Panic Button is bringing underwater survival game Subnautica to PS4 later this year

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Panic Button is bringing underwater survival game Subnautica to PS4 later this year

Scavenge an alien ocean for supplies, build a base and test your skills with permadeath difficulty

PlayStation gamers – I am excited to tell you that Panic Button is developing the PS4 version of Subnautica, and Unknown Worlds is launching the game this winter!

Unknown Worlds made a gorgeous, immersive game a bunch of us at Panic Button have been fans of since it was announced, and we have been hoping to bring it to PlayStation gamers for a while. Everything lined up nicely and we are looking forward to bringing Subnautica to PS4 by the end of the year.



So, what’s the setup? In the 22nd century, humanity is beginning to colonise planets. You are on a mission to find a missing ship when a massive energy pulse sends you crashing into the planet. You find yourself stranded in your damaged escape pod on an alien, mostly-ocean planet. Now it’s your job to find a way home.

Scour the planet to find food, water, and materials to make the equipment you’ll need to survive, from knives to diving gear, high-tech watercraft, and more. Over time, you will build your own unique base of operations on the sea floor, with various layouts, components, and environmental factors.

Oh – and the waters definitely become more and more perilous the deeper you go.


What drew me to the game were the gorgeous visuals and the gameplay. There is a wonder, an excitement and a weight that I haven’t experienced with a lot of games in this type of setting.

It’s got a wide diversity of gameplay: scavenging and crafting and surviving, casual to hardcore permadeath options, and a base-building mechanic that makes your gameplay experience unique. Subnautica is a special game, and we’re looking to do some special things for PlayStation gamers (more on that later).

I’m looking forward to you all getting to enjoy it this winter on PS4.


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