Rez Infinite’s PlayStation 4 Pro enhancements detailed

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Rez Infinite’s PlayStation 4 Pro enhancements detailed

Native 4K available for critically-acclaimed action-rhythm title. Plus enjoy higher resolution on PSVR

First off: thank you. Looking back on the last two years since we started working on Rez Infinite, and the last 15 years since the launch of the original Rez (the Japanese anniversary is on the 22nd of this month, actually!), I’m filled with all kinds of emotions, but one most of all: gratitude.

Rez Infinite

Gratitude to all our long-time fans for spreading the word about the original Rez all these years, and making this new remastered version possible in the first place; gratitude to our development partners at Monstars and Resonair, who blew away even my expectations in bringing the all-new Area X level to life; gratitude to Sony, for believing in our vision for Rez Infinite and supporting us from the start (including our crazy idea to put me on stage with our LED-bedazzled Synesthesia Suit!); And gratitude to everyone who ordered our vinyl soundtrack / art book, physical disc version, or other goods via our friends at iam8bit (coming soon!).

But of course I’m most grateful to all of you who’ve tried out Rez Infinite for yourself! The overwhelmingly positive critical response is better than we could have ever hoped for, and continuing to see people’s reactions online is my favorite part of each day. Seeing so many heartfelt, emotional reactions from players of all types—fans old and new, those playing on PS4 and those playing on PSVR, whether trying out classic Rez or playing the new content of Area X—is exactly why we started this journey in the first place. And that journey isn’t over yet.

Rez Infinite is “Pro” – PS4 Pro!

One of the goals behind this new version of Rez—and a big reason why we added “Infinite” to the name—is we wanted current and future gamers to be able to enjoy Rez. Seeing so many heartfelt, emotional reactions from players of all types – fans old and new, those playing on PS4 and those playing on PSVR, whether trying out classic Rez or playing the new content of Area X – is exactly why we started this journey in the first place. And that journey isn’t over yet.

Rez Infinite
All the images on this page were captured directly from PS4 Pro hardware at 4K resolution.

The benefits you’ll see in Rez Infinite on your PS4 Pro depend on your home setup, but, for example, those of you lucky enough to own a 4K-capable display can enjoy both classic Rez and Area X in stunning 3840 x 2160 resolution; that’s right – the entire game runs in native 4K!

Rez Infinite
We zoomed way in here to show how the increased resolution (standard PS4 left, PS4 Pro on the right) means smoother colour gradients.

From classic Rez’s simple shapes and stark lines to all the thousands of tiny particles that make up everything in Area X, this increased resolution brings a sharpness and crisp clarity that really adds to the experience. (In fact, the first time we saw Rez Infinite running on a PS4 Pro at 4K here at Enhance Games, a big group of us spontaneously gathered around to gape at it, even though we’d all been seeing those same levels running on a normal PS4 everyday for months!)

Rez Infinite

Similarly, those of you who have PSVR hooked up to your PS4 Pro might notice Area X looking a little different than you’re used to—that’s because the image being passed along to each of your eyes is being rendered at a higher resolution (1920 x 1080, instead of 1440 x 810 on a standard PS4), before being passed to the PS VR headset. Even though the final resolution displayed on the headset is the same either way, the extra rendering from the PS4 Pro makes a difference: each particle looks a little more clear, a little more solid, adding up to objects and enemies that look more distinct and “real,” whether close-up or at a distance.

Rez Infinite

Of course you don’t need a PS4 Pro, or even PSVR, to enjoy Rez Infinite. But if you do decide to buy either or both, now or in the future, there’s nothing else to buy or even download to get these benefits for Rez Infinite – all of this is included right there in the current version.

Rez Infinite

Think of it as our way of saying “thanks.” Again.

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