Massive PlayStation Store January sale starts today

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Massive PlayStation Store January sale starts today

Save big on a wide range of titles across PS4, PS3 and PS Vita

The 12 Deals of Christmas have reached their end, but never fear as PlayStation Store’s January Sale gets into full swing today (a few days early, I know!). Grab yourself a bargain or two to enjoy on your new – or existing – PlayStation console.

Important note #1: The list of deals is very extensive this year, and the list below only represents a few of the highlights. Make sure you check PlayStation Store for a full list of all the offers (and regional pricing).

Important note #2: We’ll also be adding new deals to the sale on 7th January, so check back here then for all the additions.


24th December – 31st December:

Call of Duty Advanced Warfare
Was €69.99, now €49.99

24th December – 7th January:

Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag
Was €49.99, now €24.99

Battlefield 4 Premium Edition
Was €69.99, now €29.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Dragon Age Inquisition
Was €69.99, now €44.99

Dragon Age: Inquisition Deluxe Edition
Was €79.99, now €49.99

FIFA 15 Deluxe Edition
Was €69.99, now €44.99

Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions
Was €14.99, now €9.99

The Legend of Korra
Was €14.99, now €9.99

Metro Redux
Was €39.99, now €24.99

Murdered Soul Suspect
Was €39.99, now €17.99

Octodad: Dadliest Catch
Was €13.99, now €6.99

Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments
Was €54.99, now €26.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition
Was €54.99, now €24.99

Was €39.99. now €17.99

Trials Fusion
€19.99, now €9.99

Was €69.99, now €34.99

24th December – 21st January:

Awesomenauts Assemble!
Was €9.99, now €4.99

Was €14.99, now €8.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Natural Doctrine
Was €54.99, now €24.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Need for Speed Rivals: Complete Edition
Was €69.99, now €29.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Peggle 2
Was €9.99, now €4.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

PES 2015 Pro Evolution Soccer
Was €59.99, now €29.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Shadow Warrior
Was €34.99, now €19.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Tomb Raider Definitive Edition
Was €39.99, now €19.99

Valiant Hearts: The Great War
Was €14.99, now €4.99


24th December – 7th January:

Alien Isolation
Was €49.99, now €29.99

Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag
Was €29.99, now €14.99

Battlefield 4 Premium Edition
Was €49.99, now €24.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Castle of Illusion
Was €12.99, now €3.99

Dark Souls II
Was €39.99, now €14.99

Dragon Age Inquisition
Was €69.99, now €44.99

FIFA 15 Deluxe Edition
Was €69.99, now €29.99

Hitman Absolution
Was €19.99, now €4.99

Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time
Was €14.99, now €6.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Ratchet & Clank: QForce
Was €14.99, now €6.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Tales of Symphonia Chronicles
Was €34.99, now €14.99

Ultra Street Fighter IV
Was €29.99, now 17.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Was €69.99, now €24.99

24th December – 21st January:

F1 2014
Was €54.99, now €19.99

Fairy Fencer F
Was €49.99, now €19.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Need for Speed Rivals: Complete Edition
Was €49.99, now €19.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

PES 2015 Pro Evolution Soccer
Was €49.99, now €24.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Resonance of Fate
Was €19.99, now €9,99

Risen 3: Titan Lords
Was €49.99, now €24.99

Tokyo Jungle
Was €12.99, now €4.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

PS Vita

24th December – 7th January:

Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
Was €39.99, now €19.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Was €39.99, now €19.99

Murasaki Baby
Was €9.99, now €5.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Ratchet & Clank QForce
Was €14.99, now €6.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Rayman Legends
Was €29.99, now €14.99

Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing Transformed
Was €39.99, now €9.99

Ys Memories of Celceta
Was €39.99, now €14.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

24th December – 21st January:

Akiba’s Trip: Undead & Undressed
Was €39.99, now €19.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars
Was €29.99, now €14.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Deception IV: Blood Ties
Was €39.99, now €14.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited
Was €39.99, now €19.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Football Manager Classic 2014
Was €39.99, now €7.49

Frozen Synapse Prime
Was €16.99, now €6.99

Hyperdimension Neptunia Rebirth
Was €39.99, now €14.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

Monster Monpiece
Was €29.99, now €9.99

Was €14.99, now €4.49

Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate
Was €39.99, now €19.99
10% additional PS Plus discount

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