Firmware 2.00 Video Demonstration

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Hello again. To better illustrate new features in the forthcoming firmware update, we’ve created a quick video demonstration of some of the new features (shot using the PLAYSTATION Eye). Inside, you’ll see a quick run through of how Themes, the Information Board, Remote Start, and custom photo and music playlists work.

As soon as the firmware goes active, our System Software Update page will refresh to reflect all of the features found in firmware v2.00.

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  • As a user who mainly uses PS3 as a mediaplayer. My main wishlist.
    1. Codec support as promised in 2006
    2. Better browser

  • Battrah & the Legion Soldiers :: nuevo Firmware disponible para PS3 :: November :: 2007

    […] Sony Europa entrega a sus fieles el firmware 2.0 de ps3 a traves de la PSStore que trae novedades tan majas como encender la ps3 y trastear con ella […]

  • Themes…..useless fluff

    RSS Feed…..I get news faster and more convenient on this wonderful thing called a “computer with internet access”

    Remote Start…..i don’t own or want a PSP so it’s useless to me

    Playlists….doesn’t fix the real problem of needing folders to organize music, photos AND games

    2.0 = meh
    When is 3.0 coming out?

  • @zapruder
    The video game industry, is a constantly evolving industry, it’s core component being that of innovation itself, Sony was leading the charge on the thing we all know as videogame innovation, and what you’re witnessing here is a whole hell of a lot of angry people that had most if not all of their trust in this company in general to bring the latest/greatest/best of everything to us as gamers… There is a reason ps2 was #1 for so damn long, and that’s because even though it was inferior to all of it’s competition it beat the competition’s system in every other way, because it had an installed base, support and nothing but time was on Sony’s side to add to their next system(ps3) something that gave the original (competition-box) a run for it’s money in the use your own damn music in-game department, do you get me?
    This is something that most of us Sony fanboys thought would be a given’. as Xblock covered it last gen, and are doing it again this gen…and Sony still hasn’t ?

    I think the general argument for an SCEA employee that would come to post on the subject’s best defense would be the whole “Audio = 50% of the game experience” bit, which I agree is right, but it’s all of 50% of replayability loss, when you could be replaying a game you love to your own rocking soundtrack.

    INNOVATION, Sure Sony has a lot of things xbox doesn’t, and that seems right, but it just feels wrong when they have something we don’t… for a long time now.
    ok I am going back to bed… I have 2 more hours to nap.

  • I don’t know what the deal with you people is why can’t you just accept what they have to give us. I mean I wanted in-game XMB. But we will have to wait for that and also Home. I’m looking forward to getting the update and you all should also.

  • Alright..

    First of all…I do believe this is worth the 2.0 mark.
    I mean, custom themes, playlists, remote play improvements and the infobar.

    Even knowing it is not what the leaked 2.0 firmware was, it is still a hell of an update.

    What I suggest now is:

    – In-Game Music (I dont care about the whole XMB. Just music and messages are fine to me. More is annoying)

    – Codec Installers.

    – Constant Updates for the Browser (Flash, activeX, etc)

    – Posibility to create folders (I have 400 videos, 3000 photos) Otherwise please tell me HOW in the name of god you found pictures you had in a folder called MyFriends in your PC, because I honestly don`t remember I took the picture the 4th day of july in 1996 (Because the date folder it is not much useful actually)

    – Options when you click the PS:
    + Clock
    + Overall charge of ALL controllers. I have 2. The other one is around there and I dont know if I should charge it or not. That would be nice.
    + The Infobar you just created =)

    My two cents

    Please give feed back up. 2.5 firmware should be ours.

    PS. I said that because looks like a couple of firmwares were released with out hearing us.

  • RE: The PSN “ticker”

    Why can’t you not have it displayed (because, seriously, it is frigging UGLY) but still be able to access the content manually? If you click “Do not display” and then go into the ticker, it gives an “undefined” error.

    I would like to read the stories every once in a while (although they seem really base) but hell if I want such an ugly orange little square in the corner of my XMB allday.

  • So the highlight of Firmware 2.0 seems to be those themes. This feels a bit 1997 to me, this themes thing. But I posted a poll about asking: Don’t you think this all business is a bit overhyped?

