Want into the PlayStation Home Closed Beta Test? Here’s How to Apply

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Today we’re announcing the expansion of our closed beta test for PlayStation Home to begin at the end of the month.

Home Theme

Later today, the PLAYSTATION Store will be updated with a PlayStation Home theme. By downloading the theme, users are submitting an application to join the PlayStation Home Beta test community. We will be using a variety of criteria including activity on the PLAYSTATION Network to determine eligibility for the Beta community. Existing beta testers have automatically qualified to be part of the expanded beta.

We’re really excited about this milestone and want our most loyal fans to be a part of the evolution of PlayStation Home.

In Europe, SCEE is also beginning their expanded closed beta, directly targeting consumers who have been most active on PLAYSTATION Network and PLAYSTATION Store. SCEE will be in email contact with their PSN audience very shortly.

Let us know what you think.

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10 Author Replies

  • Mr. Buser, thank you. This is awesome! I’m downloading it as soon as it hits the PS Store

    i really hope i get picked.

    Do GAP members have a better chance than others of getting in?

  • Thanks, just hope this is for everyone and not just the US.

  • Is the beta selection going to be lottery style? or first come first serve (i.e. first downloaders are more likley to get in)

  • yeah does being a gap member get me anything? If I ever got anything cool from being a gap member it would be entry into the home beta.

  • Wow! This is really great. I am so happy to own a PS3 right now, I love the idea of having people download a wallpaper to enter the beta. Great idea sony! Meh, I probably won’t get picked, but hey, at least home is finally expanding!

  • Thanks for the chance to get in to the expanded beta and the new theme. I look forward to it and the Open Beta in the Autumn/Fall

  • Good luck to you all, maybe i’ll see you wandering around Home in the near future.

  • Thanks a lot. I’ll be getting the theme as soon as the store gets updated.

  • Can somebody PLEASE clarify something.

    When the European Selection is based off ‘PSN activity and Playstation Store’ does that mean time they are on the PSN talking to friends and how long they have been a member and what not, or is it time they are playing games online.

    Because personaly im always online and playing games since launch, talking to friends, but only a few games do i go online with.

  • Great News!!

  • Ho i posted… YES!!!

    Another question…If i download the theme… i can’t join the beta.. because i’m from portugal…

  • Hey Sony I’m Homeless over here! Hope I get in XD

    I’m a Qoore Subscriber, own 16 PS3 games, and bought have bought 10 PSN games XD including Folklore & Warhawk DLC >_>

    So hope my umm “bribery” has payed off XD and I wont be Homeless for long! XD

    Thanks for this chance to get in

  • Why do us Europeans (I’m from UK) always get the blunt end of the stick, I mean why can’t we simply download a theme too ?

    any great news but still very annoying!

  • My fellow European’s come on read the whole post it clearly says:

    In Europe, SCEE is also beginning their expanded closed beta, directly targeting consumers who have been most active on PLAYSTATION Network and PLAYSTATION Store. SCEE will be in email contact with their PSN audience very shortly.

    The activity i think is! Time played games! Gb downloaded, Money used in store and so on!
    Guess i’ll get my mail soon!

  • * Underground Member since 2001
    * PSU# 48619282
    * GAP Member since since 2003

    I would at least hope that counts towards something for getting into the beta. I haven’t been invited to a single thing since PS2 Everquest Online Adventures!!!

  • Its UP!!!!! Just got it! Hope I get in the beta!

  • You say anyone can download the theme (Which looks awesome by the way) on any North American store, but if I download it in Canada am I still eligible or is it US only?

  • Hey you guys, IT’S UP!!! There also appears to be a new trailer, and they updated the little icon for Home in the Store. Just browse to View All by Title, got to H, and you’ll find the two items. I must say, an impressive theme, it’s the first time I’ve changed mine since the PS Network theme which was excellent as well! Course, I download all themes in case my family or I want to try a new one… Anyway, this is all great!

  • oooooooh yeeeeah!!!!

  • Hi im from europe and wondering how many more people will roughly get into the beta?

    Also is there any further info on a european blog or expanding this blog to europe as i would like ot know more about the Socom beta as well, just seems that us europeans have no source of communication with SCEE.

