Sonic Mania, Matterfall, Undertale and more, plus the rest of this week’s releases
This week’s range of PlayStation Store releases cater for a variety of tastes, be you an open-world warrior, a life-long platforming fan, twitch-shooter addict or JRPG veteran. Below are just five of the games launching this week, with the full release list below them in full.
1. Sonic Mania
Sega’s blue hedgehog returns to his roots in this all-new 2D platformer, designed to look, sound and most importantly feel like the classic 90’s entries (but with a modern era sheen).
- Out: 15th August
- Why you should play it: It’s a true love letter to the 90’s platforming series which includes remixed versions of classic stages as well as all-new worlds to explore.
- Find out more: Sonic Mania’s Collector Edition races into Europe.
2. Undertale
Toby Fox’s award-winning indie darling finally arrives on PS4 and PS Vita, fusing retro visuals, quirky role-playing game foundations and reflex testing bullet hell inspired battle sequence. The result? Something rather wonderful.
- Out: 15th August
- Why you should play it: hilariously fourth-wall breaking humour, sharp writing and refreshingly unpredictable gameplay makes this an unforgettable RPG. Oh, and you can play the entire game without killing a soul, if you want…
- Find out more: The story behind PS4 & PS Vita’s post-modern RPG Undertale.
3. Matterfall
Not sated with delivering us just one sci-fi shooter spectacular this year in Nex Machina, Housemarque returns with fast-paced side-scroller Matterfall. Studio fans will know what they’re in for: another prime cut of twitch-based, beautifully explosive action adventure.
- Out: 16th August
- Why you should play it: The studio specialising in finely-tuned arcade shooters welcomes you to another bullet hell set against the backdrop of an evocative futuristic cityscape.
- Find out more: Get acquainted with Matterfall, the new Housemarque shooter, in 8-minute gameplay video.
4. Cities: Skylines PS4 Edition
The creative city builder starts construction on PlayStation 4 this week. Set your sights on building a shining metropolis or just play havoc with a warped version of a city: it’s your call.
- Out: 15th August
- Why you should play it: Put the day’s stresses to one side and set out to create your ideal nighttime leisure area with the After Dark expansion.
- Find out more: Cities: Skylines is bringing its city-building creativity and strategy to PS4.
5. Agents of Mayhem
Volition’s Saints Row series is famous for its ultra-humorous and bizarre take on the open world genre. In Agents of Mayhem, the studio sets its sights on enhanced agents and supervillains battling it out in a futuristic Seoul. Cue – you guessed it – mayhem.
- Out: 18th August
- Why you should play it: Build a three-strong team from the choice of a dozen agents, each with a unique set of skills, then get to swapping between the trio at any time for some creative chaos.
- Find out more: Enhanced for PS4 Pro: Agents of Mayhem.
Here is the full list of this week’s PlayStation Store releases:
Out this week
RobotRiot Hyper Edition (Not in Middle-East, Scandinavia, Poland, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine)
15 August
StarBlood Arena Demo
15 August
Red Bull TV: Live Sports, Music & Entertainment
15 August
16 August
Paranormal Activity VR
16 August
Special Delivery (Only in Australia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Malta, NZ, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, UK)
16 August
Ken Follett’s The Pillars of the Earth (Not in NZ)
16 August
16 August
Agents of Mayhem
18 August
Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma
18 August
Armello – Deluxe Bundle
18 August
Hand of the Gods: SMITE Tactics (Only in Australia, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, NZ, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Turkey, UK)
18 August
15 August
- Minecraft: Story Mode – Season Two – Episode 2
(Not in Malta)
18 August
- Agents of Mayhem – Franchise Force Skins Pack
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