Update on PS3 Firmware 3.00

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SCEA is aware of reports that PS3 owners are experiencing isolated issues with their PS3 system since installing the most recent system software update (v3.00). Rest assured that we are looking into the matter and will provide an update here as soon as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience, as it’s our mission to deliver the best consumer experience on all PlayStation platforms.

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  • It is really getting on my nerves.

  • It simply will not shut up.

  • No matter what I do.

  • It continues its monologue.

  • I’m not at all interested in what it has to say.

  • In fact, I’d lay odds that nobody is.

  • Surely, anyone could see that going on and on and on like that is pointless.

  • Inasmuch as I don’t ignore it, it only gets in my way.

  • if it makes you feel anybetter i think its pretty funny

  • And I do try to ignore it, for all the good that does.

  • But the ticker is remarkably persistent.

  • First time PS3 owner here (I have had an XB360 and a Wii for a long time with no problems at all).
    I bought a PS3 slim on the day of release and updated the new firmware(3.0). I really wanted to play Uncharted…… The game locks up relentlessly and is unplayable. Not a very good first impression.
    At first i thought that my machine or the game was faulty but did some trolling and saw that it was a widespread problem regarding the new firmware. This is a complete joke as im sure there are alot of first time owners out there that only bought Uncharted with their new console and now have a very expensive piece of plastic crap. Acknowledging the issue only further frustrated me without offering a solution to the problem (e.g. FW rollback). It is no wonder that Sony is losing the “Console War” with this kind of incompetance and lack of service/testing (It’s been almost a week, that is alot of potential sales and disgruntled customers). I just hope you are working around the clock to fix this (for your sake). Back to Xbox Live i guess. /wave

  • Persistent enough to get on anyone’s nerves.

  • The ticker doesn’t even seem to mind repeating itself over and over.

  • I guess that whoever programmed it to do that must have thought it was the best idea in the history of console gaming.

  • I would beg to differ.

  • I really can’t stand the ticker.

  • I can’t stand the way it goes on and on and on and on.

  • Eh… this is getting old. I guess I’m done here.

    Good night, and happy Labor Day (and/or Monday, as appropriate) to all.

  • I for one enjoy the new additions. I have this problem though and am not sure if it is FW related. Sometimes (it has happened twice) when exiting Batman Arkham Asylum the PS3 locks up. Just gives 3 quick beeps and hangs on a black screen without ever reaching the XMB. You might want to look into that, although it might just be my PS3.
    I love changes BTW. =0)

  • I have been Getting a dvd playback crash with 3.0 with Dexter Season 3 final disc. When you attempt to play final episode the dvd playback crashes.

  • the only some what good thing that came out was the little big planet theme

  • Since the latest update my PS3 keeps freezing or lagging during gameplay when I play LBP and Batman.

  • To whoever is in charge:

    Seriously. Take firmware 3.00 offline and stop forcing people who want to access PSN store or play games online to update until there is a solution. Otherwise, you would just have more and more people experience problem(s).

    It makes me wonder, did firmware programmers thoroughly testing the firmware? Because why would it being released if it had caused so many people problems. Or was the release due to deadline?

    Bottom line right now, take the firmware offline and stop forcing people who want to access PSN store or play games online to update to firmware 3.00.

  • yep i agree with 676, i cant go online because my ps3 wont even install the update, i get corrupted file error every time!

  • There are over 600 “isolated issues” here. Mine happens to be that all Blu-Ray content is unplayable. You have FAILED your “mission”, Mr. Seybold! My PS3 has now become a paperweight. Funny thing here, nobody seems to remember how badly v2.80 was screwed up also.

    How about the truth? Is my Blu-ray laser to blame or is the Firmware, I’m forced to install, the culprit? I paid big $$$ for this system and am not about to pay more if it’s just a software mess…I’d even be willing to start an International Boycott against Sony if that’s what it takes.

    Sony needs to fix the broken stuff and leave the rest alone!

  • thank u sony i knew i can count on u..ps3 rules!!!

  • 679 i seriously hope you are being sarcastic

  • its really discouraging to play my ps3 if i keep getting denied at the 70% marker for the 3.0. If i had a nickel for all my attempts at getting this upgrade, i’d have enough to pay for gas for the week. please dont ruin labor day for me.

  • I would just like to say thanks sony for the update I don’t like all the changes but both my 60gb and 80 gb consoles work perfect.

    This does still work!

    “hit the PS3 button and allowed to navigate to another music file while the current music was playing. Very convenient. Now, with 3.0, that feature is gone.”

