GGL Digs Into NCsoft, Sony Partnership

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NCsoft logo copy
As most of you know, last Wednesday we announced a new exclusive game development deal with NCSoft, the company behind big MMO games like Lineage and City of Heroes. We’ve been getting a lot of questions about it and thought you might be interested in checking out this interview our friends at Global Gaming League and Epileptic Gaming did with NCSoft’s President of North America.

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4 Author Replies

  • playstation needs to get as many third party developers exclusively as it can get
    with microsoft buy up all its exclusives it is tough for sony

    it is so lame of microsoft to buy devil may cry from sony’s exclusives. like dude it is so uncool how they can just right a check to get an exclusive i like that sony does not do that. they get it by having the best system

    sony please dont lose metal gear solid to microsoft

  • I really hope that we’re going to get some news about firmware updates and demos and not this crap information that I can get on a dozen other video game websites!

  • I don’t even think they read the comments anymore. They haven’t responded to any real questions as of yet! This blog isn’t event a remotely interesting conversation anymore :( Oh well!

  • @ The Hedon

    Also, thats also like saying, the 20GB model of the Xbox 360 went down to $299, and the Elite model went down to $399.(This is an example people, so don’t take this for real…lol). Was there a price drop? Yes there was, the 20GB model that was $399 when first released, is now $299. Same with PS3, the 60GB model went down to $499, when in reality, it was $599 when first released. You stand alone trying to argue that the PS3 didn’t receive a price drop. Explain to all the retailers what your opinion is of having a price drop, because they all also advertise it as a “price drop”. Now $100 cheaper!!

  • @kenji

    I agree, they shirk and sidestep the hard questions and only concentrate on the easy ones.

  • @kenji

    Sadly I fell a bit like that. It is like a Sony’s IGN or some fanboy site.

    It is great, for sure. But I would like to have some more inside info.

  • I can see I am not the only one who wants demos. The mob has spoken Sony. ;)

    But looking forward to see what NCsoft is doing for the PS3 format.

  • I was late to the post party but i am glad to see my demos people held it down….

    Demos please!! Pretty Please!! (Tomorrow Thursday and we know Sony has a ready to go Heavenly Sword demo in their hands)

  • @54

    Sorry man, but once again bad argument. Sure the Microsoft systems dropped down their prices by 100 dollars but the big difference is that they’re still selling those systems!! If one follows your argument… then for there to be a price drop there would have to be a 400 dollar 20 gb ps3( which is nonexistant ) and the 60gb is already on it’s way to a similar fate and will be similarly gone in a few months. So… what consumers will be left with is…. a 599 80GB pack and a rumored 499 80GB barebones. BIG difference…

  • ggl & epileptic gaming ftw!

  • Yeah it seems that they post old news and walk away patting themselves on the back! They still haven’t explained to us what was the deal with the crappy PSN store update during E3 week! Not one demo WTF?

    Sony are you seriously thinking you’re doing a good job or do you really have no idea what the people who have ALREADY purchased the console want?

  • I thought SOE made MMO’s, so doesn’t this look bad for them since your using an outside source now?

  • i like 2 know when heavenly sword demo is coming out in the us i read some were that the company has it ready july 26 and its up 2 sony 2 realise it we want it make it happen sony

  • Did anyone else see the name Robert Garriott and do a double-take? Is he any relation to Richard Garriott?

  • @ Fonze

    Maybe I should speak for myself then. When the two models first released, they had the 20GB model for $499, and the 60GB model for $599. At that time, I convinced myself that I would buy the 60GB model for $599. Considering that I now had the money, I went out and bought me the 60GB model for $499. Which saved me a $100 bucks. Now, whether you want to call it a “price drop” or a “clearance sales”, it really doesn’t matter to those who decided to buy one after the mysteriously known “price drop”. If the 80GB indeed doesn’t lower its price, then yes, those who didn’t go out and buy the 60GB model will miss the “temporary price drop”. LOL! Its ridiculous going back and fourth, but to not argue furthermore, I understand where you are coming from.

    Off Topic.. By the way, I went to Walmart a few mintues ago, and found 3 Wii’s, 1 Xbox 360, and 0 PS3’s! Great job Sony, on lowering the price on the model most people wanted/want to buy.

  • Some existing NCsoft online titles will be coming to the PlayStation 3 in addition to new IP. Those titles that do come out for the PS3 will be exclusive to the system, according to Garriott.

    This is great news. MMOs and new MMO IPs for a console. Not PC but a console, our console the mighty PS3.