  • It would be really interesting to see stats on games sales to people who, like me, own both the PS3 and Xbox 360. I really do wonder if anyone in their right mind would buy the PS3 version of anything over the 360 – I always buy the 360 version. This is where Sony are failing and they seem to be doing absolutely nothing about it.

    It’s true that expectations for fw 2.00 were built up in the community, and Sony can do nothing about that, but they surely realise what a huge blow to PS3 owners this must be to see such a lack of progress and the value in their console investment dwindling more and more as each month passes.

    I think until Home arrives, my PS3 is officially a Blu-ray player only. I’ll play games on my real games console.

    I’m no fanboy of either console, I want both to be great, but I’m astonished that Sony have delivered such a huge disappointment.

  • Un assaggio del nuovo firmware 2.0 di Playstation 3

    […] di seguito che ne spiega le nuove funzionalità del sistema operativo aggiornato, sulle pagine di Playstation.Blog potete invece vedere un ulteriore video con tanto di commento di Eric Lempel (Director, PlayStation […]

  • My suggestions for future updates:

    1. FOLDERS, not playlists. Give me the ability to sort content the way I truly want it sorted. Not having folders on the XMB just makes things appear more cluttered. What good does a 20-picture “playlist” do me when I still have to look at a folder with 950+ pictures in it when I go to the photo section of the XMB just because I happened to add them all to my PS3 in November? It bugs me to no end that there is no good way to arrange files on the PS3. Playlists only add one more way to ACCESS my files. I want a more structured way to ORGANIZE my files! Some of us out here are actualyl anal about these things.

    2. DIVX support. This is the ONLY reason I still have a separate stand-alone DVD player. Do you know how stupid it feels to have a PS3 sitting next to a $60 Philips I got from Wal-Mart and having to explain to people that I keep that player because it does something my PS3 won’t do?

    3. Blu-ray Disc Profile 1.1 would be nice. At least before next January when “Sunshine” gets released. If I don’t get to experience every last bit of content on that disc, I will cry the tears of unfathomable sadness.

    4. PLEASE let us change the font color on the XMB! Being able to darken the background is a “fix” that doesn’t address the underlying problem. I don’t want to have to change the picture I use for a background. I want to be able to adjust the font color so that it is legible regardless of what picture I choose.

    5. I don’t do game networking, so I’m not as up-in-arms about the IGXMB as some (okay, most) are here, but there is one major reason I’d love it – the custom soundtracks. I play a lot of racing games, and it would be really awesome to be able to play some of my own techno music while racing instead of having to choose amongst (bad) songs in-game or, worse, buy even more bad songs for said game from the PSS.

    6. One thing I haven’t heard anyone else ask for – could you add the ability for the PS3 to take a screen capture? Specifically, I’d love the ability to pause a Blu-ray and say to myself “man, that shot would make an awesome XMB background” (the shot of the motherships from the “Close Enocunters” Blu-ray trailer comes to mind), press the triangle, and have the option to set that frame as the background.

  • For anyone who wants to know, the 2.00 FW is live.

  • @Sabre-Squadron

    I’m suprised you can play anything on the RROD…

  • After updating to firmware 2.00 I really do have to say Thank You! As now the PS3 recognizes 5.1 AAC Audio. However it doesn’t convert it to any 5.1 format my receiver can understand and I could not find a receiver that decodes AAC right now, not even the Sony STR-DA5300ES. I hope this may be a feature in an upcoming firmware so the PS3 can convert 5.1 AAC to another 5.1 audio format on the fly.

    I am going to attempt to mux an AVC and AC3 file into an mp4 container tonight to see if I can achieve Dolby 5.1 with AVC video and see if the PS3 will play it all correctly with 5.1.

    I am happy to see the additional media functionality and hopefully we see chapter support with mp4’s soon.

    I also played with the new RemotePlay feature which is nice however my PS3 is already on 24/7 Folding@Home so if RemotePlay could run during Folding that would be exactly what I need and according to the records the PS3 is helping create and break a lot of other people have their PS3 on 24/7 Folding so I am sure this would be a welcomed feature set for those of us that love the concept of RemotePlay but also like helping donate Folding@Home power.

