Super Time Force Ultra storms PS4 and PS Vita next year!

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Super Time Force Ultra storms PS4 and PS Vita next year!

The latest game from the supremely talented Capy Games is PlayStation-bound

Nathan here from Capy. It’s… TIME… to have a little chat, folks. It’s been while since I’ve been on PlayStation Blog (anyone remember Critter Crunch?), but I couldn’t be more stoked to be back. I’m very excited to announce that our time-travelling platformer Super Time Force Ultra is headed to PlayStation 4 and PS Vita! Here’s a little trailer to prove it:

We’ve been super proud of the response to the game so far- including tons of great reviews from fans and critics, some insane speed-runs on YouTube, and even some fancy awards! However, we often got messages from fans that fell into two categories: 1) questioning the plausibility of time travel truly altering the future (we hear you, astrophysicist fans!), and 2) loud pleas to bring the game to PlayStation (we heard you too, loud and clear!).

Concerning the often misguided exploits of a rag-tag bunch of time travelling lunatics, Super Time Force Ultra is a crazy romp through the space-time continuum. Using a Mega-Man-style world select, players can jump in and out of six unique time periods with a ton of different modes, playable characters and collectibles!


Though the game is crammed to the brim with action, explosions and lotsa dumb jokes, the real star of STFU is the Time-Out mechanic: Players can stop time, rewind through the level and jump back into the action with a new character. At this point you’re playing with yourself (errr… ahem…), blasting alongside your previous lives, collaborating with them in a glorious collage of mayhem that we call: SINGLE PLAYER CO-OP!

Oh and just for funsies we’re letting fans play as everyone’s favourite videogame executive on Twitter, President of Worldwide Studios himself, Mr. Shuhei Yoshida! Can you believe nobody has put this guy in a videogame yet?

We’ll be back in no… TIME… to share some more about the game and new PlayStation-only additions. Kookabunga!


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