Suburban stealth horror game Hello Neighbor sneaks onto PS4 this summer

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Suburban stealth horror game Hello Neighbor sneaks onto PS4 this summer

Time to find out what's going on in your neighbour's creepy basement.

Hi everyone! I’m happy to announce that Hello Neighbor is finally coming to PlayStation 4 this summer!

I’ve been living in the US for about two years now, and clearly remember the first time I set foot in a typical Seattle suburb — large houses, fairly spaced apart, all capable of hiding something sinister. This was one of the core inspirations for the setting of Hello Neighbor.

Hello Neighbor for PS4Hello Neighbor for PS4

Hello Neighbor is a stealth horror game about sneaking into your creepy neighbor’s house. You play against the Neighbor, an AI-powered antagonist who tracks your every move and adapts to your behavior. The game starts off in what seems to be a normal suburban house, where you play as a kid who catches his next door Neighbor hiding something (or someone?) in his basement. Naturally, the most logical thing to do is break in, and see what’s in it. Of course, we don’t recommend actually doing this in your typical Seattle suburb.

The game plays like a stealth horror experience set in a sandbox. You outsmart the AI while solving puzzles and progressing closer to uncover what’s in the basement. Filled with mysteries and Easter eggs, Hello Neighbor has a story split up into three acts. Each act dives deeper into the rabbit hole.

Hello Neighbor for PS4Hello Neighbor for PS4

I would also like to take this moment to thank all the content creators and streamers who have explored our mysterious and spooky game. We wouldn’t be where we are today without you and all your fun, innovative, and dedicated efforts, and are super excited to get Hello Neighbor into the hands of PlayStation 4 players and content creators around the world this summer.

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