    Thank you!

  • I downloaded this update as soon as I woke up this morning which was around 5:30am Eastern….wow I love it already! Just the themes! I’m gonna go to like the closest Borders or whatever just to turn my PS3 on! Awesome work. Can’t wait for future updates! oh yeah…UNCHARTED DEMO COMING WOOOOO!

  • Here’s my wishlist:

    1. Give us an option to change the font size in the XMB. On my 27″ 4:3 HDTV, the text is too small to read from across the room when running at 1080i or, to a lesser extent, 720p. A simple option for “large” or “regular/small” fonts in the display setup would be fine. Because of this, I’m forced to run at 480p for everything because it’s the only resolution where the menu text is legible on my set, even though my TV is capable of running the higher resolution settings.

    2. In-game XMB access or, at a minimum, access to friends lists for messaging or adding/deleting/block-listing.

    3. Clock somewhere in the XMB, either on the “desktop” like the PSP has, or displayed with the other info when the PS button is pressed. Either way works for me. Perhaps have it as user selectable option for display in various locations? Same deal with the SIXAXIS battery levels.

    4. Updated Blu-Ray video profiles and codec support.

    5. Automatic wife and child mute option. That’s a killer app right there if you can figure that one out.

  • please sony use youtube, or buy some other video web player or buy some more bandwidth!!!
    this loads just way too slow. uses this which ran pretty great, and his site is super slow.

  • when i played r&c today threw my 5.1 system the sound r&c make and some explosion where muted. weird. then i tried the sound via my hdmi and no problems. i have a sony 5.1 dolby system ht-be1 it’s old but it worked before. i still can not watch video’s from the blog on my ps3

  • Well, I think most people want in game XMB. And I have read through these posts, and there seems to be no reaction from Sony. It also think that if it were around the corner or coming soon, they could announce a date. They haven’t, as far as I know. I think everyone who wants in game xmb should start contacting sony, whether through emails or calling their tech support line or some other form of communication. Posting to this blog doesn’t seem to do anything. Let’s take our demands to them directly.

  • Lack of XMB may be something we have to live with. Sony obviously lacks the software expertise of MS as is evidenced by their arduous implementation of FW updates, demo “installation requirements”, and massive RAM SDK set-asides (4X larger than 360’s SDK set-asides while offering significantly less functionality).

    This is exacerbated by the hardware choices Sony’s “design by committee” product resulted in. Because the other divisions at Sony forced Cell and Blu-Ray into the system the cost was driven too high to allow adequate RAM (and no – 256 split is not the same as 512 unified) and now Sony’s software engineers are unable to work around this inherent limitation.

    As has been the case throughout the PS3’s short, tortured history we’ll “just have to wait for it” until their software guys can figure out how to do what the competition has already been doing for several years.

  • @Submish

    “I’m suprised you can play anything on the RROD…”

    That’s a valid point. Luckily, I’m still on my first 360. I’m in no doubt that the PS3 is superior hardware. My question is, when will it actually make a difference to my gaming?

  • PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! Add 2 things, 1 – XMB Acces during gameplay! COME ON! get your game on! and 2 – More music vis!! its a joke thats there is 2.. acutally i would only class it as 1.. One of them is a joke.. Sorry I no it sounds like a am flaming but! Customers of my Game store are allways flaming me about this!! :'( THINK OF THE CHILDREN! SONY LOL

  • OK, on a more positive note, I will add my voice to the requests posted so far – after all, Sony are… so listening to our feedback.

    1. In-game XMB, or messaging at least.
    2. Support for the latest Blu-ray profile.
    3. Enhanced video/audio codec support.
    4. Web browser enhancements.
    5. Rip up the PS Store and start again.
    6. The DVD upscaling improvements that were hinted at (although admittedly it’s good already.)
    7. Game demo folder / better folder management.

    Also, could you please update the System Software Update page too. We’d really like a complete list of all the stuff you haven’t given us. ;-)

  • Nice small update. I wasn´t expecting the in-game menu, so I wasn´t upset like some here in these comments have been.

