Join the fun in this wild fishing action and rush across the seven seas
Howdy! I’m Christopher Kassulke one of the crazy guys at HandyGames who developed the funniest fishing game ever. The Dynamite Fishing titles are enjoyed by millions around the globe on mobile phones and tablets. No, it is not just another port – it was time to develop a special version for the PS4 with really cool features that are only available on your PlayStation. Dynamite Fishing World Games will be coming to PS4 on 26th August and we are very proud of it!
The idea was born after a cool fishing trip to Romania with several team members and we all fell in love with the idea to bring some action into the fishing genre. We drank beer and wine on the trip and thought about fishing with Dynamite after we were sitting frustrated in the sun for hours without a single fish on the hook. Not a very politically correct idea, but it’s a game and playing games is about having fun!
So back to the game. We implemented 10 different boats and the best fishing equipment to choose from. Of course you need crazy weapons in the game and yes we have them – not only dynamite but also a Toaster, a sexy fish, stinky shoe, a squirrel bomb, a fridge, a gatling gun, nukes, and many more.
We have five different characters in the game like our awesome Redneck Joe, Metal Moe, DJ Dynamite, Wild Wendy or even the Death itself. Of course you can also customise your characters with tons of crazy gimmicks. Each character has their own unique super powers that you will need in order to get as many fish as possible out of the water.
The name World Games already tells you that we will have several special fishing spots around the world from Japan to Venice to the Jungle and many more, each with their own fish. Be careful – the fish can fight back as we wanted to make an equal fight. Did you ever catch an ALIEN fish? Now you can do it.
One thing we are very proud of is the voice acting and the fantastic music. We were lucky enough to work with great voice actors and musicians who provide a unique experience in such a casual and fun game. I really hope you all love the Redneck Style!
The coolest feature in Dynamite Fishing World Games of course is the multiplayer version which is exclusively available on PS4. Not only can you play against each other but you can even sink or confuse your opponents! Every character has a special weapon and you can use them against other players. Try it out – you will have an awesome time with this game. I love to play such a game with my kids!
Just to be clear we only used trained stunt fish! Do not try this at home with your goldfish or in your local river or lake! I am really happy that we are now releasing our second game on PS4. Aces of the Luftwaffe was a great start for us on the platform. Now it is time to get some fish.
So enjoy the game and keep on fishing!
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