Here’s your first proper look at Nioh 2’s new protagonist

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Here’s your first proper look at Nioh 2’s new protagonist

Plus, look out for more news at next month’s Tokyo Game Show

Hey folks! It’s Tom from Team NINJA to give you a quick update on Nioh 2. To kick things off, I’d like to share with you the latest key visual showcasing our new protagonist.
As you may be able to detect from the visual, our central character is a half-breed. He is part human as well as possessing the extraordinary power of the Yokai. As a samurai warrior, his journey takes us through the treacherous Sengoku period of Japan. And his transformation from human to fiend will take him deep into the Dark Realm of the Yokai. I promise you that this metamorphosis will be spectacular and result in some truly intense action.
Nioh 2 on PS4
I also wanted to thank you and briefly let you know that we had a really productive alpha demo session back in May/June of this year. Over 50,000 players took part in this closed demo worldwide and nearly 18,000 participants responded to our survey afterwards!
The overwhelming majority of opinions were very positive and supportive of the demo as we received tons of comments and constructive feedback for us to analyse. And since then, we have been hard at work to process all of that data and make the necessary adjustments to create an even more exceptional experience. Thanks again to everyone who participated in the alpha demo survey. We can’t wait to share the progress with you guys!
Speaking of which, we will be showing off a brand new consumer demo at the Tokyo Game Show 2019 in September. I can’t really disclose the specifics at this point, but more details will definitely be coming down the pipe soon. So stay tuned Yokai hunters! And prepare to unleash your darkness as Nioh 2 is on the horizon!

Nioh 2 on PS4
Nure-onna. A yokai that preys on those who come in contact with the beam from her eyes, rendering the victim paralyzed.

Nioh 2 on PS4
Enenra. A massive yokai of flame who instills fear in even the bravest.

Nioh 2 on PS4
Our hero will be venturing into the realm of yokai, a place that impairs the player in human form but enhances his power when transformed into yokai.

Nioh 2 on PS4
The hatches not only excel in close-quarter combat but can also be used as a projectile weapon.

Nioh 2 on PS4
In Nioh 2, players now possess the ability to transform into Yokai known as Yokai Shift which brings out the terrifying power residing in our hero.

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