Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality release date confirmed for PS VR

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Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality release date confirmed for PS VR

Only a couple of months before you can explore dimensions, solve puzzles and get yelled at by Rick

Hey PlayStation fans. PlayStationers? Whatever. Big news — Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality PlayStation VR is coming on 10th April, 2018.

Virtual Rick-ality is an adventure game that immerses you in the strange and unusual world of the Rick and Morty TV series. As a clone of Morty, you’ll be put in the center of a unique story that takes you across dimensions, to death’s door, and to alien planets. You’ll solve puzzles, get yelled at by Rick, and even fix an intergalactic car along the way. You can also pick up a diverse range of crap and throw it at your favorite Rick and Morty characters, for better or worse.

Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-alityRick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality


We’re all really excited to get this game into your hands and for all of you PlayStationheads (?) out there to experience Virtual Rick-ality.

See you on 10th April, 2018. You know, because that’s when the game comes out. On PS VR.

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