Halloween savings start today on PlayStation Store: Until Dawn, Bloodborne, more

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Halloween savings start today on PlayStation Store: Until Dawn, Bloodborne, more

Also discounts on Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, The Escapists

Sharpen your sword and hunt some orc with the PlayStation Store Deal of the Week, Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor on PlayStation 4. This open world action-adventure drops you into the heart of Tolkien’s fantasy epic in a story set between the events of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. And with discounts on both the Game of the Year and Legion Editions, why not head to PlayStation Store and save today!

Shadow of Mordor

Halloween (until 02/11/16)

Horrify yourself with the darkest of delights with up to 70% off selected horror titles across PS4, PS3 and PS Vita, letting you choose from a monstrous selection of savings in our PlayStation Store Halloween promotion!

Save big on favourites such as the Dead Island Definitive Collection, The Evil Within, Until Dawn, Bloodborne, Fallout 4 and many more.


The Halloween page on PlayStation Store has all your regional pricing, but here’s a look at all the amazing content available on offer!*


*Some titles may not be available in your region

PS3 and PS Vita

*Some titles may not be available in your region

Digital Discounts (until 02/10/16)

Our Digital Discounts are back with a host of savings on top digital titles for your PS4.* Whether it’s The Escapists + The Escapists: The Walking Dead Collection, Verdun or Valley, you can start your next digital adventure today!

Visit the PlayStation Store to save, download and play!

*Some titles may not be available in your region

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