CES 2009: Killzone 2 Interview

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By now, I’m sure you’ve seen some of the overwhelmingly positive impressions of Killzone 2 from the 2009 Consumer Electronics Show. Shortly after his CES presentation, I tracked down Hermen Hulst, Managing Director and co-founder of KZ2 developer Guerrilla Games. We talked hit response physics, the unusual background of some of the KZ2 team, and that awesome video that was shown. Take a look:

Once again, Killzone 2 hits North American shores on February 27th. Preorder bonuses going on now.

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12 Author Replies

  • jeff why dont you put all the videos on the blog into its own section on playstation store? would be cool.

  • how long do u think it would take to beat the story?

  • After reading some comments, I can tell a lot of people feel the same way about me when it comes to a Collectors Edition because I want one too.

    I mean, there’s been some games that came out last year that were new IP’s for crying out loud that had Collector’s Editions like Dead Space. There isn’t any reason for Killzone 2 not to have one.

    I already pre-ordered Killzone 2, but if a Collectors Edition is announced, I’ll just cancel my other pre-order and get the Collectors Edition.

    When it comes to games that I’m HIGHLY anticipating, I always buy the Collectors Edition version.

  • ok jeff can you talked about the install if there is one and how big will it be?

  • Nice interview Jeff.

    How are you guys going to market this GEM?

    I hope a 30 sec. clip, Super Bowl Sunday!?

    Then 1 commercial Ever 30 min. on every channel everyday until release day!?

    Can’t Wait!

  • Cant believe there is no CE for this game. That seems like a huge missed opportunity. I hope this game at the very lest gets a huge marketing push from Sony.

  • How can there be no CE for Killzone 2?

    How is that possible? If there was one game this gen that deserved one it would have been KZ2. So much turbulence surrounding this franchise and the establishment of Guerrilla, it’s a gold mine. I was highly looking forward to having an extensive documentary and more on a Blu-ray disc. I bet Guerrilla as well must feel pretty heart broken about this decision, KZ2 has been the most talked about PS3 game alongside MGS4 for years. It’s the strongest 1st party card Sony has this generation next to GT5 which is coming too late and yet Sony’s marketing department fails.

    Really, really disappointed.

    Now, will this game have extensive marketing at all? There’s Super Bowl ad opportunities still available (30 sec spots). God of War 3, MAG, Heavy rain… these are all great 2009 games but make no mistake, Killzone 2 is the strongest 1st party title when it comes to market appeal. Do something.

  • any news for a firmware update? :D

  • I’ll be buying this game when it comes out, it’s a first day purchase. I also got some of my friends interested in this game, they really want it.

  • :lol: Jeff, please tell us that there’s more behind your words besides a no.

    Like many others have mentioned, it’s a bit of a missed opportunity not to create a Collectors Edition of some sort of Killzone 2. I guess you can forward these sentiments to the right people, please.


  • No Collector’s Edition? Are you friggin’ kidding me?

    Why does R2 get one while this doesn’t? This is Sony’s big kahuna. Probably their biggest ps3 game along with GT5, GoWIII, and LBP.

    Sony fails at marketing YET again.

  • as you can see everyone is hoping that this work of brilliance gets its dues…which means it needs to be advertised to the point where people almost get sick of it… superbowl adds might be a good route…hint hint

  • Since we’re not getting a collector’s edition. Any chance we’ll get some “making of” videos on PSN? Like Uncharted and Heavenly Sword and before that Resistance: Fall of Man?

  • God damn it. I wanted a collector’s Edition .

    resistance 2 got a collector’s edition but this game that’s more hyped doesn’t get one?

    3 of my friends and i were all gonna pay the extra $20 for a collector’s edition.

    jeff may i ask why not?this game has enough behind the scenes ,art stuff,and back story journals that would make the collector’s edition a breeze to make.Hell you can even use the Review version for CE.

  • I’m shocked that there is no collector’s edition coming out for this game and very disappointed about it, mostly because I had my heart set on a Helghast action figure similar to the one that came with my R2-CE, oh well here’s hoping they make one!!! :(

    P.S. Don’t worry though I have it already reserved, I was just hoping to upgrade!!! :P :D

  • Jeff is it okay if I add you to my friend list on PSN?