    I cant wait. And yes the Heavenly Sword Demo needs to hit the PSN tomorrow like a ton of bricks.

  • Alright… colour me ignorant. I had no idea what an mmo was, so I looked it up. Everquest, WoWarcraft etc… Reminds me of a southpark episode. So….this is good news?

  • i cant wait for some PS3 MMO’s. i plan on getting the Agency if its as good as it looks right now. to bad we cant get WoW cause thats the only game i have an account with already. o well i rather have a game made for the PS3 controller anyway.

  • We need info of MGS4!!

  • @ 33
    you are making yourself look like a idiot. Kojima said we would get a demo as in he was going to SHOW the game in a playable form next week at the 20th anniversary of Metal Gear Solid event that will be held.

  • You people make being a PS3 fan shameful… I hate to be lumped in with you guys when people talk about PS3 fans.

  • @ 71

    I think it is just a couple of “youngns” acting out.

  • Can anybody say “Guild Wars”?

  • i been waiting to hear more about this, city of heroes ps3 yes please make it happen. would love to play guild wars aswell ^^

  • @70 MGS4 was demoed today, or was it yesterday, in Japan. Check for info. You may need to scoll down a bit to see what new things they have instore for MGS fans.

  • It will be nice to see some more MMO’s for the console specifically for the PS3 cause I enjoy them.

    Monthly fees for MMO’s didn’t stop most of us on the PS2 so I don’t see where that would hurt with the PS3…

    Guild wars is free so my assumption would be that it would be free on the PS3 as well if the remade it.

    Sad thing is a whole year before a remake will be done and another year after that before any new IPs get launched.

    @people complaining about demos get over it and be glad you get what you get. You sound like spoiled children that expect everyhting handed to you on a silver plattter.

    @the people confused what a price drop is… It would mean to lower the price of an existing product. Meaning if the price is 599 and lowered it to 499 it has had the price dropped from the previous price point for that product.

    The other SKU being talked about; the 20g is no longer in production. The argument for the same “pricing structure” is accurate but it does not nullify the fact that the product (60 gb SKU) in question of receiving a price drop has indeed received a price drop.

  • a MMO, yeah, *holds breath for next 2 yrs* -haha- i really hope FallOut will be an online game that looks the dogs danglers. loving the way Oblivion plays, so an online system based on that style of gameplay would totally own on the PS3. PLZ no more sodding elves and pixies and magic bloody dwarfs.

  • I hope this means Guild Wars comes out on the PS3. I liked those games alot. Plus free online is GREAT. So I would hope that would stay the same.

  • Will NCSoft be able to map controls to the SIXAXIS or will we have to buy a Bluetooth keyboard. I know that it is too early to ask questions, yet I want to know.

    Also an MMO with Sony IPs might be cool, somthing like I dont know KILLZONE. OH yeah a KILLZONE MMO could be SWEET.

  • GOD OF WAR MMO WOULD BE SWEETER. Like a lolli pop aka the Wii, that I am also to old for. Jack Tretton is a funny guy.LOL

  • “NCSoft, the company behind big MMO games like Lineage and City of Heroes.”

    can’t be that big, i’ve never heard of them. :)

    a MMO, yeah, *holds breath for next 2 yrs* -haha- i really hope FallOut will be an online game that looks the dogs danglers. loving the way Oblivion plays, so an online system based on that style of gameplay would totally own on the PS3. PLZ no more sodding elves and pixies and magic bl00dy dwarfs. THIS IS THE FUTURE PEOPLE, take off your plastic Harry Potter glasses and put the gasmask on.

    anyone know where i can buy a 500Gig 2.5″ SATA?

  • DEmO’s demo’s demo’s. There are quite a few games from a variety of developers that i would buy if i could play a demo before laying down my dollars for. unless it’s a MMO it needs a demo even more so if it’s a new IP

  • WE need demos!! The Heavenly Sword demo is ready so i hope it will be added to the store tomorrow and i hope that its not just the US store that will get the demo, us Europeans always get left out!!

  • @ajay_2606 shirley you joke, we had the ground breaking nucleus demo last week *removes tongue from cheek*

  • @ajay, dont u know any1 in the US?. all u need to do is create an account with their address, u’ll have access to the US store. Everybody knows that including Sony. or did I let the cat out the bag?.

  • Kratos_ate_Snake

    Cool interview, I don’t know, but I think I herd him confirm tabula rasa for a second there….. I have always wanted to play a console MMO.

    well, I see we are back to the demos dispute so….


