PlayStation.Blog Team @ the Tokyo Game Show

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Just a heads up to all of you: The PlayStation.Blog team is in Tokyo this week holding things down at TGS! What this means is our publishing frequency is going to be a little less than usual this week. We’re hoping to get some cool photos, maybe some video and other material from the show that we will in turn share here with you. Until then, hang tight and keep a lookout for something in the near future.

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  • Its not my job to solve Sony’s problems. I dont work for f’ing sony do I. If there is a problem, I will tell them about it, its there responsibility to sort it out and fix it. If you want to fix their problems get a paycheck from them and do just that, hell you can even do it for free, I don’t care, but don’t rear up on your hind legs and bark at me. The only little thing I see are a bunch of cheerleaders yanking away. Don’t you have an appointment with Larry Craig.

    40cal, your just a distraction for what the real issues are, its about time people startd getting emotional and upset, it sure as hell hasn’t worked your way. LMF’ing AO @ your internet bravado. Sony just took a dump you wanna go lick there ass somemore.

  • Ok? thanks for making my point for me.

  • @everyone who can’t speak / write properly (thanks, inner-web-tubes)

    their = possessive form of “they”
    there = location, as in “over there”
    they’re = contraction of “they are”

    “There” have always been these issues for early adopters. “They’re” not going to be able to fix them over night, but the fact that many of the issues are being fixed shows “their” intentions to listen to the reasonable feedback of us fans.

    your = possessive form of “you”
    you’re = contraction of “you are”

    40cal, “your” points are valid. To all the haters, I must reiterate, that “you’re” just a bunch of whiners who are part of the problem if you do nothing more than complain and ignore the fact that things have continued to improve since launch (more demos? done. upscaling games and movies? done. rumble? done. etc….).

    This lesson in the English language has been brought to you by the letters “F” and “U”.

  • You can take your lesson and stick UP and YOUR’S.

  • I’m not in college any more, I’m not doing my f’ing homework and I sure as hell am not writing a freaking thesis.

    YOU are yet another distraction. Get the show back on track, professor.

  • Laughed – I just talked to friend at MS – they want you to layoff – they are still going to pay you – but they know if you don’t calm down you will be blacklisted from this site. Have a wonderful day- why aren’t you just playing all those wonderful games on your xbox for while – they say you will still get your stinkin $$$.

  • @Solace


  • lol, too funny and spoken like a true sony slave. Way to go. Are you done trolling? Good, cause I want to know how much money Sony is paying you to defend them? Did you have to pass the bar to be a part of their defense team or was a degree off the back of cheerios good enough. Better yet, is it you thats here on MS’s behalf. Are you here to distract and divide. To try to ensure peoples concerns are not heard. What your doing is not helping Sony, but in fact helping MS. Think about it, oh wait who am I kidding your a slave that does what your told.

    Sony wants us to be divided as consumers cause the more we fight amongst ourselves the less culpable we will hold them for what the real issues are and the whole time we remain at each others throats MS laughs to the bank.

  • how do i get my gravatar to work?

  • RUMBLE CONTROLLER COMING cant wait to feel the shaking in my and again ………………….. :):):):)

  • Rumble controller is coming… but what are you going to play with it? No game will support it… Haze will be the 1st, burnout the 2nd and MGS 4 will be the biggest… It’s a wasted venture to do this with all of Sony’s “So called” big games out right now.

    What a waste. Uncharted and Ratchet & Clank are the only 2 games “exclusives” left for sony this year. All their other games just sort of fizzled out. What are they going to do?

  • the rumble thats great.. makes the shooter games a little more realistic..there is a lot more 2 come i cant wait

  • Dualshock 3 and Home not coming until spring 2008.

  • Not to be so negative, but I really expected a lot from TGS. In all honestly, from what i read on IGN that show WAS TRASH. Yes we have rumble finally (with no minor tweaks in the controller design), we finally get more info on Home, its been delayed till next year. We get no new on teh beta for Home or LBP, we didnt hear anything about a price drop. We heard nothign on the increase functionality that we need for the PS3 thta Home is supposed to give us. No announcements on any new games, only ones we already know about. We did hear a couple good things regardign PSP. But man I am so disappointed in Sony right now. Ive been a sony follower from day one, but this is the first tiem I am really starting to doubt that Sony will deliver.

    Let me state this again, NO Home. that was the worse move they could have done. That was the COMPLETE oppositve of what i wanted to hear. Here we are apporaching the holiday season, and people want home (curren users and new future purchasers) and they delay it until next year?! What to flop Sony, way to flop!