    You should tie the news update system to the used account´s country and not the console one and only country setting as the console is possible to use in different countries.
    Also add PAL support for dvd´s, because otherwise the dvd support will be flawed. You can have the right region disc for the PS3, but no support for PAL mode makes watching it impossible.
    Watch on the PS button is mandatory. I always check time from the Time and Date settings menu option.

  • I just installed ver. 2.0. What a mess. Now I cannot download any of the demo games. I click on them and nothing happens. After going back thru the menuing system Dowloadable games, Demos, Videos, Etc. I get an out of memory message and I have to close it down and relaunch it. This sucks!

  • Thanks for the update! Some things I would like to see in the future

    1) support for the new BluRay standard (compliant with BD-video 1.1)
    2) a menu setting “TV over IP” (with direct access to e.g. )
    3) a menu setting “internet radio streaming” (and a functionality to add/edit radio stations)
    4) more codec support

  • The update is looking great!

    Thanks for listening to us on improving ways to organize our media, but this still needs improving and tweaks.

    Its not so difficult really, just look at current OS for computers and how they let you sort files inside a folder.. That should be the way the PS3 should allow us to handle files and folders.

  • Can we get actual AVI or WMV support at least?

    Thanks for the remote start though, that rocks.

  • @Eric

    will we ever not have to press the PS button with ps2 games(when they start up and when you go back into the XMB)

  • I downloaded the update….
    Why is there only one theme?
    I would think you would offer up the theme(s) via the PSN to give us more options. I also believe you said we could create custom themes.

  • Hi there!

    The Wake-on-LAN feature to boot or shut down the PS3 is a nice one!

    Is this the first step to enable complete IP-control for the Playstation 3 to integrate it into Crestron or AMX control systems???

    That would be awsome!!!!

  • Here’s my request for Sony.
    Rebuild the PS Store. Like I said before, that cheap web page is not cutting it. Whatever happened to the Sony slick stylish designs?

  • Sony releases PS3 Firmware version 2.00 - SlipperyBrick

    […] If you want to check out the version 2.00 updates before you download it you can see it at the Playstation blog. […]

  • Thanks for the update.

    Here are some things I wish would be included in future system updates, excluding the obvious “in game XMB” feature.

    1. Display date and time when PlayStation button is pressed on the XMB or while in game.

    2. Relocate “Friends” to appear under the PLAYSTATION Network group.

    3. Relocate the download manager to appear under the PLAYSTATION Network group.

    4. In the download manager, allow the user to arrange their download order.

    5. Allow XMB access while in the PlayStation Store.

    6. Include a “sort by title” option for PlayStation 3 games and demos.

    7. Remove the “sort by album” option for every category except Music.

    8. Include black (night) as a color selection for the XMB background.

    9. Allow the user to make a blend of black (night) and a color for their background. Similar to the sunrise/sunset effect of the XMB.

  • Has anyone tried the Remote start?

    I have it works but I noticed when i turn off my PS3 after a few minutes it boots up to a Remote start screen and stays on for several minutes then turns off again. This cycle seems to continue.

    Is this normal?

  • Hey all, I created a quick tutorial on how to create your own custom themes. Go to this website:

    Hope somebody finds this useful!

  • @everyone who says the PS3 can’t support in-gameXMB
    I used my computer’s task manager to moniter my system RAM usage while running Windows Media Player 11 with a full-screen visualization. It took 55MB to do so.
    When I ran the same song with the mini-player and no visualization, it took 22MB. Also, I am using Windows Vista, which requires more than 600MB to run the operating system. I seriously doubt, based on that fact and the fact the PS3’s operating system uses 85MB that the PS3 will use MORE than 22MB to run a song. I also seriously doubt that the PS3 can’t spare 22MB of RAM while running a game.
    ’nuff said

  • Continuing post 335

    10. Allow a wireless network connection setup to be named and saved.

    11. Allow an option to sort the downloads under “Game” by PlayStation 3 games, demos, and PSOne games.

    This is just my opinion, but I believe the PLAYSTATION Network icon color should change to match the rest of the XMB.

  • I think you guys underestimated what a 2.0 update means to people in general. It means taking the software, PS3 or otherwise, to the next level. This update seems to be setting that up but it doesn’t achieve it. This should have been a 1.95 update.

