PlayStation 3 Firmware (v3.10) Update Preview

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Hi everyone, here’s an early peek at PlayStation 3 (PS3) firmware update (v3.10). The latest update incorporates Facebook into the PS3 experience. By linking your PlayStation Network account to your Facebook account, you will have the option for the PS3 to automatically update your Facebook News Feed with Trophy and PlayStation Store activity. This update also enables developers to set specific criteria in their titles to publish additional game information to your News Feed. You can then check out your updates, and those of your friends, on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media favorites through the PS3’s built-in web browser.

This is just the beginning of our integration with Facebook and we are looking forward to adding new features enhancing the experience in future updates.

Additional highlights from update 3.10 include:

  • The Photo category on the XMB has been revamped to make it easier to see more of your photos stored on the PS3.
  • The PSN Friends List has been modified based on feedback we received after update 3.00. Additionally, you can now choose a color for your PSN ID on the XMB.

To get a preview of what’s coming in update 3.10, check out the video below:

We’re looking forward to releasing firmware update 3.10 soon. As always, we appreciate your feedback.

Comments are closed.


  • It’s funny how some people complain that Sony doesn’t advertise enough.

    Now they put out a link to Facebook via our PS3s and say that our Trophies and such can be published onto Facebook.

    I’m not sure about anyone else, but I see this as a way to advertise to anyone on your Facebook friends list about the PS3.

    It’s not a feature that you must turn on, but you can if you wish.

    I think it’s a great idea to get more people interested in the PS3

  • Nice but what about Divx Support for streaming from the net,also Flash needs a update!

  • ME LIKE :D

  • Where’s MySpace At?

  • Preaty good I idea playstation thanks again

  • Nice. Now can you please add black to the theme colours please :D like it was at night with the old version

  • “Another pointless update
    How about this Sony…quit being LAZY and come out with an update with that integrates PSN with the PS3’s interface… guess what your competitor already does it with their network on their console.”

    My sentiments exactly, i’m so fed up with these stupid worthless updates that only the minority of PS3 owners actually care about and will occassionally use. Where are the updates that build upon the PS3 as a GAMING console? Where are the updates that bring features people are have been asking for-for the past three years? Where are the updates to make the XMB a more unified, prettier and bug free user interface. The PS3 is a great machine but it’s gimped with an amateurish OS, There’s so much wasted potential. Sort it out guys.

  • I hope Sony has been listening to all the complaints about the awful changes made to the XMB with firmware 3.0 and not spent all their time on something as unnecessary as Facebook connectivity.

    These things are what needs to be fixed first and foremost:

    1. User selectable font size!!
    2. Option to turn off text fading. Having everything fade out over and under the current selection makes navigating long lists of music and video clips unnecessarily awkward.
    3. Option to turn off everything but clock in top right corner. I don’t want to see messages and other crap cluttering up the interface!

  • Dear PlayStation,

    I got a tip that today we’ll see a release of a firmware .11 numbers above 2.99.

    Confirm or Deny.

  • Why do we have to sync out trophies manually? can’t that be done in the background, with all this powers it shouldn’t be too difficult to send a few bits of data to the servers.

    Please get that into the next update, its really annoying to have it sync when you try to check something and the last time you synced was a long time ago and not you like 30+ trophies to sync, it take FOEEVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Some Tip.

    They always post the firmware update within a few days of the Blog post annoucement. It was likely to Be either Tuesday or Wednesday (They love Wed for whatever reason). They rarely do Thursday as it is set aside for Store updates. So your tipster, is Captain Obvious.

  • Glad to see the friends list fixed, it is now perfect…good work guys!

    also the facebook thing is sweet!

  • WHITE text that glows WHITE on a light grey box? Don’t you realize how DIFFICULT it is to read? The friend’s list is a UI
    nightmare! I know that you can change the colors now, but the default text colors should contrast eachother… dark text light glow effect or vise versa… HELLO! Please put updates through a usability study before releasing… or hire someone with experience in UI development… or better yet, ask Microsoft how they’ve been able to develop such a RELEVANT, INTERESTING, and HIGHLY USABLE interface… They’d say, “It’s easy, we just copied what Apple was doing.” Please give us a better interface.. one that is thought through. Where’s cross-game chat? Is it in this update finally?

  • @JEFF, CHRIS, or anyone that can help me.

