New Hellblade video shows off a unique approach to performance capture

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New Hellblade video shows off a unique approach to performance capture

Ninja Theory offers an update on its forthcoming PS4 fantasy adventure

Hello, Dominic Matthews here from Ninja Theory (@ninjatheory). As a studio we strive to create believable characters that you as a player care about. A week doesn’t go by without us receiving a letter or email from someone telling us that they’ve been moved by our characters. This fills us with a great sense of pride. In Hellblade, our upcoming PlayStation 4 title, we will take you on the harrowing journey Senua; a Celtic warrior plunged into hell. It is important to us that we represent Senua and her story honestly and believably.

Fundamental to our approach is using performance capture to bring our characters to life. Performance capture is a technology that we pioneered in the development of our 2007 PlayStation 3 exclusive Heavenly Sword and one that we are continuing to use, and evolve, in Hellblade.

Today we are sharing a new development diary video focused on Hellblade’s unique performance capture approach. This is the 10th episode in our development diary series, through which we are we are documenting Hellblade’s creation as it happens.

The small glimpse of the cinematic scene that you saw at the end of the development diary is from our Vertical Slice that we are currently busy finalising. Our Vertical Slice is a small section of the game that we are taking to a finished, polished state. It is in the Vertical Slice development phase that we have discovered exactly what the Hellblade experience is, bringing together the results of our prototyping and realising the creative vision in-game for the first time.

We’ll be sharing much more of the Vertical Slice in the next few months, showing Hellblade gameplay for the first time and revealing more about Senua’s story.

You can follow Hellblade and our open development at, follow on twitter @ninjatheory and through our Facebook page at We may even see some of you in the Los Angeles sunshine in the not so distant future!

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