  • excuse the typing errors…

  • hahahahahahahhahahaahahahahhaha…. Good job, Sony!! You really showed those pesky Microsoft and Nintendo guys!

    You know… the bully’s kickin’ your sacks into your throat right about now. No rumble controler till spring and no home… Basically, Sony and the PS3 are screwed blued and they just got a huge ol’ imprint of a pecker smacked against their foreheads. This is why we didn’t get ay updates.

  • Why update this site when all that’s going to be announced is bad news after bad news?

    Sony, you should’ve just stuck with the ps2. I’m totally ashamed and let down by you all.

  • Wow huge let down. I was expecting a lot more.

  • @gamesblow

    the dualshock 3 is out in Nov.

  • The only thing that Sony knows what well is to keep us waiting for everything….. “play beyond”, yeah right…. thats BS.

  • @215

    You’re not the only one. Everyone will be. No one will buy the ps3 now. Nobody… What a cluster ****! Sony just gets worse and worse and worse and worse. They make the stupidest moves ever. I bet you my sack lunch I could sit down and beat Sony 10 x out of 10 at Chess… Because every move Sony would make, would be the wrong one.

    Sony, I’m asking you this now… Is uncharted and R&C still on for this year, or do you think you need more fine tuning on the only 2 games worth piss n’ a cat dish for you all? What a joke! PS3 is… DOA!

  • @216

    Yeah, in Japan! Good on your Sony!


    Playbeyond? More like, Wait beyond…

  • Dualshock3!

    MGS4 with MGS Online!
    Sony buys Evolution!

  • Damn, that’s all I can say about the conference. Anyway, there is still SOME hope. I read that Square has FFVII on some list at their booth. But yeah, I haven’t bought a PS3 yet, I was trying out my friend’s PS3 a couple days ago and the games I didn’t impress. I really wanted to get one soon, but with nothing really outstanding I really think I’m gonna wait until next year when MGS4 comes out. Bad move Sony.

  • Yeah that should be teh new moto, PS3…Wait Beyond. Cause thats all we are doing.

  • Guys, let’s not get upset… I’m sorry… I lost my cool. I mean, we have and have had so many “GREAT” “LONG” “EPIC” “DEEP” games for the PS3 to keep us busy. I mean, surly you all, myself included, haven’t masterd all 6 hours of Heavenly Sword!!! Or taken down all 8 hours of gameplay in LAIR!! Or raced all 8 tracks in Motorstorm yet! No…

    This year, much like last christmas, isn’t Sony’s year… Next year. That’s the big one! “hahahahahahahahahaha” The eve worse part… nothing good ever happens in the winter and spring months and on into Summer. This is the slowest period in the world for games… even more so for sony. None of this **** will see release then. I say October 08… For all of it, BOB!

  • I’m pissed. I ‘m angry. But I have no one to blame but myself. I knew that Sony ony released the PS3 because the Wii was coming to market and they didn’t want to get left behind, and what do they do, they get left behind. What a joke. What a waste of an investment. I’ll be surprised if this console lasts the reminder of the year. Dreamcast had to close up shop and it looks like thats what I bought, to big black dreamcasts. Anyone want to take bets Sony becomes the next Sega. F’ing joke. Where’s all your defenders, marketers and spin agents now? How are you going to try to spin this Sony? Are you going to stammer and say… but … but … we have … the next R* exclusive… Lame.

  • God….at least have the disency to release demos of highly anticipated games like MGS4, Unharted, Burnout, LBP, etc…..

    I mean, come on how long will you tease us with all this stuff. I am about to pull a South Park and freeze my self till 08.

    Live in your world. Wait in ours…

    btw.. thanks for the rumble, I was hoping for a more “next yen” rumble, but last gen is fine also.


  • wow no dualshock 3 for u.s. was bad but then they announce no home until spring 08? AND no 2.0 details? drop dead sony.

  • If I wasn’t so loyal to Insomniac and Naughtydog, I’d **** can my ps3 right now. I swear I would. I’d take this vaccant void of a gaming console straight to the pawn shop and buy me watermellon gum with the kick back. I’ve almost had it with Sony.

    All I need is Insomniac and or Naughtydog to say they’re making games for 360. I’m gone if that comes to pass.

    Sony is planning to exit the console race already. We all wasted our money.

