Immersive PlayStation VR strategy game Tethered gets a new trailer

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Immersive PlayStation VR strategy game Tethered gets a new trailer

Get your hands on the game at EGX in Birmingham, UK this September

Hello PlayStationers! Al from Secret Sorcery here to share a brand new video of Tethered, our super immersive, lovingly hand-painted VR strategy game with you. The video hopefully gives you a deeper insight as to who you are and what you do in the game.

As we approach master submission, our dedicated and passionate little team continue to pour all of our energy into polishing the game and ensuring it offers loads of entertainment and a real strategic challenge.

We’ve added depth and complexity to the buildings, resources and combat systems. We’re also continuing to carefully craft the beautiful worlds of Tethered – delicately hand painting objects and landscapes and creating a lush audio experience to ensure we maximize the magical sense of wonder when you take your first steps in our universe.

It really is an experience that has to be seen and heard to be believed!


It’s really tricky to convey what it feels like to play our game outside of VR. We often talk amongst ourselves about how best to convey the sense of presence through a 2D medium. Although a 2D gameplay video can be informative and interesting, it categorically cannot convey the brilliant sense of immersion you feel when you see it in VR.

The whole team here shares the sentiment that we’d love nothing more than to sit you all down and let you play the game yourselves in order to feel how truly captivating and immersive it really is! So, if you happen to find yourself at a loose end between 22nd and 25th September why not join Secret Sorcery in the Rezzed Zone at EGX at the NEC in Birmingham, UK where we’ll have four PS VR demo pods running Tethered!

If you can’t make it along in person (sadface!), then why not pop over to our new and sparkly website at to take a look at some gameplay footage and screenshots! You can also stay up to date with all things Tethered on our dev blog over there where we’ll be sharing lots more info in the run up to launch this October!

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