New Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection trailer debuts, Uncharted 4 beta dated

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New Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection trailer debuts, Uncharted 4 beta dated

Just a few weeks to go until Naughty Dog’s hero is back in action

Earlier this week we gave everyone a first look at a section of the remastered Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune on our Twitch stream. We played it live from our pre-release copy of the Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection. But no, we’re not going to stop there. Just about every week up until release in early October, we will pull back the curtain bit by bit on all the new features and upgraded visuals to be found across the three games in the Collection.

Ready for another look? Keeping with the action-packed theme from the Twitch stream, this trailer showcases many of the awesome Uncharted moments; all of which can be experienced in Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection.

If you missed the end (and you should have watched the whole trailer!), mark your calendars for 4th December through 13th December. Those are the dates the exclusive Uncharted 4 multiplayer beta will be available to everyone with a copy of Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection and a PlayStation Plus membership. So be sure you pick up a copy to be able to see what’s in store for Uncharted’s newest multiplayer mode.


We know you are all looking forward to hearing more about what’s new in multiplayer, what’s new with gameplay, and what new modes and maps you can expect. We’re planning a grand reveal that will answer many of your questions about Uncharted 4 multiplayer before the beta goes live this December.

We have just a few weeks to go until our launch date on 7th October and 9th October. Don’t forget, we’ve got two more Uncharted Moments Twitch streams left to go on 29th September and 6th October. Be sure to vote for your favourite Uncharted moment if you want to see it on the stream! Then you can get your hands on Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection early when the much anticipated single-player demo drops on PlayStation Store 29th September.

We’re looking forward to seeing everyone post their own #UnchartedMoments directly via the Share button from Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection when it releases.

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