  • I don’t know about you guys but I’m having a problem with the Batman:AA freezing everytime I try to get an interview tape (random). This happened only after I updated the firmware.

    Hope they correct this.

  • @664: That’s my story to the detail. I don’t know whether I should give Sony a chance to remedy this, or just ship the damn thing back and get my money back before it’s too late.

    Furthermore any attempt at contacting Sony’s support in Denmark is being met with either disconnected calls, unanswered emails – or if you get an answer you’re told to call an overtolled phone number that charges close to a dollar a minute. I mean, seriously, Sony! How can you be in business when you treat customers like this?

  • On my ps3 when I play GTA4, and sacred 2 it wont let me go online. very annoying.

  • Hi, don’t know if this has been reported already or not (but don’t have too much time to go back and check !!) Just got the new Wolfenstein game this weekend, and I am unable to get online at all with this game. All other games play online fine, as does access to PSN, store etc. I’ve tried to connect at different times of the day in case the servers were overloaded, but this has made no difference – LOGIN FAILED everytime, regardless of which online activity i want to perform in the game. Also, since the v3.0 firmware I am unable to get new trophies in The Force Unleashed. I know that i’ve got them several times, but they are not being recognised.

    Hope that someone from Sony reads this list and starts fixing all these issues. I like the new firmware in general, but playing games, and then not getting the rewards for them is annoying.

    Also when can we get a free dynamic theme in Europe, like the Afrika one that the Japanese got ?

  • WEB browser: long click on the link to open new page DOESN’T WORK!

  • Crapware 3.Slow, is hell. I remember past updates having issues but haven’t we learned that if its not working don’t release it. Hmmm….im guessing no. My XMB is 50/50 load or not to load but do it slowly, games freezing through mid-play, and on my first load up after updating to Crapware 3.Slow I get a screen that say “system files are corrupted, let’s restore the to fix the problem”. That last one is the cherry on the cake. That last one which happens almost 45% percent of the time is the most f-ed up part of this update. You know, I am sure ya’ll wanted to race this Crapware out to meet with some kind of ending that will have thankyou’s all around but im sorry, you messed this update up again.

  • Can someone at US Playstation tell me what is Sony going to do with those who had a frozen screen because of firmware 3.00 and now have a dead first generation 60G PS3? It’s strange… it seems kind of related.

  • Okay, so I have tried to play HAWX, MGS4, COD4, COD5, UFC, Ratchet & Clank future: tools of destruction and RSV2 and they all freeze at the main menu. But my friends PS3 works fine? Oh and one more thing, my ps3 login menu has a sparkly theme, and my friends has a lazer beam thingy. is there anyway i can change mine?

  • sorry for the double post, but mine is a 60G and my friends is an 80G.

  • Has anyone noticed lagging in any online play?

  • it seem to be fine with the update with my Ps3 doesn’t experience any freeze or cant access trophy or log in .. I hope the new firmware are able to fix others ppl problem and also get rid the gray scale behind my fren list.. is pain in the eye

  • why the heck would sony release an update without consulting users first? Look at all people here, including me, who are dissatisfied with 3.0.

    you should put customers first and base your updates according to their demands and tastes. make a poll or gather info through some fact finding techniques. it’s the basics of the basics. it’s not when a prob arise then you start taking feedbacks into consideration. that’s crap management! be proactive, sony! -.-

  • Are you aware of missing cross-game-chat in 3.00 as well?

  • btw sony, i know this one is off-topic but i wanna discuss about right here. why is ps store available in only a few countries? i live in mauritius and i wanna buy some games online but i can’t buy simply cuz mauritius is not listed. or are you targeting only specific customers?? ya gonna say it takes time to implement such a system? OMFG it’s been nearly 4 yrs since ps3 is out and i can’t buy online yet!!! and i’m speaking for all people who live in countries that are not listed as well! gotta do something about it quick. think of the loss you’re making!

  • just curious when the fix will be up im worried.

  • i cant seem to log on to my account on my ps3

  • … I think I have the biggest problem after installing the 3.0 firmware. after the install, my dvd drive stopped reading discs. I can’t play any games or play any dvd’s. i can play demos but thats about it. anyone else having that problem?

  • @699

    Your not the only one having this problem… theres like 3 more of us (yes im having the same problem) on this forum.

  • Roll back firmware to previous version!
    was hoping to finish uncharted, but it wont play more that ten minutes. if i wanted messed up patches i would have kept my wow account.

  • I have problems with controls on Madden 10. It seems that QB can’t throw accurately. They fail passes even the receiver is alone.

    PS3 80 GB (the one with slots)

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