    I updated to 3.10 around 4:30 this morning. Not only did I not get a list of what it does, which I really didn’t need because I read the blog, but after restarting my PS3, nothing has changed! There is no Facebook icon in account management, no option to change my pictures to the grid, and no options to change my profile box color. Oh, and my Friends list looks exactly the same. What is the problem?!

  • this sounds cool i like social intyergrations you guiys should really do the skype thing its something we all would love as well as better instant messenger service and maybe the ability to integrate with aol instant messenger sadly because of my highschool years i have like 300 hundred friends i still communicate with and more and more im finding they have ps3 so yeah that sounds cool to me but thanks you guys are awesome

  • From a previous post: “If you want to really wow people, make it look like this:

    Yes! Sony! HELLOOO!!! Anyone home?

    Have a look at this UI proposal… it actually makes sense (except for font size) Info is available upfront instead of drilling down into menu screens.

    Add this plus CROSS GAME CHAT!

  • oh yeah and opacity would be novel

  • Is there a single public forum that keeps a clear, running tally of USER-REQUESTED updates to the PS3 OS? Maybe a wiki page somewhere?

    If everyone stopped squealing like a bunch of piglets and started ORGANIZING, maybe we could make our requests heard by the Dev team.

    OBVIOUSLY, we have good ideas that would improve the user experience, so let’s put them in an appropriate, formal format and make it easier for the powers that be to see what users actually care about, what our priorities are.

  • @bataille:

    That’s a GREAT idea. Thanks for setting that up. Let us all know when we can start updating it with our requests.

  • Thanks for the Facebook update. I hope I can easily search which of my Facebook friends have PS3 accounts too.

    To those who complain about it saying that PS3 is for games… you don’t actually need to use the function. Do you really need for Sony to add an option to hide the icon just because it confuses you?

    I bet the same people would like mobile phones that can’t take photos, or better yet, cars without radios. Because, you know, phones are for calling, cars are for driving, and PS3s are for playing, right?

  • @bataille:

    That’s a GREAT idea! Thanks for setting it up so that we can all “squeal” together in an organized fashion.

    Let us know when you’re done so that we can post our requests.

  • Nice, but is there a way to integrate Twitter and also Myspace, I don’t us it but it would be nice to have myspace sync to. Oh and how about if you can chat with your friends with the head set, with out being in the Chat Room, thats a nice one so think about it.

  • Please, please, please add support for streaming media from a Macintosh without the use of a third party application and also the ability to use our PSPs with a Macintosh without the use of a third party app.

  • Please fix the “set as wallpaper” function in the photo section. It was fine before one of the latest updates.

  • What we really need is for 2 players to be able to both sign into their accounts at the same time.

  • Sony needs to learn from their competitor (MS). The XBOX facebook integration is actually useful.

  • Hi M. Lempel,

    I’m usually not down with open criticizing who leads to nothing but plain and un-constructive complaining.

    This update sure looks fine, but then again I read that implementing the Facebook feature took you quite some time ? I mean, I’m no facebook user (and there are lots like me) and I don’t care about Facebook whatsoever.

    Even if I was, I’m not sure I’d like to share the (pretty useless) information of what I’ve bought or downloaded with other people, except that it is yet another way to promote the Playsation Store for you guys. I sense that this decision was taken by some marketing department at Sony or something like this.

    So I was thinking, why put so much efforts, time and money into something like that ? Could’ve gone for something more useful, no ?

    I usually appreciate the updates and efforts in general, and I know you read all the feedback here (I even said it in an article for some website I write for), but this Facebook thing I didn’t like at all.

    Hope you don’t take this comment as a negative thing, I really look forward to your next updates because I know you guys do good work, so keep it up.

    Thanks for reading.

  • @Bataille

    I’ve made a poll for features that we want from PS3 as you suggested.

    This poll can be embedded anywhere, and if readers comment about other features that they want then I’ll add it to the poll

  • @Bataille

    I’ve made a poll for features that we want from PS3 as you suggested.

    This poll can be embedded anywhere, and if readers comment about other features that they want then I’ll add it to the poll

  • @GoldenGotGame

    I think you updated to 3.01, not 3.10.

    The update is due sometime today. Confirmed by Eric Lampel. Who mysteriously didn’t bother to reply to one post to update on a specific date. Or another blog post.

