Cheat your way to victory in PS4-bound shooter Screencheat

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Cheat your way to victory in PS4-bound shooter Screencheat

Check out Samurai Punk’s ‘second person’ multiplayer throwdown

Hi everyone! I’m Nicholas McDonnell from Samurai Punk and I’m really happy to announce that we’re bringing our game Screencheat to PS4! We’d like to share some info on the game, why we think you’ll have a blast playing it and hopefully answer any questions you may have about the game.

Screencheat is a split-screen, multiplayer shooter where everyone is invisible and you have to “screencheat” by looking at other players’ screens. What was once taboo is now the key to your success!

Screencheating is made fun and easy through our maps and weapons, which are designed to maximise the joy of destroying your enemies. Maps are colour-coded to break the space into quadrants then using distinct structural elements and smaller landmarks you can triangulate your opponents’ position. Weapons give off trails and visual tells which also reveal your position, so if your enemy misses, you get an easy shot at revenge.


So let’s talk about guns. Screencheat has a lot of guns, 10 guns in fact, each completely different from one another.

First off we have the iconic Blunderbuss, a trusty, reliable weapon that blasts away opponents at short distances. From there we move onto weapons like the Sörgeån which fires a rocket propelled yo-yo mace and the Hobby Horse, a toy horse and sword that you ride on at lightning speed to skewer opponents.

Remember, all the weapons are one hit kills but they reveal your position, so thinking about each shot will reap dividends on the battlefield.


The maps themselves are set in a colour-coded world. Players must duke it out in tight spaces built for fast encounters, where you’re rewarded for fast reflexes, getting in your opponent’s head and of course a healthy amount of screencheating.

The game features 10 maps, each with a different playstyle. We begin with “Museum”, the quintessential entry-point for Screencheaters, a twisting, multi-levelled building with distinct landmarks to help you track your opponents and shortcuts to get the jump on them.

Other maps include the open “Garden”, featuring two opposing mansions connected by an underground passageway and the wild “Loop”, a tea house in space where the gravity loops around, allowing players to flow seamlessly from the top to the bottom of the map and back again.


With loads of game modes from classic Deathmatch to the unique Cluedo-like Murder Mystery. Screencheat’s game modes provide spice to your gameplay which can be seasoned further with game mode customisation and crazy mutators. All up Screencheat features nine distinct game modes (as well as team variants) but with these customisation tools you’re able to create tons of variations and new modes all together to play with your friends.

Screencheat features online play for between two and eight players, allowing you to battle your friends over the web with a mix of local and online players. In online mode, all players’ screens are visible in splitscreen, just as if you were playing locally!

You’ll be able to get your cheat on when Screencheat comes out on PlayStation 4. Thanks for reading! Please ask us any questions you might have, we’re happy to answer them! You can find us on Twitter at @samuraipunkco or @screencheat.


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