Lair Dev is Complete, Aug 14 Release Set!

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Lair Screenshot

Given all the content and interest here on Lair, I figured you guys would also be interested to hear that the North American version of Lair has completed its development and is now in manufacturing! That means that we are on track for our August 14 release date. It goes without saying that we’re eager to get this out to those of you that have been waiting so patiently (or not!) for it to arrive. Considering the new PS3 price and now Lair, hopefully there’s even more of a reason to scoop up a PS3 if you haven’t already!

For us, there’s still a bit of work to do, as we have localization to finish up for Europe, Japan, Korea, and more, which will all hopefully follow very soon. Once those are out, our leaderboards will truly be global, and then we can see once and for all who the best Lair players are out there! The gauntlet has been thrown, and North American players are getting Lair first, so don’t give that advantage away…

We also have some great updates for the official Lair site that will be live soon, so keep an eye out for those …

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  • @197

    Games are region free, so you can import the game…

  • Man it sucks to be British. We speak English (invented it actually), yet get delayed game releases due to Sony having to support other Euro regions.

    I wonder if Sony have ever considered downloadable language packs for games, so all games only ship in English/French/Spanish/German (capturing a very large percentage), and then everyone else has to download language packs to the PS3 for any game they have.

    Perhaps the PS3 could have a central translation database that ALL games could use, one that the PS3 downloads and updates when required, and contains translations for all games.

  • Looking forward to the demo :)

    Also, if Eric Lempel ever gets around to reading this for some reason, I’m sorry for taking part in the “in-game XMB” comment bombardment. At least we know you guys are working on it know :)

    Speaking of firmware, 1.9 came with a glitch you guys should know about. Sometimes, when exiting Folding@home, our consoles restart completely (the powerdown and powerup beep sounds) instead of going straight to the XMB.

    Again, good job with everything Sony, looking forward to Heavenly Sword!

  • @roadclimber

    Little Big Planet, Killzone, Unreal 3, Heavenly Sword, Lair, Drake’s Fortune, Ratchet+Clank and Warhawk make me happy I own a PS3.

    And are you serious 360 freezes with Dead Rising? Did they have one zombie too many for thier system?

    Oh and Sony Please Flash Player 8 or 9 please.

    Flash 8 or 9 for PS3 Please……
    Flash 8 or 9 for PS3 Please……

    why so I can see your websites without going on a PC…

  • Stoffinator- your loss! I’ll be laughing at you from atop my mighty, fiery steed.


    […] CONFIRMS LAIR IS COMING AUGUST 14TH By nylatenite In a post over at PlayStation.Blog, Sony confirmed that Lair has gone gold and will be releasing for the PlayStation 3 on August 14th, […]

  • This should work awesome when we can use custom soundtracks with firmware update 2.00

  • Lair pronto per l'America

    […] notizia, mediante Playstation.Blog, che la versione americana di Lair è ufficialmente stata terminata ed è pronta per invadere gli […]

  • please add support for a unified friends list! hopefully that will come along with ingame xmb!

  • Factor 5 Done Lair’s Development - - technology news xbox 360 ps3 software hardware unix windows

    […] Lair’s release date is actually within the radar and the official PlayStation blog has confirmed that it’s not going to be pushed out. The game has finished the development stage, which […]

  • terminatorvsmtrx

    i really want a demo of this

  • The First review was 9.0!


  • @Kratos_ate_Snake

    I understand. You want a test drive before you buy the car!


  • The Good News: The best game I played at E3 (and I spent nearly an hour with it) will be here in a few short weeks.

    The Bad News: Lair launches the day after my second year of law school begins. ARRRGGGHHH! No Lair until Thanksgiving for me…


  • Yanno the one time I’d appreciate a countdown would be now for Heavenly Sword demo lol…not that stupid GTA 4 countdown…totally unnecessary

    That being said…could someone give us a heads up (on when the demo is available) throughout the day cuz I won’t be home til after 6pm EST XD

    Would be much appreciated

  • @Polyphony NL

    I got your Darkness demo and playing it just fine in the US :)

    so if you dont get it in EU, take it from US :)

  • The Darkness demo is already on the EU PS


    “Sony picked up the biggest honor of the evening: the Grand Prix award, which is given for “capping 12 months which have seen the firm deliver a new hardware format that has inspired developers around the world to make cutting-edge next generation games.”

