PS4 shooter Drawn To Death joins PS Plus next month

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PS4 shooter Drawn To Death joins PS Plus next month

Details on five newly announced features that'll be part of the game come 4th April's launch

Hey y’all, it’s Jaffe, game director over at The Bartlet Jones Supernatural Detective Agency and I have a confession to make. For the past few months, whenever players would suggest that Drawn To Death would be a perfect fit as one of the games with PlayStation Plus, I’d have to bite my tongue (and if you know me, you know that ain’t easy!)

All I could do was nod and say, “That’d be great. We’d love it, but no plans for that. Nice idea though!”

But behind the scenes we had been talking to the folks over at PS Plus. I wanted to find a way to invite all of you PS Plus members into this experience and give you a look at what really excites me about games these days. We’ve been working on Drawn To Death for nearly three years, and over time, it really has become this robust, highly competitive game – and we haven’t even talked about a lot of the new features … yet. Needless to so say, I thought you could all help us build an unbelievable community for the game.

I just couldn’t say anything.

Until now.

We just couldn’t wait any longer to share the good news, so here – finally – loud and proud and excited as-all-get-out, allow me to announce that on 4th April Drawn To Death launches and PS Plus members will be able to play it from the same time!

Drawn To Death, as you may know, is the 3rd person hybrid shooter/brawler that takes place entirely inside the pages of a high school kid’s notebook. All of the kid’s creative drawings come to life and battle it out in this highly competitive, fast paced, online action game.

Drawn To Death

Besides the surprisingly tactical combat, unique over the tops levels, and fantastically deep characters, there’s a lot more to Drawn To Death that we haven’t really talked about. Here are the five coolest new features we’ve added to the game that will be included at launch:

1. Sphinx missions

Wake the mysterious Sphinx and see if you can solve her 8 battle-focused riddles. For every riddle solved, a new weapon – or a new level – will be rewarded!

Drawn To Death

2. Character centric missions

Besides levelling up characters, Players will also have the opportunity to work through 15 action-centric missions per each of the game’s 6 launch characters. Earn costumes and rare Taunts as you work your way through your favorite characters. Master all of the character missions and you may come face to face with the Volcano God!

Drawn To DeathDrawn To Death


3. Mystery boxes

Who doesn’t love Mystery Boxes?!? The Drawn To Death mystery boxes are filled to the brim with amazing character taunts and insanely creative character skins! Get a free mystery nox just by playing three matches online and then earn mystery boxes for every 150 kills you execute on the battlefield!

Drawn To Death

4. Climb the tower

The Drawn To Death launch tower is based on the theme Dark Fairy Tales, and if you play in ranked mode, you’ll have a chance to reach the tower’s top, earning insane stickers for every floor you reach!

Drawn To DeathDrawn To Death


5. Insane mystery special offer

I’m not at liberty to go into detail or spoil the surprise but let me just say this: “Destroy my enemies and my life…is yours!”

Drawn To Death

I hope I’ve gotten you at least interested enough to consider checking out Drawn To Death and perhaps even adding it into your game collection.

And if I haven’t yet convinced you- or even if I have!- I wanted you to know that myself and a handful of the Bartlet Jones crew will be doing a live stream of the game tonight at 10pm GMT/11pm CET to show off the game and all these new features. We’ll also be taking questions, talking games in general, and heck, who knows, maybe there’ll even be a surprise or two! Hope you can join us!

Take care, y’all- and as always, thanks for the support and interest in all the games we’ve worked on over the years. We’re nothing without you!

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