    One more thing, when i made this acocunt i wasnt paying much attention and put an n instead of m in my user name, is there anyway of changing this, i tried to make another account but the account are linked to email addresses.

    Thanks and keep up the good work


  • It’s up? I don’t see it.

  • JUST DOWNLOADED IT ALSO! Man I hope we both get in since being the First two to download it. It’s a slick tight wicked awesome great looking theme!! WOOT W00T Homeward bound ( Que Simon and Garfunkel intro)

  • Hey I’ve got a question, way back when the first round of betas went out, my friend let me download a copy to my PS3, and of course I tried to log in but was denied… I hope that just because my PSN ID history could say that I launched Home Beta doesn’t mean it’s assumed I’m already in!

  • Yes I can read and can you ?

    I understand “In Europe, SCEE is also beginning their expanded closed beta, directly targeting consumers who have been most active on PLAYSTATION Network and PLAYSTATION Store. SCEE will be in email contact with their PSN audience very shortly.”

    But do we have to be active in order to get any chance of taking part in the beta and our friends over the pond simply download a theme, that’s what’s annoying my fellow European!


  • Never mind. Now it’s up. Downloading!

  • Will be downloading the theme as soon as its available!! My Playstation Network name is UNIFIED.

  • I use Xbox Live primarily but this is what i have been waiting to try out since it was announced!!

  • will sub-accounts be able to get into the beta?

  • I really LOVE how all the icons have the open door in them, gives a “Welcoming Feeling” to the theme. I sure hope to get into the New Beta. I bet it will surpass even my wildest dreams and man do I have wild dreams…..

  • Hooray! This is a really nice theme. The Icons look great!

  • I don’t know if other people saw this also but when i installed the home theme, i saw a message saying “Home Application ????” don’t remember the last part lol Does that mean that i’m gonna be chosen or i’m just hallucinating lol?

  • Wow I love how Sony is replying all of a sudden but is there a way someone can rely a request for Password protetion the PS3 on startup and also maybe the media I don’t want everyone on my system to have acess to my media and I though it was really bad when my cousin could still have control over my stuff while he was in his account

  • Oh and HOME well be great

  • Given my posistion this is exactly what i need a chance to try the beta. Thanks Jack for the heads up man!!

  • Cannot wait!
    I hope everyone that comments gets it!!

  • Oh and btw Noel, you really did an awesome job on the theme! Your really something!

  • Nice news dude but I think I can speak for most of the european forumers when I ask, does this mean that those who leave there PS3’s on all day and buy everything are going to get in?

    Thanks and good luck my American friends.

  • ————————

    It’s on PSN now.

    Go download it guys.


  • If i get chosen for the beta, what would i have to do, like send feedback, test it and find glitches? I would gladly give any response when using the home beta. :)

  • YES!!! I WANTED TO BE IN THE BETA FOR A LOOOOOONG TIME!!!!! now i hope i can get in the beta, i beat GTA IV in under 14 hours and i play my PS3 ALOT, i have over 30 PS3 games so i think i might get in!!!! PLEASE!

  • Looking forward to this. Thanks guys!!!

  • “OverlordLaharl”

    It’s called Home application because that is what it is! A application to join Home beta!

  • looks like i’ll have a new theme tonight.

    as far as activity on the PSN it doesn’t get a whole lot more active than me (unless you don’t have a job or school lol). i even have my logitech bluetooth ps3 keyboard ready baby.

    bring on the beta!

  • forget the beta that one badass theme

  • Ill never get into the closed beta, i never have any luck with these things. The only way ill probaly ever get into a beta is if i buy my way in (Qore).

  • theme is up in the store!!

  • Couple Questions..

    1. how many people are you accepting? i assume quite a few.

    2. Why’s our theme so much more awesome than the Japanese theme?? =D

    3. Did you draw your avatar noel?

    • 2. We had a little more time to develop our Theme. Plus, different regions have different design philosophies. I happen to like both Themes for different reasons.

      3. Nope, didn\’t draw it. Stole it from Capcom and some of their amazing concept art for Okami (amazing game – find it, pick it up!).

  • i just downloaded it hope i get in

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