    Congrats SONY!!!

  • I have a problem. Since the update I have a USB logitech headset and whenever I go to play resistance the headset works in the lobby but it stops working 1 minute into the game. I can’t talk or do anything I can only hear people through my tv. And I’ve had my PS3 and headset since may so yeah I know to press L3.

  • Soundmatters MainStage Play TM magazine is the first magazine corp to get their hands on the retail copy of PS3 exclusive game. According to the PLay TM magazine..

    So yes, if there’s any doubt left, Lair has come together beautifully

    “With its stunning visuals and incredible soundtrack, Lair may well be the single most powerful experience that a man can share with his $5,000 home theatre system.”

    Lair is an utter feast for the eyes

    Don’t assume that because Lair is such a stunning piece of eye candy that there isn’t also a substantial game at its core.

    If gliding over a beautiful starlit ocean to the haunting strains of opera doesn’t impress you, you’re dead inside

    It also says all framerate issues have been fixed.

    The only negatives were that objectives weren’t explained well enough and confusing navigation sometimes.

    They say that some of the confusion is because it combines nearly 6 genres into one game…but once you get use to it, it is a game with incredible depth.

    It also says that replay value is extremely high–you can receive higher ranks and that unlocks amazing stuff such as new dragons, etc. to kick butt with.

    Final Score :Play TM Gives 9.0/10.0

  • did we expect anything less from factor 5/ Sony?

  • Sony,
    Looking forward to this game so much!!! Now that I know there will be a leader board, this makes me all the more eager to master it. I really hope LAIR is difficult enough so that it remains hardcore.

    I’m sure you’re working on it, but updating the PS3’s flash capabilities would be nice. I’m finding more and more websites that I can’t see properly via the PS3’s web browser these days.

    Thanks, guys! You’re doing great as always!


  • I am ready for this game. I am surprised none of the big sites reviewed the game at E3.
    Thanks for the update.

  • The leader boards sound awesome.
    And yes I still can’t wait patiently.

  • Could we please have a demo for this game. The 14th is too far away for me, and I want to try this game out quickly.

  • Perfect game to play prior to Warhawk’s release.


    Why is Virtua Fighter 5 has online play for the 360 and not the PS3? AAAARRRRGGGGGGGHHH!!!
    These little differences are what’s making the PS3 look bad. Can someone please answer this? There’s even speculations that the 360 version looks better?


  • cuz sega hates sony

  • @225—Because the 360 has a greater user base, thereby leveling the costs of development, and Microsoft probably paid extra money for it. It does suck…I agree. I would have loved to have played Virtua Tennis online as well. But in these early days of the PS3’s life, we’re going to experience this kind of stuff every now and then. Thus far, Microsoft hasn’t shafted me directly, as every third party game in which they have an advantage (or exclusive) I care little about, but I still hate to see it.

    Microsoft pisses me off with their crappy hardware and deep pockets and year head-start, but at least they’re making our boys at Sony fight for their lives. That’s good for us.


  • I thought there was going to be a Lair Demo before the game came out?

    Is that still happening or Sony still trying to figure things out?

  • Thank you so much for sticking it to the other lazy ass devs out there and making a quality game at 1080p. This game could very well define the system. I’ve been excited about this game since before the PS3 even came out.

  • not sure what to make of this game seen all the vids looked at all the forums but still cant make my mind up. After seeing killzone 2 running though i dont really care about much else. I’am wishing my life away waiting for december…

  • @225

    I wouldn’t be surprised if the 360 version of Virtua Fighter 5 did look better on the 360. Seeing that the PS3 version was released first, they’ve had an extra amount of time to refreshen the 360 version adding online support and better graphics. RB6 ended up being released on the PS3 after the 360 version was released, and the 360 version still was better in terms of graphics. Not by a large margin, but the difference is there. And this is because of the lack of time they put into the games. Sony needs to make sure the developers have what they need, to take the advantage they can figure out to have right now on the PS3. I mean, there is no excuse, for developers to be porting crappy ports to the PS3, seeing how there are a bunch of beautiful games out there for the PS3. Lair being one of them… :-) Only time will tell if developers catch on to what the people at Sony are trying to do with the PS3….

