Here’s the full list of PS4-exclusive content waiting for you in Destiny 2: Forsaken

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Here’s the full list of PS4-exclusive content waiting for you in Destiny 2: Forsaken

Including new armour sets, a wild new Exotic weapon, a new ship and a new Strike

With Destiny 2: Forsaken just around the corner, Guardians across the galaxy are hungry for information about the new gear they’ll get their hands on and the locales they’ll get to explore.

We’re here today to take a look at everything coming exclusively to PlayStation 4 in Forsaken: an additional armour set for each class, a wild new Exotic weapon, a ship, and an all-new Strike set in the Tangled Shore.

Here’s the full rundown of what to expect:

Forsaken exclusive Exotic weapon

First up we have the Wavesplitter, a fascinating new Exotic from the makers of Coldheart. It’s the latest in City Age technology, using focused sonic waves to superheat electrons into a devastating energy beam (some even say it could be used as a musical instrument).

The weapon has three power levels that oscillate while the trigger is held down that are communicated to the Guardian through various indicators; from laser thickness, sound effects and a meter on the weapon.

The Wavesplitter can be powered up to maximum for a short period when an Orb of Light has been collected to devastate the enemy.

Destiny 2: Forsaken

Forsaken exclusive Strike

Broodhold is the new PlayStation-exclusive strike for all Guardian’s willing to delve into the depths of the Tangled Shore and eradicate the Hive infestation. Guardians will have to fight through a crashed Hive Tombship skirmishing with Thralls, Acolytes and Knights until you face the Hive Brood Queen.

Destiny 2: Forsaken

The Queen will alternate between physical and shadow form using different abilities in each state. Guardians will have to stay alert to avoid her physical attacks, making smart use of cover and positioning. During her shadow form, you’ll have to stay on the move to avoid being poisoned

Forsaken exclusive armour

  • Titans will receive the new Mimetic Savior armour
  • Destiny 2: Forsaken

  • Hunters will don the Red Moon Phantom
  • Destiny 2: Forsaken

  • Warlocks will earn the Thorium Holt armour
  • Destiny 2: Forsaken

    Time to don your new armour, Guardians, and take the fight to the Tangled shore.

    Forsaken exclusive Ship

    Finally, PS4 players will uncover the Exclusive Ship the Great Beyond. It comes from an undiscovered country from which no explorer has ever returned… until now.

    Destiny 2: Forsaken

    Arm up, Guardians, the hunt is on!

  • New to Destiny? Enter the Destiny Universe here for free with Plus.
  • Already own Destiny 2? Upgrade to the Forsaken Expansion here.

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