The PlayStation Weekly Wrap

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The PlayStation Weekly Wrap

PlayStation VR launches, Halloween celebrations begin early and more, in our news roundup

It’s been a packed few days for PlayStation’s gaming news burrito. This week’s main ingredient? PlayStation VR, which launched this past Thursday, 13th October. Toppings included new PSVR demos coming to PlayStation Store and additional games joining the jam-packed lineup. But there’s also been some extra unrelated news sides to give your diet some variety.

Tuck in below.

New on PlayStation Store

PlayStation VR’s launch lineup dominates the new releases on PlayStation Store this week, but there’s also globe-trotting adventure Rise of the Tomb Raider, high-octane, retro-infused thrills with Mantis Burn Racing and Minecraft meets legendary JRPG in Dragon Quest Builders. And that’s just some of the headliners in another rammed week of new gaming goodness.

The big stories this week

  1. PlayStation VR launches

As SIEE President Jim Ryan himself says, welcome to the “the next quantum leap forward in immersive entertainment”, as PlayStation VR launched this week. We’ve even more demos for you to try right now so you can sample the wealth of worlds and experiences that are only available in PlayStation VR.

  1. Media Player ver2.50 update rolls out

Also available right now is a new update to your PS4 Media Player, offering 360 degree video and photo support with PlayStation VR and for audiophiles, you’ve now the chance to enjoy high-res music.

  1. Overwatch’s Halloween spectacular

Blizzard marks its dazzling team-centred shooter’s first Halloween with a special limited time event. You’d be right to expect new loot to try and win, but headlining as a spooky surprise is a PvE brawl!

This week’s other headlines…

  • Rhythm-action mixed with horror? In PlayStation VR? That’s a genre mashup we’d like to experience. And thanks to Thumper‘s release this week, we can.
  • Talking of genre crashes, Touhou takes a break from its traditional bullet-hell leanings for a dabble in the roguelike genre.
  • PlayStation VR is bringing a fresh perspective on beloved genres. Which is why we may be spending some time with puzzler Tumble VR, which released (or should that be collapsed?) onto PSVR this week.
  • Fresh perspectives is something Super Stardust fans can enjoy with PlayStation VR too. The seminal PlayStation shooter gets a PSVR version, letting you eyeball your alien nemesis up close.
  • We briefly break from our PlayStation VR news for the following announcement. Elder Scrolls Online shirks the shackles of geographical and XP tiers, letting its players travel where they want, with whom they want!
  • Halloween mightn’t be for a couple of weeks, but some developers are getting the cosplay party started early. Alongside Overwatch, Paragon is releasing some limited timed skins to mark the holiday.
  • This might be the best moment to get this week’s creepy clown mention out of the way. Don’t click here if you’ve coulrophobia. Be stuck in a quandary however if you hate clowns but really want to see the new Until Dawn: Rush of Blood trailer.
  • Not a Halloween-themed DLC but as meaty as a freshly-resurrected ex-wrestler zombie is Battleborn’s big update. New story mission, multiplayer modes and tweaks make this a biggie.
  • SIE London Studios has a flashback to the key creative milestones of PlayStation VR Worlds.
  • Lara Croft has a flashback to that time when she was nearly a racehorse. No, seriously.
  • Speaking of poor character choices, you can question your own as you play mysterious adventure The Assembly, which has joined the PSVR lineup.
  • Which games beat out FIFA 17 as the biggest selling game last month? That’s a trick question: the answer’s none.
  • One last PlayStation VR headline (until next week). RIGS pilots wanting to get good this launch weekend? Learn tips from the best players on the planet.

Off-menu suggestion of the week


Fez: A fantastic puzzle platformer with a sprawling labyrinth of worlds to discover will initially cook your noggin. That’s due to its central mechanic, which allows you to shift the 2D world on its axis at the touch of a button. By rotating round each of every world’s four sides, you uncover secret pathways and collectables. It’s an inventive idea and you’ll become happily lost over several evenings.

Tweets of the Week

Hey, PS Blog team: watcha playin’?

Corey: “I’ve been scratching a few creative/story based itches on my travels this week, with the rather lovely Dragon’s Quest Builders. Although another itch re-emerged recently. An itch involving killing demonic creatures and misshapen mutants in a dingy basement of doom. So once my house was free of those, I turned to The Binding of Isaac for a soothing break.”

Matthew: “I’ve spent my week decapitating hordes of overgrown sewer rats as a belligerent Yorkshire dwarf – yes, it’s Warhammer: The End Times -Vermintide. Not heard of it? Think Left4Dead with mutant rats and muskets, add a healthy dose of RNG loot-chasing and a smattering of Warhammer lore and you’re pretty much there. If, like me, you’re more into co-op than competitive I’d highly recommend it – just don’t go stealing my kills, Kazhunki!”

Rhys: “After a weekend spent with my head inside PS VR (how good is Scavenger’s Odyssey?!) I’ve slowed the pace down a little and spent my time sending squads of hapless XCOM 2 troopers to their untimely deaths. The frustrations of getting my squaddies mind-controlled by aliens and turned against me is balanced by the immense satisfaction of setting up a fiendish trap, ambushing the enemy and taking them down in a hail of bullets and grenades.”

Gillen: “Playing the Audio Clue game. Love my flatscreen TV. Not so enamoured with its wafer-thin speakers. After years of tinkering with various settings each and every game session, I’m finally doing some hardcore research into soundbars. Audio’s a hugely important part of a game’s immersion for me, so getting a richer soundscape is my main aim in the days ahead.”

Fred: “LTTP as ever, I finally started DOOM this week. Seems I’ve been missing out – it’s a riot. Albeit an outrageously loud and violent one – so I guess mission accomplised, id Software?”

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