A little taste of what lies in store in Avalanche Studios’ upcoming open world epic
“Something subtle…” When talking about any Just Cause game, people usually imagine a sandbox game with a huge world, creative destruction, tons of explosions and stuff to do. They are not wrong. But it’s nice to have a reason to all of that chaos, right?
We came up with a really original one: save the world AND get some sweet revenge. Way better reason than ‘I felt like it’… at least in our minds.
Rico comes home to save his homeland Medici form the rule of despotic and manic General Di Ravello. This man and Rico go way back. Di Ravello is actually the reason why Rico left his home in the first place, so it’s no secret they are not on the best terms. This ‘challenge’ is the hardest Rico has yet to face. Not only will he need to free the people of Medici and beat Di Ravello, but also protect his friends. Let’s see how good Rico really is at multi-tasking!
But why hasn’t Rico challenged Di Ravello ages ago, you ask? For a long time, Di Ravello’s craziness was isolated to the borders of Medici only. However, with the discovery of Bavarium, the miraculous ore that has amazing military capabilities, Di Ravello’s ambitions have expanded beyond that: to conquering the whole world. No pressure, eh?
We have brought back some familiar faces, including Sheldon. There are also some brand new characters that you, together with Rico, will meet for the first time: such as Annika, the leader of the outlaws with connections in the underworld. You will also get to meet Dima, a brilliant scientist who plays a key role in the story and Rico’s best friend Mario.
So there you go: a reason why Rico comes back home and blows a lot of stuff up.
We hope you will enjoy playing and destroying the world of Just Cause 3. For the people, of course.
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