    Demote the guy in the room that said let’s call this 2.0 and promote the guy that said, no, lets wait till in-game messaging is in before we call it 2.0. That guy understands what’s going on.

    I love my PS3 and I like the OS but having to quit my game to answer a message is just ludicrous.
    Can one of you guys explain to us why this is taking so long? Communicating with your hardcore community is important because we are the people that go out there and support your system. We get our friends and family to buy your system. If you don’t think there is a ripple effect from the hardcore to the casuals you haven’t been doing your research.

  • the themes r kinda pointless, but i luv the remote start idea, i just dont get how the psp can reach across the internet turn on my ps3 and go right into remote play, but for some reason it cant go into remote play while the ps3 is sitting at the main menu (xmb) doin nothin. how is that possible why cant i access remote play whenever i want, y do i have purposely put my system into that mode either by accesing from the xmb or turning my ps3 off. why can i not leave my system on have my folding project start automaticaly like i want it to then check on it later by just hoppin into remote play. this update is kind of a joke, there needs to be more automation in the way i access my system, it should constantly look for a remote play connection if my psp is registered with my ps3 i dont c y not. if it can detect my pc without having to be told y not my psp!

    in closing i want in game xmb and home
    hope someone who matters reads this

  • It feels weired going into the system settings and seeing firmware version 2.0… It just doesn’t feel right. lol

    I agree with what you said GordyNYC. I am always spreading the PS brand to all my friends, but lately there is always a “but” or a “Its coming.”

  • To colonel970:
    You can create folders to organize your games, etc. It’s not user-friendly, but it is possible. On any game, hit the triangle button to bring up options. Under the category “folder name”, create any folder name you want for that particular game. Make sure to create the same folder name for games that you want in the same folder. Next, hit the triangle button again to bring up options after you’ve named folders for all of your games. Select, organize by folder name and viola!

    People keep complaining about the new update. It’s not great but I still like it. The new theme option is pretty cool. It’s slowly but surely looking like the PS3 is looking to compete with the 360. We might still be a year out before there is any lead-way, but Sony might not be dead just yet. Unfortunately, I still play the big titles on the 360 ‘cuz Live is just too good.

  • Are you, Sony Gus, understand that you’re loosing Brand image value with this update?? I can’t believe you are so blind….

  • continued from post 341

    …i also hope they value what i say, cuz i feel this is basic stuff needed to be addressed, i am not the only one asking 4 this, sony says they r giving us what we want, but i dont recall anyone asking for a seperate icon on the xmb for psn, except maybe your own dev team, because they cant figure out how to give us the stuff they promised 3 or 4 years ago when the system was announced. if i sound mad i am. i hear people on this board want to sell their system cuz it doesnt work the way it should, that is sad. i have never known sony to have inferior products, and if i never believed in them i wouldnt have spent over 1500 dollars on the system at launch from some shmuck on ebay cause my local stores only had 2 freakin units each. but now i feel like my investment has gone down so far in value its not worth retail, right now, after the price drop, and the next price drop.

    and my stupid gravatar still doesnt work


  • To brentos:
    Thanks for the heads up. I haven’t checked the Japanese site for a long time. I should start doing that again. I’m going to create my own theme right now! The software totally works!

  • Wow Sony you yet again let something that would have helped the PS3 slip through your lazy fingers. You delay home then you take away what we had been waiting for in 2.0 with this CRAP! I’m sick of playing games and not being able to see the messages my friends send me. Or being able to listen to my own music in the background of my games.

  • I really love the new update! I am enjoying the new organization features very much. My XMB is nice and tidy now! I love the new Chat interface as well, I think it looks fantastic! The only problem I have is that I can’t delete the “Air Paint” theme. How come I can remove any other theme but not this one? Does anyone else feel this way?

  • Three words: true iPod support. Do you guys realize that most of the people that own an MP3 player actually have an iPod? I don’t need to have a Sony version of iTunes I just want the PS3 to be able to read the darn playlists (even MS console does that). Also, what about in-game XMB messaging (again like MS console)? I do like the possibility to use themes, change the background color of the XMB, and the music custom playlists but we need to see more substantial improvements. Keep up the good work though.

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