Predator: Hunting Grounds gameplay features detailed in new trailer as the asymmetrical shooter confirms release date

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Predator: Hunting Grounds gameplay features detailed in new trailer as the asymmetrical shooter confirms release date

Developer IllFonic details in-game weapons, character classes and pre-order bonuses

Are you ready to enter the hunting grounds on 24th April, 2020? We are so excited to bring the Predator** universe to both your PlayStation 4 system and PC next spring.

We have been eagerly awaiting this State of Play announcement because there has been so much we couldn’t wait to share with the community. And now we get to show you a ton! If you haven’t seen the latest State of Play, be sure to check it out to see our new trailer that focuses on the Predator.

One of the secrets we have been keeping since announcing Predator: Hunting Grounds has been the inclusion of the female Predator.

Predator: Hunting Grounds on PS4 

When we first came up with what this game would be, I knew we had to create a world where this ultimate female warrior would exist too. We had fun imagining her backstory which helped us create a fierce warrior that any gamer will have fun playing. She is agile, fast, and relentless. She is a huntress without fear and she thrives in the hunt. In the trailer we see her with a weapon that IllFonic created, the Yautja Bow.

Predator: Hunting Grounds on PS4 

This is no ordinary bow, it deals massive damage to its prey and will pin the enemy to walls and other structures at death. She has access to the entire Predator arsenal as well.

Speaking of the Predator arsenal…this trailer was one of the hardest but rewarding to make because we had so much to share about our Predators. We wanted to be certain we conveyed that the Predator, male and female, is truly the universe’s deadliest adversary.

Predator: Hunting Grounds on PS4

As far as weapons go, the Predator has crazy off-world tech at its disposal. Did you happen to catch the scene with the Smart Disc making multiple kills? It is personally one of my favourites. We have been demonstrating the wrist blades and plasma caster at events since August, but this trailer lets us show off even more.

Predator: Hunting Grounds on PS4 

Like the bow and Smart Disc, the Combistick is another weapon that is super deadly. In battle, the Combistick extends to become a spear both useful in close combat or from a distance. In the trailer, there is the close combat scene where the Predator impales an NPC and lifts him into the air on the Combistick. This is exactly what one should expect when fighting a Predator wielding this weapon.

In our game, we wanted to make sure players had a way to customise their own Predator depending on how they want to hunt. On top of choosing your own armour design, we created three Predator classes with different styles of play, strengths and weaknesses to select from.

Predator: Hunting Grounds on PS4Predator: Hunting Grounds on PS4Predator: Hunting Grounds on PS4

Play as a ‘Hunter’ the balanced killer, the agile ‘Scout’ that can quickly stalk their prey, or the brutal ‘Berserker’ that is strong and able to take massive damage.

Predator fans will not want to miss out on our pre-order content. Pre-order today and you will get bonus in-game items at launch inspired by the original movie.

First you can hunt as the Predator from the original film with the ’87 Predator Skin and for the Fireteam players, get early access to the powerful “Ole Painless” mini-gun. It’s perfect for those, “who don’t have time to bleed.”

Ultimate Predator fans will want to get the Digital Deluxe Edition on PlayStation Store which gets you awesome content including exclusive in-game items like PlayStation-themed Predator and Fireteam skins and even a digital copy of Predator: Hunters by Dark Horse Comics (120 pages!) As we get closer to launch we will have more fun stuff to share. Looking forward to seeing you in the hunting grounds on 24th April!

*Gameplay required to unlock some Predator weapons, skins, and classes.


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