  • I sware if they don’t come out and say they have exclusive rights to FFVII I’m going to buy a 360 elite next week. I am so Fu@%ing sick of feeling left out of so much. This was supposed to be something that made the system stand out above all the others. I’m sick of WAITING, this system has been nothing but a waiting game. Waiting months for games already released and waiting for others only to be let down. BS I’m so sick of this waiting crap!

  • It’s all clear as to why Sony said “Home wouldn’t be a big thing. We won’t make a huge production out of it. We’ll just have it available on your xmb thru a firmware update” They said this to play it dow. Hey, Sony… next time you have a killer application like that and tout it as being on par with live and the competition… Keep your mouths shut until it’s ready to go.

    You’ve done a damn good job of saying nothing at all with Eightdays, Getaway, Afrika, 1080I support for 720 p only games, custome music and in game chats with friends.

    You bunch of snorks!

  • Whoever is making the decisions at Sony needs to be commended in his/her efforts with a big fat cleveland steamer.

  • You could litterally place a cat in the chairman of Sony’s chair at a round table meeting of the minds and it’d conduct itself better and make more rash and logical moves than Sony would.

    I’m lost on all of this. Sony has really sold itself out. They’re done for. I really believe now that they are getting out of the business and trying to make as much money from this miserable failure of a console as they can. Well, that’s it… I’m only buying 2 more games and I’m out Sony. You pissed me off bigger than snot rags today.

  • Realistically, they have all this great games, and great features, the only problem is that they take so dam long to come out. Is hard having to wait, specially when there is not much to keep you incredibly busy.

    I am happy with all the new PSP announcements, the PSP is awesome.

    Finally I bought the the PS3 because I believe they have the greatest lineup of games. even if they are not out yet. And because I own every other playstation system out there. I know they won’t disappoint in the long run.

    I can’t wait till 08!

  • Holiday break down –

    Xbox 360 – Bioshock, Halo 3, Mass effect…

    Wii – Mario Galaxy, Metroid prime, mario kart

    Ps3 – “Crickets” “crickets” … oh, how about some delays. Will that tide you all over? Maybe a little more anticipation for our promises down the road will do you all just right!

    Bunch of complete and total Crater [DELETED]!

  • Yeah, 08… that’s stickin’ it to MS and Nintendo this year! whoooooooooooo!!!

  • Great TGS Keynote.And thank god for DualShock!!

  • Xbox 360 – Halo 3
    Wii – Mario Galaxy
    PS3 – “Crickets” “Crickets”

    That’s the holiday shoppers guide for the masses. I’d rather play my damn game cube than to sink another dime into the ps3. That’s a cold, hard, harsh, shame.

  • @235

    What are on crack or somethin’? Sony just got hit with a bomb the size of the Jolly Green Giants left testicle.

  • gamesblow, sell your dang PS3 then and GTFO.

  • DualShock 3 in 2008??
    that was disappointing Sony really it was.
    07 in Japan 08 in USA/EU??
    come on fix this please.

  • Cagalli loves to get mistreated by the people he employs, I suppose. You’re not gonna sit here and tell me that you’re happy about the news that just went down. You’re not.

    Afrika was turned into a pokemon game, basically. No home or rumble until spring of 08 and more like october of 08. No must have games for the ps3 in almost a year. 600 and 500 dollar price tag. The 2.0 update wasn’t even touched upon and none of the features are listed as being set for this year now either.

    Yeah, Ps3’s future is so bright we need raybans, baby!

  • gamesblow, the keynote wasn’t even supposed to be about games… stop crying like a little kid. Also, WTF did you think Afrika was going to be? It was rumored for a while to be a National Geographic like photography game. Also, I’m not angry about Home, I’m in the beta, AND IT DOES NEED MORE TIME, I WILL TELL YOU. As for the new controller, I’m just going to import one from Japan, screw it. And there are games worth getting this year, you’re just too blinded by your negative attitude to realize this.

    Btw, we’ll be seeing the game announcements in the next few days. All the games get shown DURING TGS.

  • Why is there a delay in bringing a CONTROLLER over to NA??? Oh, I know, it takes six months to translate the X button from Japanese to English…
    I hope for Sony’s sake that the third parties announce some sort of killer ap game.

  • Sony, a delay and a controller is NOT a press conference by any means.

  • Finally the dual shock 3 is at hand. Although, rumble was my biggest problem with PS3 controller, the L2/R2 triggers are of greater annoyance as is the sixaxis` ergonomics. It`s not a comfortable feel. Very flawed and needs a correction. Also, why such a long wait for the US version of the Dual Shock 3.

  • @243, it wasn’t a press conference, it was a keynote, which focuses on business. There is a difference.

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