Horizon Zero Dawn announced for PS4, from Guerrilla Games

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Horizon Zero Dawn announced for PS4, from Guerrilla Games

A magnificent new IP from the creators of Killzone

We’re thrilled to introduce our brand-new third-person action RPG, Horizon Zero Dawn! Watch the trailer above to catch your first glimpse of the game!

Horizon Zero Dawn is set in a lush, beautiful open world where nature has reclaimed the ruins of a forgotten civilization. It is a world where mankind is not the dominant species, and highly advanced machines sit at the top of the food chain. You play as Aloy, a young outcast from a tribal society, who has learned to hunt the machines. Intent on unraveling the many mysteries that surround her, Aloy embarks on a quest that will lead her to discover her own destiny.

Along the way, Aloy will face off against an entire menagerie of machines – some traveling in herds, others roaming in solitude, all of them presenting a formidable danger. You will need to learn their behaviors, attack patterns and weak points in order to survive. You must use the beautiful environments to your advantage, and employ stealth, agility, and cunning to approach your prey unseen.

Aloy_Stalking Aloy_Hunting
Aiming_at_Thunderjaw Target_Practice

Of course, you won’t be hunting unarmed in Horizon Zero Dawn. Aloy is capable of combining natural materials with machine parts to turn them into ingenious weapons, ammunition, traps, and tools. By cleverly using the right items at the right moment, you can exploit weak points and bring down even the largest machines. Unfortunately, the most dangerous machines aren’t necessarily the biggest…

Horizon Zero Dawn is scheduled for a 2016 release, and we’ll have additional details for you in the coming months. Be sure to follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook to stay up to date on the latest news! In the meantime, we’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

Stormbringer Scouts
Outro Nomads



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