?
    they probably learned their lessons with the psp. that device was gang r@ped by hackers and pirates leaving nothing but a bloody vag. i don’t blame sony for wanting to maintain the ps3s wall of virginity. if you want some, you gotta work harder pirates! lol

  • EpicNotion still being owned hours later I see.

    You’re lucky Epic, next time they might disable the usb ports or the Blu Ray drive for “security reasons”.

    Alright, time for the Class Action Lawsuit. Who’s filing the claim and what law office do I file with?

  • @ Paid Assassin …the military is worthless anyway…wasted tax dollars is all they are. I could care less about the girly air force or marines. They can update just like everyone else…and enjoy it.

    Bye bye Other OS…YOU WILL NOT BE MISSED.

    So much for the APrils fools joke and the “Sony cant do this, they just cant.”

    They did it. Hahaha my hats off to Sony. I <3 you long time.

  • EpicNotion STFU you never served in the military and have no idea what you’re talking about you little brat.

  • Goodbye sony, after 5 psx, 4 ps2, 3 psp and a ps3, sad but i’ll not support you anymore, i don’t belive in you anymore.
    I always thought sony had a kind of sense of honor, but you’re just hypocrites and swindlers… shame on you.
    Remember, you are ruining with your own hands, dear sony.

  • I truly understand what u guys are saying. It makes perfect sense. They are taking away a feature & have basically offered nothing in return.

    I myself have no care in it because I have a slim but it’s definitely something I would’ve liked…

  • Dear Sony,

    Thanks for de facto banning my unmodified $599 “Other-Os” capable 60GB launch PS3 from PSN, jerks!

    How about a refund for all of the DLC I can’t access now?

    How about a refund or a new PS3 for being baited and switched?

    How about a NEW replacement KES-400A that actually lasts more than 3 years?

    This post was made via my PLAYSTATION 3 COMPUTER ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM using Firefox and Xubuntu Linux. The same PS3 that was advertised as a computer AND a PSN enabled games console with no strings attached.


    One of many that is going to sue you.

  • @bridger

    You cant file a class action lawsuit for this, any lawyer will laugh you out of his office. It is not possible with the legal agreement you made in the ToS. Ask any lawyer. BTW your drunk uncle Bob does not = lawyer.


  • @bridger I wouldn’t waste my life serving in the military. My 14 year old sister is more compentant then those yahoo’s in service nowadays.

    So for all the people abandoning Sony…BYE BYE…DONT LET THE DOOR HIT YA WHERE THE GOOD LORD SPLIT YA

  • That is really funny Epic…

    the very people that sacrifice to let you come on here and say what you want and have the freedom to sit down at a computer in your own home…

    …just got ridiculed by you.

  • @pSyChO_aSyLuM


  • well im downloading the update now i can’t wait to update my slim for nothing at all…

  • @ Nim

    Actually, Linux support had nothing to do with security itself, it’s the nature of Cell and the added security of the BD drive.

    The 360 mods were done via the DVD drive actually, and that check that banned 1 million users affected legit consumers as well. It wasn’t perfect and you can bet that a lot were furious.

  • @ thepatcat

    The Sony White Knights ARE on here, disguised as regular posters. The ones who keep using the lame piracy excuse.

  • @ EpicNotion

    Be grateful for what they have? Selfish Americans? WTH?

    Not all of our mommy’s bought our system for us you twit.

  • Yup not what i was lookn for It’s F U C K E D up

  • I agree with the few below. If you want another operating system, get a PC. Why would you want linux or something like that on your playstation? UNLESS you are cheating. I am thankful to SONY for removing this “feature”. I have never used it, and nobody i know has ever used it. FOr you [DELETED] out there that can’t play a game legit, go get yourselves a PC and cheat. Stay the [DELETED] away from consoles. Better yet, go try to cheat real life and see how far you get. Then us true gamers won’t have to worry about you hacking/cheating.

  • I’m reading in some forum that OtherOS is perfectly reachable in 3.21 through some kind of agreement… How’s does that work? Maybe like when you enable WMA/etc?

    IDK, I have a Slim.

  • April Fools prank huh?

  • Took me 10 months to save up the $600 I used to buy my PS3.

    I was fresh out of college, and broke.

    Since then, I have bought 33 games, brand new.

    This is the thanks we all get from the company we supported.

  • Now everyone who thought it was a joke, your comments please?

  • ok seriously guys, HOW many people are even USING linux? Why should us, the ps3 users be pissed at such a useless update? Ok so they are removing the OS option its not like the 700,000 people that are playing cod mw2 online or the other half million people on battlefield bad company 2 are using it. There isn’t really no need to complain. All you flamers who really use linux can all blame George Hotz because he was the one who ruined it for all you guys. In the mean time im going to UPDATE my system and USE my computer for my linux/ other necessary needs. And dont say that this is making it closer to a xbox because we will always be more superior then that white Chinese peice of crap. If sony didnt as much give a damn about their players they wouldnt of updated there system unlike microsoft who lets ignorant people j-tag their 360 and let them go on and do illegal stuff. Basic point, who gives a damn.

  • @god

    xbox 360 black knights on here, disguised as loyal sony fanboys using this opportunity to get you to switch to M$.

  • As a former Marine, some of these comments here are pretty offensive. I’d love to see some of these punks say that directly to any Marine’s face!

    A ToS can not override US law. I would explain it to you, but you wouldn’t understand…maybe after you hit puberty.


  • I second this Musoka_Eimin.

  • I’m female, sorry Epic.

  • Hey Epic.

    Is that what you are now?…a Sony Employee?

    I thought you were a Doctor.

    Or wait…no….a Lawyer!

    That was it.

  • @ arctic Sony didn’t break the law, they had every right to disable that feature as long as it doesn’t make your PS3 stop playing media. Refusing to upgrade is the users fault, not Sony’s. Try again mouth breather.

  • Hey Atl, You go ahead and do that and not buy any games. See who suffers more. and Epic is right, You agreed to all the Terms of Service the moment you bought the friggin’ thing. Stop whining and grow your self a [DELETED][DELETED] like all the other people who don’t give a [DELETED] about the feature being removed. I’d rather not have the ps3 ruined by hackers. Than to use the Ps3 as a half-assed PC. Seriously you want to use Linux or whatever the **** OS you want to use. Buy a 300$ comp for the same damn price. Or just go use your own Comp. Everyone stop whining and acting like a bunch of kids. Removing the Install OS feature if the least of your worries in life. Get over it. I have a Fat ps3 and i’m probly one of the only ones not crying over a useless feature for a Gaming/Video/Music Console, But GAMING mainly. You want to do all that [DELETED] on an OS, Use your own[DELETED] comp like i said before.

  • Goodnight Epic….

    See you tomorrow.

  • I just died a little bit today…

    Thank you Sony, the system that introduced me to linux just got gimped and I will never feel the same again.

    YDL farewell.

    I’m posting from a 3.2Ghz x86 2Gig Ram Ubuntu machine now that my YDL is dead…

    My plug computer with ubuntu should be here next week…

    My hp home server from 5 years ago is running linux…

    my ps3.. no longer runs real … linux …

    long live sony …


  • They don’t work if you want to play online or sync trophies or many other functions that worked before around 10PM eastern time.

    Let me try all caps since that’s all some trolls can read:


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