New Alienation screens and gameplay details

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New Alienation screens and gameplay details

Check out the latest offering from Resogun studio Housemarque

After a long hiatus from the public eye, the latest Housemarque title, Alienation, is once again ready to see the light of day.

Since the reveal at GamesCom 2014 very little information has been leaked about the project and all conspiracies have been squashed. Now we are happy to announce the latest batch of samples, straight from the lab.

One of the main draws to Alienation from a developer’s perspective is the challenge of creating an excellent multiplayer dynamic. Since the game features three main character classes, plenty of loot and a ton of weapon customisations, the number of different team set-ups is astronomical. The first reaction to seeing the gameplay footage might feel a bit like confetti shot from a minigun (we like explosions), but the game actually relies heavily on tactical teamwork amidst all the chaos.


Our Allied Forces have come across violent specimens ranging from human-like foot soldiers to extra-terrestrial flesh mountains, and while they are spreading across all corners of the earth, their focus is clearly to gather at strategic military locations away from populated areas. We’ve met them in all weather conditions and even in the darkest winter nights the hostiles do not relent for a second. The only way to defeat the enemy is with uncanny tactics combined with superior fire power.

Customising your character layouts will give you and your team a distinct advantage over the beasts from beyond. Many soldiers have returned from the field in a body bag after heading out with too much confidence. The run and gun strategy will get you a few victories, but it will not win the war. Coordination and building trust with your teammates will ultimately be the difference between life and death. This trial will not be an easy one, but let’s make sure that the slimebags know that they have come to the wrong planet.

Tune in to PlayStation Blog in the near future for more info on the invaders. The frequency of contact with the hostiles is increasing at an alarming rate and soon we will need to reach out for brothers in arms and strike back on a global scale. In the end, only one species can be at the top of the food chain and I’m damn sure I’ll be having some alien BBQ for dinner!


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