No Man’s Sky update adds base building, new game modes and freighters

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No Man’s Sky update adds base building, new game modes and freighters

Claim a home planet, build your outpost and test yourself to the limit

Since No Man’s Sky released, we’ve been overwhelmed with feedback, and it’s good to finally be able to share with you what we’ve been up to.

Immediately after No Man’s Sky released the team spent six weeks updating the game with several patches (the last of these was 1.09 on 24th September which you can read about them all here. These fixed many of the most common and critical bugs and issues.

In the nine weeks since then our small team has been hard at work on development, testing and certification for this first update.

Update 1 adds base building, and it’s a foundation of things to come. Check out the video:

You can also read very in depth patch notes here.

Firstly, we have introduced three game modes:

  • Normal mode is the original chilled exploration experience.
  • Creative mode allows players to explore the universe without limits, and build the biggest base they can (more on this below).
  • Survival mode creates a much more challenging endurance experience.

No Man's Sky

Secondly, the update brings base building to the game, allowing players to start building a homestead on a planet of their choosing. Bases are used for shelter and storage, but we’ve also introduced farming crops and you can hire NPCs from Space Stations to research new tech and products for you. Players can teleport back to their base at any time.

No Man's Sky

Having a base from which to explore the No Man’s Sky universe unlocks many new abilities and features. Players can also build equipment in the field, such as save points (essential for Survival mode), way points (to permanently mark and return to your discoveries), mining harvesters (to gather resources in your absence) and Signal Scanners (to find nearby resource deposits).

No Man's Sky

Freighters are the third key update being introduced in Update 1. These ships can be found cruising through space and, upon boarding, players can choose to buy the loyalty of the ship’s captain to take control of them. Goods can be teleported to your freighter from on-planet, and stockpiled for trading, and owned freighters can be summoned from anywhere in the Galaxy.

No Man's Sky

There’s a number of other improvements to the game too, including requested tweaks such as Stackable Products, larger inventories, a quick menu and more.

We hope you enjoy it, and get in touch to let us know where you’d like to see the game go in the future.

Thank you,

Hello Games

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