Fast-paced 2D arena shooter Crashnauts announced for PS4

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Fast-paced 2D arena shooter Crashnauts announced for PS4

Developer Fueled By Rockets look to the past to create something new

Growing up with four brothers, we played a lot of video games together. Many nights we’d find ourselves searching through drawers and cupboards looking for where our parents hid the power cable for our favourite console. Super Smash Brothers, Quake 3 Arena, and Unreal Tournament were a few of the titles that created experiences between us that enhanced our relationship with one another and opened our minds to the endless creativity found in the world of video games.

Fast forward to present day and we find ourselves working on our dream game Crashnauts, which we are excited to announce is coming to PS4!


Crashnauts is a 2D arena shooter that focuses on fluid and precise player movement, brutal fast-paced combat and objective-based gametypes. We’ve taken some of the best game mechanics from the twitch shooter games of the ’90s and made it our own.

One game mechanic in Crashnauts that is a fan favourite is the spawning system. While it is already rather fun to watch yourself die in Crashnauts, we wanted to make the experience even more enjoyable. When it’s time for your player to spawn, you control a droplight laser from the sky moving it horizontally across the arena. Watching the players below you fight with one another you can time your respawn at just the right time to obliterate unsuspecting enemies below with your Crashpod.


The other game mechanic that makes Crashnauts really special is the extra wide levels combined with a scrollable camera. From the beginning we’ve wanted to have most game modes in Crashnauts be objective based. Having these extra wide levels allows for some really cool game modes like “PUSH” where players have to kill the opposing team to advance the game camera towards the enemy generator and destroy it, or like “War Hero” where players take turns being the hero that tries to advance his flag the farthest in a 1v3 uphill battle.

Crashnauts is hitting the point where it is able to bloom and ideas are starting to take shape. We just recently showed the game at the Salt Lake Gaming Con and feedback from players was overwhelmingly positive. We are excited to finally be showing the game off in public and can’t wait to see what the PlayStation community helps Crashnauts become.

To find out more about Crashnauts, check out or our Kickstarter page.


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