  • I can’t believe that some think it’s bad marketing. You damn well know that they are going to repackage it with some doll that the eyes light up and sell the game twice to many of you. :P

  • Sony MUST advertise the hell out of this title, there are no two ways about it. They have to publicize it to a point where people will be muttering “Halo” and “Killzone” in the same breath. Sony has an opportunity to tip the scales in their favour, or at the very least, make people sit up and notice (and move a whole boatload of PS3s).

    Jeff, Is there a major advertising campaign set up for Killzone 2 in North America? When is it starting?

  • This game deserves an advertising campaign as big as Halo 3. Just try it Sony, see if it works. When Halo 3 came out, they had banners on every bus in all major cities in UK.

  • Will the upcoming demo include any multiplayer aspects of the game or will it only be a Single player based experience?

  • Yes Jeff, please tell us Sony is actually going to advertise this?

    There’s been a distinct lack of PS3 advertising since, well, since forever.

    Get advertising Sony!!

  • I’ve seen your reply about Collector’s Edition.
    If you see this link http://www.thesixthaxis.com/forum/killzone-2/killzone-2-limited-edition/ , a Killzone 2 Special Edition exists !
    Could you ask at Guerrilla Games when this Special Edition comes out to retail ?

    Best Regards and thank you for the interview!

  • hey jeff i have 2 questions
    1-hows the game lookin on a SDTV , i really wanna get it , but we all know how super graphic games appear on sdtv
    2-will there be an optional or mandatory install ? i dont wanna get my ps3 lens exhausted from all the playin am gonna do , thnx !

  • O my god pls sony do advertise the HELL out of this game if this game doesnt sell systems ill eat my shoe.

  • It’s funny hearing about commenters here having difficulty streaming a medium definition video, while others out there (in some other dimension) are convinced that full HD video downloads will be in every living room this decade.

    Blu-Ray: Because 1080p is so much better in reality than in your imagination.

  • Wow, no CE/LE? And hear I was all set to throw a large amount of money at Sony (the same way I did with MGS4LE), and you guys DON’T want it?

    Okie dokie.

    What about the ad campaign? I’m sure a Superbowl spot is out of the question (though it would be perfect and put you guys over the top, IMHO), so how viral do you guys plan on getting? Also, a request to the SCEI ad teams: DO NOT use live action in ANY of your commercials for this game. KZ2 is the reason everybody here plunked down their hard earned $500 – $600 for this ebony monster and its almighty CELL processor, so showing live action would be in extremely poor (not to mention STUPID) taste.

    lol Guess that really wasn’t a request, but more of a demand. And if Sony wants my money, they’ll give into my demand. You have until the 27th, gentlemen.

    Good day.:DDDD


    Time to Die!

  • There is NO incentive to pre-order this game, NO collectors edition and by pre-ordering the game you just get the DEMO???? NO THANKS.
    I’ll buy it once it’s out, but I won’t pre-order.

  • the more i read and see this game, the more i want it! i am sooo pumped for the new Killzone. see you guys online.


  • Amazing game seriously cannot wait! Really hope though a Special edition will be released! :-)

  • Thanks for bringing us up to date about KZ2, Jeff. I read an interview with GG’s game director Mathijs de Jonge where he states that GG is investigating the possibility of vehicles in online multiplayer. Can please you keep us up to date about this topic?

    BTW, here is the link to that interview:

  • Just WOW!
    I am so pumped for this game!
    Been a fan of all the Killzones can’t wait for this one.

    I do wish there was a CE version I want a Helghast figure!

  • Thanx for the reply Jeff.

    Shocked at the ridiculous decision to not release a Collector’s Edition especially after one of the devs said there was going to be one during the Beta, so this is ALL Sony’s decision NOT Guerrilla’s.

    After Guerrilla have worked for 4 years on this masterpiece it’s completely disrespectful to them to not allow them to release a CE, and it’s disrespectful to the fans who have waited for 4 years for the game.

    Here’s an idea, how bout you just leave Guerrilla Games and the fans to market the game for you as well? That’ll save you a few pennies… and we all know Sony’s marketing team fails time after time to market their games effectively.

    Oh well, I’m hoping that KILLZONE 2 will sell as well as it should, despite Sonyā€™s clueless marketing. Guerrilla Games deserves it.

  • I’m sure Guerrilla would be happier to see their fans excited to pull the BD out of the case than a plastic Helghast.

    Get a clue.

  • Little Big Billboards next to bus stops with pictures of Helghast soldiers on them!