  • sony… “WE NEED DEMOOOOOO’S!!!!!”

  • @39 The Hedon:

    That is the most retarded argument against the price-drop I have read thus far. I might be stretching it here, but I’m going to guess you are not an Economics major… LOL!
    So the Xbox Elite comes out at a higher price than the other 2 models, thereby giving consumers 3 SKUs to look at. Then, in the future, if the original base Xbox360 becomes phased out, leaving only 2 SKUs (leaving only Hardcore and Elite models) – then would we be hearing you scream that “Microsoft INCREASED the price of the Xbox!!!”?

    Nice try, Peter Moore! *peels off The Hedon’s facemask*

  • Ninja theory the makers of Heavenly sword say is up to Sony as to when the Demo appears on PSN, if they chose it could be on there tomorrow.

    At Sony’s e3 conference Kojima said that MSG4 will be a Ps3 exclusive and always will be.

  • I remember reading before the PS3 launched that devolpers would have access to the PSN without Sonys aproval. So why dose Ninja Theory need Sonys ok. Unless it is just because the game is being published by Sony.

  • @ SONY

    I would seem like a good idea with the current spike in PS3 sales to get the Heavenly Sword demo on the PSN ASAP.

    Your early adaptors want it new customers need it. And it should create more hype for the system. I can only see it as a good marketing move to boost hardware sales more and boots software sales for said title.

    Mabey tommorow? It will be Thur. you know. Thanks.

  • Guild Wars PS3 please. =D

    I’m not an MMO fan but I’ll happily pay once with no monthly fees for an MMO.

  • That was awesome during E3 when you guys talked about the NCSoft deal and watching the video of the Pres of NCSoft I can say that I’m ready for what they will bring to the ps3.

    But my question and probably many.. “No Monthly Fee, please?”

    Just saying.

    But with that sort of announcement, is there anything else Sony hasn’t said yet? hmmmmm..

  • give us some demos and guild wars, city of heroes and tabularasa on ps3 plz

  • Only 27 more days till LAIR drops. 27 and counting.

  • Great interview and this was one of the most exciting announcements for me at E3!

    I’m really excited to see new MMO’s coming to the PS3 in addition to Sony’s own The Agency. I just hope that these games are not monthly fee based! I don’t mind paying for the game, paying for extras and paying for expansion packs… but I hate being tied to a monthly fee.

    MMO games may well form a staple for me on my PS3, but some months I may well play a new game and don’t want to pay a monthly fee for a game I’m not playing. Please… any other fee structure except tying us down to monthly fees!!

  • IMPORTANT! About the 1.82 Firmware!

    There is a bug in the fact that PS2 games video output is always either YUV or RGB Limited, even if RGB FULL is selected !

    Basically with 1.82, everything (XMB, PS1, PS3 and BD/DVD movies) can be displayed in RGB (when BD/DVD is set to RGB too, of course) except PS2 games that are still output as YUV with no options to alter that, unfortunately.

    This is annoying because the brightness is way too high and the image washed out when playing PS2 games after RGB FULL has been selected and the TV carefully calibrated for RGB FULL.

    Also it would be a real plus having an “Upscale type setting” in the “PS menu” when playing PS2 games (normal or fullscreen). Are we supposed to alter the setting every time in the XMB according to the game we want to play? Annoying. The option would be much better directly accessible from the PS menu WHILE playing PS2 games.

    So to sum-up, Sony please:
    – Make an option to change the PS2 games video output to support RGB FULL like everything else so far on the PS3.
    – Add an option in the “PS menu” of PS2 games to alter the Upscale type setting. (normal of fullscreen)


  • Right. So, what does this post have to do with demos? I was actually wanting to download a couple. Do you have any for me, Mr. Karraker?

    Otherwise, what is this blog even for?

  • Would everyone stay on topic to what the stories are, demos! demos! demos! You sound like a bunch of five year olds, they will come.

    And stop it with the stupid position calling “there’s a big number next to your post and nobody cares “GROW THE F%CK UP”

    As for this news good the more third parties making solid games and not just crappy ports (UBISOFT) the better.

  • Mr. Karraker what are you doing? Are you learning how to use Excel or learning to use an Abacus! I can’t do anything but think of insults because, as a playstation fan I feel like SCEA is extremely insulting to their fans!

    Where are the Demos?
    Where are the Firmware Updates?
    Where is the 2-way communication this blog was setup for?

    What are you execs doing over there?

    Take your feet off your desk and get something done that makes the GAMERS

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