  • Please stop with the useless crap, Sony. Give us the bug fixes/patches that are required, then let us CHOOSE if we want icons for Facebook/etc/etc/etc/etc on our XMB.

    And for cripe’s sake, get rid of the 90 bajillion Playstation Store icons that’re already on our XMB. If I wanna buy something from the store, I know where the main icon for it is and I can find it just fine.

    Plus, give us the ability to download these firmware updates in the background. Don’t have us take up our GAMING(you know, the main purpose of this console)time sitting and staring at a friggin’ screen watching the percentage creep slowly up.

  • why not update the web browser? :/

  • I really don’t see myself using this feature. I actually dislike any integrations into Facebook, and I’m sure most of my friends won’t care about my trophies, or about the DLC I’ve downloaded.

    The update to the pictures list to be a grid is appreciated.

    I’d really like to be able to turn off the “What’s New” page, rather than being bombarded with advertisements. More user customization for the XMB is always welcome – but when a change is made, we should have the option to revert it.

    Please focus your efforts on the things the commmunity have been asking for since the start. I don’t recall seeing a lot of people clamoring for Facebook integration. I do see a lot of posts from previous firmware update posts asking for:

    -Cross Game Voice Chat
    -MKV/DivX 7 Support (improved media center support)
    -Improved flash browser support


  • so i just heard xbox live added this feature just today. lame!

  • This looks and sounds like a very nice update, Thanks Sony. I dont really use Facebook that much, so some will be more excited by this than others. The friends colour change is pretty good, good job there again guys. But what we need are some updated Avatars, i mean no disrespect but at the moment we have the sort end of the avatar stick to other systems lol lol. Anyway guys, congrats on another cool update.

  • They need to agree to use mozzilla and give us full broswer use, this is a good first implementation but fb in home integration would be great and more exclusive features would appeal more. Twitter would also be a nice additive but these features should be able to be accessed in game , in game web browsing should be a standard fr ps3 a well a cross vid chat , Sony should separate the ps3 fom the competeion not follow

  • looks…cool? i mean the color thing is nice but why cant we put our own avatars? it gets boring to see a million people with the same avatar. Also, why no twitter yet?

  • @914:

    You updated to 3.01 not 3.10. 3.01 came out in september and just fixed minor things in 3.00. We have yeat to know when 3.10 is to be released

  • I truly dont see myself using this But Nice

  • MKV playback support will be appreciated. This is the default container with DivX7.

  • @stingray1971:

    It has been reported on many sites that Sony is rolling it out today. There was also a Press Release announcing it this morning. So some people have it, but I don not yet see it in CA, USA.

  • Just to Know about this new Coming Firmware Update, Does it have to do with the Sync of Trophies and progress with the Bad Company 1 online, because seems to be all erase from the network at the sudden, and like we have to start all over again to unlock all the weapons and other accesories, just like our Friend SEKOKU in his post #27.

  • Where is in game voice chat and party voice chat. I live the PS3 but xbox kills it for chat. This is what should be the feature at the top of the list. I like in xbox how when you get a message you just press the xbox button and it takes you straight to the message. I also like that we can start a party chat just in the dashboard, then I can play one game and he can play a different game. It’s a much more social way of doing it.
    PARTY CHAT!! Please!

  • cool, but im waiting for voice chat too, maybe in 3.20, right? :)


  • looks good, and we don’t need twitter thats a rubbish service.

  • @ Jaymal

    All of those ‘social’ sites are crap. Just give me some updates that fix or improve my GAMING experience on the PS3 and shove these fluff updates up your you know where already, Sony.

    I didn’t pay $400 for a PS3 to use it to surf the internet, look at pictures or anything else I can do on my COMPUTER. I bought it to play GAMES.

    Now if this update were adding back in the PS2 functionality it might be useful to me, but Sony is too busy seeing dollar signs before their eyes while thinking about adding PS2 games to the Playstation Store to bother considering doing that anymore.

    Greedy sobs.

  • Seeing how I could care less about Facebook, this is a waste for me. I don’t get it….seriously. Why do people feel the need to display what they’ve downloaded on a facebook page? “Hey everyone, look at what I just downloaded!”. Maybe it’s part of the ‘me me me me’ generation.

  • What about x-game chat, is that ever gonna come. That is really the only feature I care for. Not to say this won’t help those that want it or like it, but x-game chat is really wanted for a long time.


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