    Not. Seriously, your marketing sucks this gen, Sony. The TV ads are garbage when they shouldn’t have to be. We get sweet vids like Uncharted’s “Massive Attack” and LBP’s every trailer released so far, but it almost seems beyond the ad/marketing team to convey that same awesome to the masses out there in TV land. Even the MGS4 commercials showed 99% cutscenes and that 1% of gameplay with Snake on the back of Drebin’s APC.

    Please don’t screw the KZ2 marketing up, Sony. It’s your game to lose at this point.

  • @Keith K

    We’re all certain GG would be happy that we all just bought the game, but it’s foolish to believe that this game didn’t deserve a Special Edition of any sort with all the effort they put into it.

    A vanilla release for Killzone 2 is a crime, and SCE is the culprit.

  • That’s the dumbest thing I’ve read all day.

    To think, this long I’ve considered it a crime by publishers to release wallet leeching special editions unto an unsuspecting public. If you want a $10 doll, go to Toys’R’Us. If you want GG to get an extra $10 for their effort, then send them a cheque. They wont see an additional penny from a CE anyway.

    Guerrilla Games have made an awesome game. The only disrespect I’m seeing is that that game is apparently not good enough without a token kid’s toy.

  • What is this toy you keep talking about? Who here said that the CE needed a toy? I was thinking something along the lines of an art book, a making of via Blu-Ray, and a nifty case to put it all in, but you keep going on and on about a toy.

    And there isn’t anything wrong with SEs for games. Where’s the “gun to the head” mentality for purchasing one? There have been plenty of games that I’ve owned that had SEs, but I never purchased them. In fact, the only SE I own is for MGS4. KZ2 would’ve been my second.

    I’m disappointed that there won’t be a SE for this game, but I (and I’m sure everybody else who was also disappointed) will still be purchasing this game on the 27th.

    So my last line to you is to calm the f**k down.

  • cool…


  • this is the one FPS to rule them all!

    but xbots don’t fret. you are getting a halo around the same time. it’s a RTS, though.. a RTS on a console.. Losers

  • I hope sony annonuces a bundle with killzone 2 for the u.s. and it would be cool if it had cool designs on the system.

  • O no!!!! I want Killzone’s special edition 2!! It had the special edition of original Killzone, but I want to have also this one! But you make some special edition Āæ?? And if it, cannot be, extract figures or reproductions of weapons… something for fans! I am a fan of Killzone from the first game!!! Please objects for fans after extracting killzone 2 to complement the lack of special edition. please…

    Thank you for the Threads, me to be one of the chosen ones and, really you did a good job, long life to Europe!! XD. And long life to Guerrilla!!!

    Thanks for read!

  • Great interview and all, but are you kidding me? I don’t mean to sound like a jackass… but why no LE/CE!?

    How hard is it to throw in an art book, soundtrack, and a metal case? It doesn’t take months of work to come up with one…

    Guerrilla spent all this time making KZ2, and you guys can’t come up with a simple CE/LE for the PS3s flagship title? Please re-think this. There is a high demand for a CE/LE.

  • @ every1 complaining about LE/CE – get off your high horses and just chill out. there is really no need for it. the game will be enough to quench any thirst!


  • It’s not a big deal to me… but no CE/LE for this game?

    hahaha. I’m starting to see why no one I know has a PS3.

  • Great Interview! I watched that amazing hit response trailer about six times now! They really should make it into a commercial!

  • @143 why cause one game doesnt have a collectors edition yeah that makes total sense. /facepalm

  • In a way I am happy there’s no CE it should be about the game and not what’s packaged with the game.

    BUT I do wish there was extras we could buy from the Guerrilla site like some figures or a helghan mask an artbook or something.

  • damn xbots complaining about the lack of CE.. look at your fable 2’s CE, see how it turned out

  • The internets could be broken. Who knows?

    I think my computer just wanted to be extra slow yesterday. :(

  • After hearing all the hype of this game, I’m kinda excited. I might actually start to pay attention to this game cause so far I havent.

    I have Resistance 2 and wanna sell it cause with LBP and Battlefield(still play it constantly), I have no interest in Resistance(plus i want this). Anybody know a good place to sell it? Dont know many friends with a PS3…and with enough money to buy it(wanting to sell it for 30-40 bucks).

    And GameStop is too cheap, 22 bucks for a game they’ll sell for 55? Lol, no thanks.

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