  • “we have localization to finish up for Europe, Japan, Korea, and more, which will all hopefully follow very soon”

    Localization? You mean, translating from American to English, or something?

    How long are we going to have to wait this time, Sony? Weeks? Months? A year, mayhaps? Irksome.

  • i am GLAD this game is 1080p. Sony needs to get on others to make a standard of 1080p and 1080i options.

  • @Dno

    I guess 1080p is not always an option when you are trying to push the console to its limits.

    Sometimes a game playing at 720p smoothly is better than a 1080p that has some slowdowns when several things happen on screen

  • @jernobyl,

    All PS3 games are region free, so you can order Lair from Amazon and get it if you read English.

    As for every other European country that doesn’t speak English, that takes a bit more time with translations. The tricky part about Europe is that Sony has to make a PAL version of Lair for all of the various languages that is continental Europe. Also, you might know that European TVs and hardware run at a different power/electricity/wattage level then NA ones do. That has an effect on framerate and other factors that we gamers don’t easily think of. That’s takes extra time to localize.

    It’s why Devil May Cry for Europe ran rather slowly compared to DMC in America.


  • @blizzard182

    I have read alot of articles saying that 720 is better than 1080 for games because of tech and frame rate issues. I guess until everyone gets 1080 down to a science this is the way things are going to be.

    I know the Cell can handle all the info (60fps and 1080) that is most likely why Epic and Sony are working together with the Unreal Engine and Cell.

    @ Sony can we get a post about the Unreal Engine and Cell work that you guys are doing.



  • @AssassubXIII

    Then I don’t think you should buy it then ok?

  • @40cal

    Absolutely. Once the devs start (some already started) to see the potential of using the 7 SPEs (spelling?) in parallel games are going to be beautiful.

    And I am talking cell power for the AI, animations, effects, etc, not just only the pure raw graphical power.

  • 1080p is more expensive to 720p in terms of how much memory is required for the frame buffer aside from other challenges… It’s not only a question of power, but memory as well.

  • @236 and @234

    Lair is proof you can make a great game run at 1080p- even with a huge number of other things (special effects {geez, have you seen the water effects? wow!}, multiple independently operating AI units) going on simultaneously. Less than 1080p = laziness, and we need to hold developers to a higher standard since they don’t seem to be doing so themselves. As long as we accept their BS about not being able to go over 720p, they will keep pushing it at us.

  • @@AssassubXIII
    Thanks for the random pointless information.
    Hey, I don’t like Socom, MGS, or Halo. Doesn’t mean they couldn’t be great games though.



  • @leetfoo

    True. But the limits exist. Usually a console has 4-5 stages of development. The first in when devs take about 20% or the console´s power, then its 20-40, then 40-70 and then, in the finals stages, they get to reach the 100%.

    It is not easy at all. And I must say (I dont want to compare but still) we are only at the first or maybe second generation so games are going to get better and better.

    I think Lair is the example of a change of generation. (Really)

    And like Sipu said, it is something about the memory too. Likely for us the XDR memory should do the job =)

  • @244
    But wouldn’t you agree that if we don’t say anything there will be no reason for them to push the limits? Everytime we congratulate a dev on making a 720p game without mentioning that we want 1080p we (through our inaction) actually contribute to holding the system back.
    For example- Xbox was the best thing that ever happened to PS2 because suddenly the PS2 devs had to step up to the plate to keep the games competitive. We’d have never seen things on the level of SoTC or RE4 had there been no push to compete and excel.

    Back to the topic at hand- Factor 5 is showing that they are here to excel… NOT just to get by, and I for one greatly appreciate that. The other devs out there need to step up to the new bar they’ve set.

  • @leetfoo

    Yes, of course. There is always competition. Once a big game is released, serves as a comparison for other games.

    That way, a game is always going to be “yeah, it is good, but not as good as…”

    And then another games picks up and then…you get the point.

    Thats why I am saying Factor 5 have done a great job pushing the limits of the PS3 and giving a new standard (Next generation for me) so now it is all hill up.


  • Demo please!

  • Great, I can’t wait to play it. Make sure there are more commercials for future games too, I rarely see any.

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