Use PS Move to chop blocks in rhythm action game Beat Saber, coming soon to PS VR

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Use PS Move to chop blocks in rhythm action game Beat Saber, coming soon to PS VR

Best the online leaderboards or just get lost in the rhythm in upcoming PS4 game

Beat Saber is an action rhythm game like no other. Wield your PS Move controllers to slash and cut coloured cubes as they travel towards you, synchronised to a pulsing electronica beat. Each cube has an arrow indicating which angle you need to attack it, with every successful strike generating a unique sound that builds into that level’s track.

The sense of satisfaction – getting immersed in the track’s flow, feeling the rhythm in every fibre of your body, landing perfect attack after perfect attack – is unparallelled. It’s an astonishing, addictive experience.



Each level is paired with original music, created exclusively for Beat Saber by Los Angeles-based composer Jaroslav Beck.

One of the biggest advantages of this game is its simplicity. You can grasp its mechanics in seconds. This makes Beat Saber the perfect pick up and play game for PS VR, whether you’re a VR vet or newcomer. And if you are the competitive sort, you can make your mark on our global leaderboards.

We’re really excited to bring Beat Saber to PS VR. We hope you are ready to join the beat when the game releases on PS4.



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